big dry son-in-law

Chapter 451 Business Tax

Chapter 451 Business Tax
Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "Okay, shut up. I won't argue with you if you go to court at your age."

In case you are so angry with me, your father will scold me, and I will have to prepare some money to go to your house for dinner, which will be very annoying. "

Cheng Sanxu and others couldn't hold it back and laughed.

Ji Zhisheng scolded: "You are so young and have such a vicious mouth, which shows your tutoring."

"Okay, stop barking, I'm going to court today and I'm not here to hear you bark!" Qin Mo waved his hand impatiently, "To be honest, isn't it boring that you guys are making so much noise every day?

Fighting back and forth is not only a waste of your time. If there is an emergency today and the court needs to make a decision, you will just be busy arguing.

Is it resolved?

Father, I said it last time, we cannot allow these people to be at war here every day.

In the last dynasty, either one was impeached or another was impeached. He was not the censor, so how could he take notice of it?

Even if there is an impeachment, the major issues must be resolved and the impeachment part left until the end.

Which is more important, impeachment of people or national affairs?
Do you have any idea? "

"Okay, you should stop saying a few words!" Li Shilong said: "Jing Yun is right. In the future, when going to court, he will report the matter first and then impeach. If anyone puts the cart before the horse, don't come to court next time."

Ji Zhisheng felt extremely aggrieved. He cupped his hands and retreated to his position.

"Also, it is my special permission that Jingyun does not go to court. He has to manage six doors on weekdays. The six doors belong to my general. There are reports every day.

Now we are preparing for the military parade. The date is at the end of this month, and there is still half a month left. Time is very tight, and he does not have time to come.

Next time you want to impeach someone, understand the situation before impeaching. You must impeach effectively. I don’t want to listen to your quarrels every day.

If you can't win the argument, go directly to have a fight outside Chengtian Gate. I have already said that if you fight once, you will be demoted one level.

Anyway, you are all high-ranking officials and well-paid, so you don’t care about this. "

"Wei Chen dare not!"

Everyone bowed down one after another, even saying they didn't dare.

"Father, I came here today for the military parade. I plan to let the Daqian generals show off during the military parade, so that those people can take a good look at our Daqian muscles.

By the way, the civil servants are also here. Although I, Qin Mo, have no culture, I know that martial arts can stabilize a country and literature can prosper it.

Let the civil and military personnel of our army appear together, which is much more meaningful than a pure military parade! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Jingyun, I want to be the first to appear!" Cheng Sanxu said quickly: "I don't care if others want to appear, I am going to appear anyway."

"I, Jingyun, I want to appear too!"

The response from the generals was particularly high. Who doesn't want to show their face? This is a matter of honoring the ancestors.

"Why should civil servants appear? How can they frighten foreign enemies if they are full of bookishness?" someone said. .

"Why can't civil servants do it?" Yu Boshi's eyes widened. "Qin Jingyun said that military force can stabilize a country and civil servants can prosper a country. Military parades are a major event. How can civil servants be excluded?"

"That's right, don't do this to me. The civil servants are indispensable for Daqian's current prosperity!"

Cheng Sanxu shouted at the top of his lungs: "Fart, the military commander deserves a lot of credit!"

"The civil servants have done a great job!"

The two sides immediately began to curse, each of them blushing and rolling up their sleeves.

Qin Mo knew it would be like this.

Li Shilong also had a headache.

Li Yuan was here, and Li Xin could only stand below. He clenched his fists. Even the officials and generals could get up, but he, the prince, could not get up.It's so good.

We must endure it until our wings are full, and we must endure it until the time is ripe.

"Okay, stop arguing. There will be 30 military generals and 30 civil servants." Qin Mo said in a loud voice: "If you want to participate, go to the suburbs of Beijing to report as soon as possible. Before the military parade comes, you must spare no less than [-] people every day. Two hours to train.

The military parade is not something you can walk however you want.

Also, my father asked me to be the general manager of the military parade. Once I go, you have to listen to me and put all your personal grudges aside.

Anyone who wants to hold back is a sinner of Daqian and will be nailed to the wall of shame!
Moreover, if you are too weak, don’t come. I still have to choose. It doesn’t mean that I can definitely get it just because you come! "

After hearing this, both sides stopped arguing.

"Why should you choose? It should be your Majesty's choice!" Cui Youren said: "Your Majesty, for the sake of fairness, it is best for you to choose."

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's up to you to choose!"

Li Shilong nodded, "Okay, I'll draw up the list, but listen carefully, the military parade is the top priority. If you go to the suburbs of Beijing, you have to listen to Jing Yun.

If anyone slows down the progress, I will definitely not forgive him lightly! "

Originally, they didn't care about civil servants' affairs, and some even thought about Qin Mo being embarrassed.

But it's different now.

They can also participate in this kind of shameless thing. Who is an official but not for fame and fortune?
After confirming this matter, Ji Zhisheng found an opportunity and said again: "Your Majesty, the envoys from the state have been in Kyoto for more than half a month. When will they be allowed to meet?"

Li Shilong also knew that this time it had been delayed for a long time, so he said: "Let them enter the palace in two days. I have decided to set up diplomatic missions in these countries, open trade routes to facilitate the exchange of trade routes, and set up guard troops on the trade routes. As well as the post station, a tax department was established at Shangdaokou.

The affairs of the Taxation Department will be temporarily handled by Xiangru! "

Qin Xiangru cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

But everyone else was confused.

Open trade routes, set up escorts, inns, and set up a tax department. Do you want to collect business taxes?

At this time, many people jumped out to stop him.

"Your Majesty, you can't do that. Since ancient times, there has never been any discussion of collecting business taxes. This is to compete with the people for profit!"

"Historian's pen is as sharp as a knife. Your Majesty, please don't become a copper-smelling emperor!" Yu Boshi even knelt on the ground, "Please take back your Majesty's orders!"

Cui Youren was even more intense, "Your Majesty, who came up with this idea? Do you dare to stand up? You want me to do something big and cause war to spread again!"

At this moment, even Cheng Sanxu and others couldn't laugh anymore. Who doesn't have a caravan?

Their eyes flickered, and they couldn't help but focus on Qin Mo.

Everyone knows that Qin Mo turns stone into gold and is the God of Wealth in Daqian!

Li Cungong asked in a low voice: "Jingyun, did you mention it?"

Qin Mo said: "Yes!"

Li Cungong was speechless. He knew that His Majesty's thoughts could not be focused on this.

"You, aren't you afraid?"

"Why are you afraid? This is obviously a good thing!" Qin Mo smiled, stood up and said: "Okay, stop howling, I came up with this idea!"

At that moment, everyone looked at Qin Mo angrily.

"Qin Mo, you are a traitor to the country!" Cui Youren yelled: "You are trying to ruin the reputation of our Dagan. Qin Xiangru, can't you just take care of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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