big dry son-in-law

Chapter 448 Da Gan’s backbone

Chapter 448 Da Gan’s backbone

Li Shilong clenched his fists, "As a good person, we should strive for self-improvement, Youren, don't interrupt Jing Yun, let him continue!"

Cui Youren was extremely unhappy, but he still held up his hands and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Qin Mo took a deep breath and continued: "There are too many people like you in Daqian. They thought it was a scandal and would lose the Tian family's face if it was revealed, so they tried their best to cover it up.

In the end, everyone stopped talking, but they would think, why didn't we fight back?
Are we too weak?

Do you know how serious it will be once the people lose confidence in the court?
Isn’t Da Zhou a living example? "

"With strong words, how can Dazhou compare with Daqian?" Cui Youren said angrily: "Don't set a trap for me here!"

Qin Mo sneered, "That's right. It doesn't make sense to an old guy like you. You will only think that others are playing tricks on you."


Cui Youren was extremely angry. Today he finally realized how venomous Qin Hanzi was.

Qin Mo didn't bother to pay attention to him, but continued: "It is precisely because of the forbearance of Emperor Zu that Daqian's subsequent prosperity and stability can be achieved.

In the ninth year of Wude, the ancestor emperor abdicated, and I inherited the throne. I worked hard and did not dare to neglect.

Today, although the country is not at peace, it is still relatively stable.

Despite natural disasters, the country has never given up on any of its citizens.

Last year, there was chaos in Jiaozhi, and we spent half a year turning Jiaozhi into the Annan Protectorate.

The territory of Daqian expanded five hundred miles.

We never take the initiative to bully others, not because we are weak, nor because the blade in our hands is weak.

But we understand that the blade is used to protect the homeland and the country, and to protect the people.

Today, there is still no snow in the national humiliation, the Huns are still there, and Tubo is preparing to proclaim himself emperor on the plateau, and is on an equal footing with me, Dagan!
This is a new era of great strife.

However, this time, Da Qian did not lose the hearts of the people, nor did the Eighteenth Route Rebels cause cholera in the world.

I, along with all Daqian soldiers and people, will face these people.

If they are friendly, they are our friends.

Let's work together. We are a kingdom of heaven and a land of etiquette. Friends come with fine wine, and wolves come with swords.

I want to tell you all, wherever your eyes go, you will see the land of Daqian!

Anyone who dares to openly offend my great work will be punished no matter how far away! "

Hearing this, everyone's scalp was numb!

Cui Youren was stunned, and the six middle school students also felt the power of these words!

More than just might.

Dou Xuanling wrote quickly, even immersing himself in the scene and being affected by Qin Mo's voice.

His cheeks were slightly red and his forehead was sweating, but his expression was excited and energetic. He also became cautious when writing, for fear that he would make a wrong word and ruin the manuscript!
Li Shilong clenched his fists and stood up, "Okay!"

He put his hands on his back, the blood in his heart rising, "What a good one. Anyone who dares to openly offend my Da Gan will be punished no matter how far away he is. You are right. This is the momentum of my Da Gan!"

Gao Shilian took a deep breath and was also shocked by Qin Mo.

Qin Mo took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said, "Father, this is my manuscript! It's useless to cover it, and it's useless to avoid it.

One punch is enough to avoid hundreds of punches. Our attitude is to be tough, not only tough, but also domineering! "

"You're right!"

Li Shilong took a deep breath, Qin Mo's last words were simply amazing.

Show off your strong character to the fullest! "It's good to hit him with one punch, so you don't get hit by hundreds of punches!"

At this moment, Li Yuan's voice came from outside the door.

Everyone bowed in greeting, but Li Yuan walked directly in front of Qin Mo and held his hand without even looking at them.

The more I look at this grandson-in-law, the more I like him.

Qin Mo was stunned, "Old man, aren't you sitting in the suburbs of Beijing? Why did you enter the palace?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "You didn't go to the outskirts of Beijing today. I thought you were too happy to miss Shu last night, so I came here to find you."

He was mainly afraid that Qin Mo would be greedy for pleasure and hurt his body.

That Zhao Manyun, a naturally charming person, is indeed an ecstasy!

After questioning, I found out that Qin Mo had entered the palace.

He came just in time. When Qin Mo was talking about the manuscript, he was listening outside the door.

Even at this age, my blood boils with excitement.

This kid is so good, both father and son were praised in the manuscript.

His compassion, righteousness, and forbearance.

Li Shilong's courage, integrity, and consideration for the people are all vividly displayed in these words.

"I think Jing Yun's manuscript is good. When the time comes, you can read Jing Yun's manuscript!"

Cui Youren gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, this manuscript may be regarded as a provocation!"

Qin Mo snorted, "Can you stand and speak? Have you been kneeling for a long time and can't stand up anymore?"

"What did you say? Where am I kneeling?" Cui Youren didn't react for a while.

Ji Gao didn't say anything at this time and pursed his lips. The other five people had complicated expressions.

The sentence "Anyone who openly offends me will be punished no matter how far away" made them understand that the manuscript produced by the six of them was indeed too soft.

Soft to the core.

Even the most sane people will unconsciously clench their fists and grit their teeth when they see this manuscript.

Li Yuan said calmly: "This is Daqian, our territory. They have brought the document of proclaiming the emperor to Daqian's Kyoto. Isn't this a provocation?
Or do you think in your heart that we are doomed to lose? "

Cui Youren said quickly: "I don't mean that, I just want to consider the overall situation. We have been waiting for 17 years. We might as well wait for two years. When our troops are strong and our country is strong, it is not too late to fight again!"

Li Shilong didn't answer. He looked at the manuscript written by Dou Xuanling. The words were pleasing to the eye.

But every word is extraordinarily strong.

"That's it!" Li Shilong said to Gao Shilian: "Frame this manuscript and hang it in the Manna Hall, so that everyone who enters the Manna Hall can see the strength of our work!"

Gao Shilian quickly said: "Yes!"

"Your Majesty, this manuscript"

"Stop talking about that manuscript. In front of this manuscript, it is indeed as soft as kneeling down. Father is right, this is Daqian's territory.

Even if I am surrounded by enemies on three sides, I will not compromise! "

Cui Youren's face turned red, and he finally cursed at Qin Mo: "Qin Fool, Xuan Ming is right, you are the biggest national thief in Da Gan! You are hurting the country!"

"If I were a national traitor, you would be a gangster. Tubo's document is a kind of test. If you weaken today, tomorrow the enemy's soldiers will be sent to the border. You are the biggest traitor to the country!"

Qin Mo crumpled the manuscript written by Ji Gao on the document into a ball, and stuffed it into Cui Youren's mouth when he wasn't paying attention, "Eat what you have, no need to thank me!"

(End of this chapter)

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