big dry son-in-law

Chapter 443 Everyone’s development plan

Chapter 443 Everyone’s development plan
Shame, grief and anger, all kinds of complex emotions came to my mind.

She was sent to Qin Mo like a piece of cargo.

But thinking of the heavy burden on her shoulders, she had to endure it.

The big talking eyes were whirring.

Qin Mo took the silk from her mouth and said, "So, you are the gift from the old man?"

Zhao Manyun smiled awkwardly, "County Lord, from today on, Manyun is your personal slave!"

Qin Mo scratched his head, "Well, Li Qingzhao is my pseudonym!"

"I understand!" Zhao Manyun said with a low eyebrow: "I think I am also stupid. Although Dongshan often produces talented people, poetry is the most precious. If the unknown Li Qingzhao had such talent, he would have been famous all over the world. How could he write After writing two poems, he disappeared?"

Qin Mo smiled sheepishly and thought to himself, the old man is really interesting, so he just mentioned it casually and got the person here.

"County Lord!"

"Oh, I will help you untie it now. I am not a county official now, but a county official. Besides, the old man gave you to me, and you will call me young master from now on!"

Zhao Manyun was secretly surprised, a 19-year-old prince?

He is the only one who did not rely on his father's military exploits, which shows how much the Dog Emperor loves him.

"Yes, Young Master!" Zhao Manyun said with a smile.

"You, naughty!"

Qin Mo quickly untied her and finally understood why Zhao Manyun was sent here.

"The Fourth Prince is willing to let you out? I'm really surprised!"

Zhao Manyun was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly lifted up his sleeves. The bright red sand of guarding the palace came into Qin Mo's eyes, "Although this slave has entered a lowly status, he is innocent. If not, the nobleman would not reward this slave." Give it to the young master!"

"Don't be a slave, I'm sorry. I'm a bit tired today, young master. Please sing a song!"

Qin Mo lay in the rocking chair and made a gesture, and Gao Yao handed over the snacks very obediently.

"Yes, Master Nu, what music do you want to listen to?"

"Do you remember the song I asked you to learn to sing before?"


"Just sing those three songs. It's best to dance while singing!"

Zhao Manyun felt bitter in her heart. This guy really enjoys it. He got into the role too quickly.

In order to enjoy her music, the fourth prince would even praise her decently.

Gao Yao stared at Zhao Manyun, his eyes full of scrutiny.

"The flowers bloom in the warmth of spring, take them away."

Zhao Manyun swallowed up all her reluctance, started singing, and danced along with the song.

"Not bad, not bad!" Although it is not a lively and hot dance, it is still quite good under Zhao Manyun's interpretation.

"Xiao Gao, how many styles of 'Don't Worry' do we have?" Qin Mo asked.

"Master, there are more than 20 kinds!"

"Well, prepare one piece of each set for her, and let her wear it next time she dances!" Qin Mo sighed, and finally decided to keep Zhao Manyun outside and let her make money for herself, "Remember, don't let Third Sister follow Sister Sitian knows."

"Oh!" Gao Yao glanced sideways at Qin Mo, thinking to himself, how come all men have the same virtues.

After enjoying the dance, Zhao Manyun was out of breath and dripping with sweat. She thought she would be praised by Qin Mo, but Qin Mo said: "Manyun, your singing is average, and your dancing is actually average. You have to work hard. You need to hone your singing and dancing skills, you know?" Zhao Manyun felt extremely unhappy. Not only was her singing voice and dancing unique in the world, no one in the capital could compare with her.

But, in Qin Mo's eyes, is he just average?
"Yes, Master!"

"Okay, we don't have time to look for it. The young master has gone back. Xiao Gao will arrange a place for you then!"

Zhao Manyun was stunned and said, "Master, won't you take me back?"

"Manyun, we have a large family and not enough room. I will expand it after a while and then take you home!"

What the hell reason is this?

Zhao Manyun didn't believe it, and immediately pretended to understand the grievance, "I am a slave with a low status. I am indeed not qualified to go home with the master. Master, there is no need to comfort me!"

Qin Mo patted Zhao Manyun on the shoulder, "Manjun, the young master has to criticize you. What's wrong with Dang Ji? Ji also has patriotic people. As long as she is a patriotic Ji, she is a good Ji. Do you understand?
The young master doesn't take you home just to let you practice better. Think about it, you have to sing and practice dancing every day.

That will definitely disturb others. You have to be considerate of the young master's painstaking efforts, you know? "

Zhao Manyun's lungs were about to explode with anger, but after getting angry, she actually felt that Qin Mo's words made sense. It was like hell.

"Practice hard, and when you meet the standards in my heart, I will allow you to debut, otherwise."

Qin Mo shook his head, turned around and left. Qin Mo didn't have many ideas about Zhao Manyun now.

It won't be too late when Zhao Manyun becomes famous all over the world.

He has no shortage of little maids. Among the girls around him, there is really no one worse than her.

Don’t you want to develop it?
Being the man behind everyone is exciting to think about!

But he was also wondering if Li Zhi was not good at it. He heard that the fatter a man is, the worse he is. It seems to be true!

After returning home, the first thing Qin Mo did was to do research.

Qin Xiangru knew that Qin Mo was back, so he quickly said: "You idiot, where did you go?"

Xiao Liuzi followed Qin Mo back home, "The young master is doing research in the backyard. I told him not to disturb him for a short time!"

"Hey, then you go and watch, and come to me when he's better!" Qin Xiangru looked worried, sitting uneasily in the main hall.

"Hey, don't leave, I'm feeling dizzy!" Qin Xiuying said, "I don't want to tell the child about this matter. I'll solve it myself."

"What solution?" Qin Xiangru snorted: "When he comes out, if he dares to talk nonsense, I, I will beat him to death!"

"Hey, I don't have the face to see anyone anymore. I'm old, and if others know about it, why don't they laugh at me?" Qin Xiuying covered her face, "Forget it!"

"Forget it, this child must be born. At worst, I will fight again and earn some credit for the child." Qin Xiangru also didn't expect that he would still be so fierce at his age!
Qin Xiuying stopped talking. To be honest, she was already forty and had never thought about this matter.

But counting the days, Qin Xiangru should have taken it with him when he went to Guanzhong.

She said that she had been feeling pain in her lower back and retching these past few days.

She also scolded Qin Xiangru.

Who allowed him to torment himself so hard.

She was very confused and was afraid that Qin Mo would disagree.

Qin Xiangru waited and waited, and became impatient, "You brat, he went to the backyard as soon as he came back, and didn't even know how to come to me. I'm so angry that I'm going to find him right now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Mo's unhappy voice came from outside, "Dad, why are you in such a hurry to find me? If you have something, can't you wait until I'm done?"

(End of this chapter)

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