big dry son-in-law

Chapter 449 Father Teaching Son

Chapter 449 Father Teaching Son

Cui Youren's mouth was full, and his old face was red with anger.

Dou Xuanling said hurriedly: "Qin Mo, stop it!"

Qin Mo clapped his hands, "This is called willing to admit defeat. Besides, I feed him myself, which is very honorable to him. Lao Gao, this manuscript is a bit dry. Give Cui Shilang a glass of water!"

Gao Shilian suppressed a smile and brought a cup of tea over, "Servant Cui, drink tea!"

Cui Youren almost died of anger.

Although Ji Gao and others were angry, they were helpless. Cui Youren himself lost the bet and could not blame others.

"Qin Mo, why don't you apologize to Youren quickly? Do you know what it means to forgive others when you have to be spared?" Li Shilong said angrily.

Qin Mo said: "Father, I have served you so well, he should thank me!"

"You, you, you, wait, I'll deal with you later!" Li Shilong glared at Qin Mo and said to Cui Youren: "Youren, this brat has started to act stupid again. Don't worry, I can't spare him."

As he spoke, he kicked Qin Mo's buttocks.

Qin Mo let out an 'ouch', covered his butt, and said humbly: "He was the one who made the bet. If I lose, I'll feed him. If you don't thank me, forget it. If you kick me, okay, I understand. You just can't afford it." , If you can’t afford it, don’t play!”

Although Qin Mo was kicked, Cui Youren's face was completely lost.

Unable to stay any longer, he apologized to Li Yuan and left.

Dou Xuanling pointed at Qin Mo, "You are a troublemaker. You have lost all your achievements. You are a prodigal!"

After speaking, he also left.

After the people from Zhongshu Province left, Li Yuan walked up to Li Shilong and kicked him.

Li Shilong covered his buttocks and was stunned for a while, "Father, why are you kicking me?"

"There were so many people just now, I can't kick you!" Li Yuan puffed his beard and glared: "They lost the bet, what are you doing to bully Jing Yun? Those people are so old, they don't know how to accept defeat in a bet?
Don’t dare to admit that you lost?This is the Vice Minister of Zhongshu you chose. He has no grace at all.

One mouthful is a traitor to the country. You don't know whether Jingyun is a traitor to the country?
No wonder the child doesn't want to enter the palace. With a father-in-law like you, it's really a bloody disaster! "

Qin Mo was also surprised by the old man's behavior. He couldn't help laughing for a moment. Li Shilong fired a death sweep. Qin Mo quickly covered his mouth, his eyes full of innocence!
"Father, even if this brat wins, he can't stuff paper into people's mouths!"

"Okay, stop quibbling here. You play trade-offs every day. Let me tell you, as long as you are still my son and you still recognize me as your father, you will have to suffer if I beat you." Li Yuan said : "If you're unhappy, just bear with it, do you understand?"

Li Shilong said helplessly: "At this age, I still have my father to teach me. It is my blessing!"

Hearing this, Li Yuan's anger disappeared. Although the gap between father and son was not completely eliminated, it was restored a lot.

Before, let alone fighting, I didn't want to see Li Shilong.

Moreover, if this spreads out, it will be beneficial to Li Shilong's reputation for filial piety, and it can also eliminate the rumors of father and son's feud.

When Li Shilong said that, it meant that he understood what Li Yuan meant.

"Let's go, Jingyun, come with me. I really like this manuscript. It's okay if some people don't express it. They even stingy with praise!" Li Yuan said.

Li Shilong smiled bitterly and said, "Father, my son didn't say anything bad about it. I am also annoyed by Jing Yun's manuscript.

However, this boy was promoted just two days ago, and he was rewarded by his grandma for serving him. He is also not short of money. The credit will be recorded for him first, and he will be rewarded after a while! "

Qin Mo suddenly felt aggrieved and said: "That grandma's arms are thicker than my thighs. When I went to take a bath, she came in to give me a bath. Father, do you know how big the shadow is in my heart?
One was not enough, so you rewarded me with three, which made the third sister afraid to come to my house! "Qin Mo felt uncomfortable talking about this matter.

Li Shilong coughed dryly, "Isn't this to take better care of your food, clothing, housing and transportation?"

"Thank you, Father, can you call them back to the palace?"

"No, no one who leaves the palace will return to the palace!" Li Shilong waved his hand, "Whatever you want, as long as it's not too much, I can satisfy you!"

"How about letting me step down from all official positions and give me a few years' leave?"

"Okay, if you can walk out of the Manna Palace today, I will count you as the winner!" Li Shilong snorted.

Qin Mo had a bitter look on his face, "Hey, I know you don't agree, so forget it, father, my Qin clan has settled down in the capital now, but there are always people bullying them.

We Qin people are naturally kind-hearted. We don’t care if we are bullied for a trivial matter. We are not like other people who beat us to death.

There are also several clan elders in the clan who come to my father every day to beg him to let them become officials.

You know my father's temper. He doesn't like to go through the back door.

Besides, the job search is slowly improving, and this kind of backdoor behavior is absolutely undesirable.

My dad is scared of them.

If the father wants to reward them, just give them a few official positions, and don't want any too good official positions. They came from Guanzhong and don't have much knowledge. "

Li Shilong nodded. Indeed, the Qin people have been here for so long, and Qin Xiangru has never mentioned this matter.

Which family doesn't have a few official relatives in the court?
Li Shilong also turned a blind eye.

To be honest, both the Qin family and his son are fine, but they just don't like being an official. They have the same blood.

"Okay, how many official positions do you want?" Li Shilong asked.

Qin Mo counted with his fingers and muttered, "Fifteen, no, ten is enough!"

"Okay, fifteen will be fifteen. You write a note and come up. Within the eighth grade, you can read and write it yourself. When the time comes, just send it to the Ministry of Personnel for arrangement!" Li Shilong said.

"Extremely generous father!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up!
Li Shilong teased: "Oh, I don't want you to say that I am stingy every day!"

After leaving the palace, Qin Mo went to the suburbs. To be honest, the practice was pretty good, so there was no need for him to stare at it every day.

Li Yue also trained very hard. During this period, he became more capable at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His timidity has faded away, his eyes have become more resolute, and he has a hint of the aura of a superior person.

"Uncle Yuchi, you can't do this, why are your hands and feet uncoordinated?" Qin Mo glanced at Yuchi Nobuxiong from the side, "You will have to goose-step when the time comes. If you act like this, you will lead other people astray."

Yuchi Nobuo is a veteran, and Lao Qin said that the relationship between the two is okay.

It's just that the credit is too high, and I'm afraid something will happen, after the Baihumen Incident.

When Yuchi Nobuo was building the crown prince's family, he took two concubines and was demoted.

But this old guy is pretty cool, and the two concubines who were beaten are now his equal wives!

(End of this chapter)

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