big dry son-in-law

Chapter 452 Qin Mo’s Ultimatum

Chapter 452 Qin Mo’s Ultimatum
"My son has grown up because of his father. He is also an official of the imperial court now and has his own ideas. How can I stop him?" Qin Xiangru said as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Everyone was gnashing their teeth.

"Old Qin, you are confused. Why did you let Jingyun give His Majesty such a bad idea?" Cheng Sanxu lowered his voice and said: "Who doesn't have a caravan at home? Think about it, you are going to offend everyone to death."

The two of them made a lot of money following Qin Mo, and it was hard to criticize them, but they definitely felt unhappy in their hearts.

Who can be happy with this kind of thing that harms others but does not benefit oneself?
"I can't care about it, and I don't want to care about it!" Qin Xiangru simply closed his eyes and rested his mind!

Seeing this, Cheng Sanaxe was helpless.

Cui Youren gritted his teeth and said: "In the past, it was okay to do whatever you did, but now this matter has gone too far. If you want His Majesty to be infamy, I will kill you!"

Qin Mo snorted, "What kind of infamy are you getting? What are you trying to gain by competing with the people?"

"Of course they are the people of Li!" Cui Youren said sarcastically: "You don't even know this, so you dare to play at will?"

"The people you are talking about are those caravans of your family, right? I heard that your Cui family has a large business, spread all over the country, and even has business in surrounding vassal states.

Indeed, once this policy is implemented, your family will indeed have to spend a lot of money, and of course you will not be happy about it! "

"It's nonsense. Since ancient times, there has never been such a thing as collecting business taxes. You are imposing an exorbitant amount of money and it will arouse people's rebellion!"

Cui Youren's words aroused everyone's agreement.

Qin Mo looked at them. There were civil servants and military generals. There was no way out for such a big move.

"According to what you say, asking people to pay agricultural taxes is also competing with the people for profit?"

"Agricultural taxes have been collected for thousands of years, so don't mess around here!"

"That's the food that the people rely on for survival. Why aren't we competing with the people for profit? How many farmers are able to travel in caravans?

How many farmers dare to take escorts?

In the capital city alone, there are more than [-] caravans registered in the six gates, and no less than [-] escort agencies!
They make hundreds or even thousands of taels from each escort trip. Farmers cannot make so much money even if they have been farming for more than ten years!

How many caravan agencies there are in the country is definitely a huge number. The huge benefits they have generated by transferring goods from the south to the north are difficult for farmers to generate in ten lifetimes.

Why, they are not Daqian people?

Not protected by Da Gan?
The limited farmers are supporting the increasing number of people in the world, and the limited land is weakening day by day.

There are natural and man-made disasters, the treasury is empty, the country is out of money, and yet you still cling to those bullshit rules and stick to the rules.

Although I, Qin Mo, have not read many books, I also know that thousands of years ago, there was no concept of country.

There are no taxes, everything is made from scratch.

Why can't we collect business tax on caravans?
Oh, I understand, because your family has a caravan, you feel distressed and unhappy.

I bother! "

Qin Mo opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of phlegm on Cui Youren's face, "You bitch, you are squeezing farmers every day, and your family's interests are affected, so you are just howling here. What the hell are you talking about?"

Cui Youren touched his face and almost vomited, his lungs exploded with anger, he rolled up his sleeves and rushed over, "Qin Hanzi, that's his mother!"

"I'm afraid of you, Gan!"

Qin Mo threw Cui Youren to the ground and beat him randomly!
The scene was chaotic in an instant.

There was a fight between the two sides, and those civil servants were very evil-minded and reached out to Qin Mo secretly.

Qin Xiangru also rushed over.

He raised his foot and kicked one of the culprits away two meters away, "You idiot, stop fighting, listen to dad."

"Bang!" Another person was kicked out!

As he said that, he punched Cui Youren in the heart with another fist, almost stopping Cui Youren's heartbeat.

Although Cheng Sanxu and Li Cungong were also very angry, they were their own people after all, and they could say whatever they wanted in private.

Playing dirty tricks just won't do.

Cheng Sanaxe lifted his vaginal leg and thrust it towards Ji Zhisheng.

Ji Zhisheng jumped up immediately, opened his mouth wide, covered it, fell to the ground, and huddled up!
Cool, this old guy impeached him countless times when he came back to Beijing, causing him to be teased several times by His Majesty.

I have long wanted to do it.

Li Yuan slapped the armrest angrily, "Stop, do you still take me seriously? Wei Laogou, hurry up and save Jing Yun!"

Wei Zhong trotted over. Despite his frail appearance, he picked up the person, one with each hand. Looking at Qin Mo in the crowd, he immediately reached out and lifted him up.

Qin Mo was fighting hard when his eyes blurred and he stood up.

"Stop me all!"

Li Shilong snapped the documents angrily, "If anyone doesn't stop, I will send them all to Dali Temple!"

After hearing this, everyone separated. Some of them had unfinished business, and some of them were in ragged clothes.

The most unlucky ones are Cui Youren and Ji Zhisheng.

Cui Youren was almost stripped naked and beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen by Qin Mo.

Ji Zhisheng reluctantly stood up with the help of several colleagues, but he did not dare to close his legs together. His legs were shaking constantly and his head was covered with sweat from the pain!
Looking at Qin Mo again, his hair was messy, his clothes were torn, and there were two streaks of nosebleeds on his nose. He wiped the nosebleeds and said, "Old Wei, why are you arresting me? This bitch is so angry with me, kill him!" "

"You still fight!"

Li Shilong cursed angrily: "Who told you to do it!"

"Father, he made the first move, and he still scolded me. I, I was acting in self-defense!" Qin Mo said.

Cui Youren kept wailing, "Your Majesty, you must never listen to Qin Mo's advice, or something will happen!"

Li Shilong also had a headache. He wanted to collect business taxes, but everyone's reaction was even more intense than him.

As Qin Mo said, the more fiercely they resist, the deeper their interests are involved.

For a long time, collusion between officials and businessmen has harmed the interests of the court and the people.

Aristocratic families are a great harm, and collusion between officials and businessmen is even more serious.

And those who speak for the country have even worse consciences.

In such a short period of time, their tails were completely exposed.

Li Yuan glanced at these people sharply, with a cold smile on his lips. The more they behaved like this, the more they wanted to implement this plan.

If you don’t intervene now, it will be difficult if you want to intervene later!

"Retreat from the court. Today, everyone in the court will be demoted one level!" With that said, Li Shilong left angrily.

Qin Mo wiped his nosebleed, "Let me tell you, it is imperative to collect business taxes. If you agree, I will make him rich. If you don't agree, I will make it difficult for his caravan to move forward!

If you want to make money together, you can come to me at Liumen or in the suburbs of Beijing.

If you still have the same thoughts as Cui Laogou, please pack your packages in advance. There is always a place suitable for you to stay in any corner of the world!
The farmers are already suffering enough. If anyone dares to reach out to them, I will never end it for him! "

(End of this chapter)

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