big dry son-in-law

Chapter 468 Old 6, you are too bullying!

Chapter 468: Lao Liu, you are such a bully!

Li Shilong asked: "How much silver does it cost to build one mile of road?"

Qin Mo said: "I want 500 taels of silver!"

There is no charge for labor, just take care of the food. There is plenty of sand and gravel, just let the prisoners mine it.

A bag of cement weighs a hundred kilograms and one tael of silver can buy four or five tons.

And it’s a long mile, about 450 meters.

According to the width of one foot, about 150 tons of cement are needed, and 500 taels is enough.

"500 taels per mile, so cheap?"

Li Shilong was stunned. The roads outside the Meridian Gate were paved with blue bricks and stone slabs, costing 5000 taels per mile. It cost a lot of money and was very slow to repair.

"I calculated it based on the width of one foot, but one foot is too narrow. The Lizhi Road should be built at least two and a half feet, or even three feet!" Qin Mo said: "The Lizhi Road can be made wider, which is conducive to commerce and trade.

State roads, county roads, two feet, rural roads one foot, just set the specifications! "

A three-foot straight road is too wide!
"Then if you calculate it this way, doesn't it cost one thousand, five hundred taels per mile?"

"Father, build the main road in the capital first, and then build it to Jingzhao Mansion. I have calculated that it can be completed in less than 20 taels!"

"Do you know how much silver 20 taels is?"

"I know, it's almost two months of father's dividends!"

Li Shilong was speechless for a moment, "Have you set your mind on this?"

"Father, anyway, this money is not coming from your own funds, it is just a few months' dividends. Moreover, the roads are wider and the cost of commercial circulation is low. The money spent can be earned back in a few months.

Let’s take a longer-term view and have a bigger picture.

Maybe one day, our road will be built as far as Tubo and the Xiongnu’s Golden King’s Tent?
You are right, His Majesty the Heavenly Khan! "

"Stop wearing a hat on me!" Li Shilong snorted, "Go and write a note, and I won't allocate funds!"

Qin Mo was dumbfounded, "Father, I wouldn't let you play like this. I still have a project in the south of the city. There are millions of taels of projects there. Are you really not going to allocate a penny?"

I'm so picky, I'm really boring, I don't play anymore, I just know how to exploit me day by day. Isn't this bullying a child? "

Li Shilong's old face was also a little hot, "Ahem, Jingyun, I don't want the dividends for these two months. In addition, you have to be considerate of the fact that the court has no money. Let's see how many people you need, I will arrange them for you immediately.

I am giving you a few sensible nannies to take care of you in all aspects."

Qin Mo jumped to his feet, "You old man, you are too bullying. Three nuns are not enough, so you still want to give it to me? You are too bullying!"

"You brat, I care about you!" Li Shilong snorted, thinking that this brat was starting to attract Li Lizhen's attention, so he had to be on guard, and Li Lizhen seemed to have that intention as well.

There are only a few daughters he likes, so he still wants to take them all away?

"Okay, let's not play anymore, it's too bullying!" Qin Mo said angrily: "I'll never come here again!"

"You brat, come back!" Seeing Qin Mo turn around and leave, Li Shilong said quickly: "I won't give you a reward for your grandma anymore. If you do this well, I will reward your prince so that your legitimate son can inherit. Okay?"

"Father, I have already said that I am not willing to take the title or anything like that!" Qin Mo walked back helplessly!
Li Shilong glared at Qin Mo, "I have to take it even if I don't want it!"

In fact, he had his own considerations for the Duke of Qin and Mo.

"Okay, I'm so annoyed!" Qin Mo said unhappily.Li Shilong almost laughed angrily. What an honor it was for a double master to be here, but he was so disgusted with it, "Ganggun, I'm annoyed when I see you!"

"Father, didn't you say you still have something to tell me?"

"Forget about being angry, get out!"


Qin Mo arched his hands and left quickly.

"This brat will piss me off sooner or later!" Li Shilong cursed.

Gao Shilian came over and said, "Your Majesty, although Duke Qin is usually aloof, he is dedicated to serving the people!

I have something to say, I don’t know whether to say it or not! "

"You've said it this far, is there anything else you shouldn't say?" Li Shilong snorted.

Gao Shilian bowed and said: "Qinjun Duke is too young, and it is not a good thing for your majesty to reward him so heavily.

Everyone was jealous of him, envious of him, and would always look for trouble even when nothing happened.

It is better to satisfy Duke Qin and let him have more fun. He is not interested in the title, and there are enough women in the family, so it is not good to reward women. At his age, he likes to play, and if he plays with his body, he will lose everything.

It’s a big loss! "

Li Shilong shook his head helplessly, "What others can't ask for, he abandons it like worn out shoes and knows how to play around all day long!"

"Your Majesty, this is the valuable thing about Duke Qin. To put it bluntly, I have been with Your Majesty for more than 20 years and have met all kinds of people with His Majesty.

There are those who are as loyal as traitors, and there are also those who pretend to be innocent and high school to enrich their own pockets. I have never seen anyone like Duke Qin!
Moreover, just thinking about the million-dollar project in Nancheng, the servant felt the pressure of a mountain, but Duke Qin didn't say anything from beginning to end, but shouldered it with all his strength.

I would like to ask, in the whole Daqian, who is as sincere as Duke Qin? "

Li Shilong was actually very satisfied with Qin Mo in his heart, but he snorted on his face: "You praise him to the sky. If you brat wants to hear it, your tail will be raised to the sky!"

"The Duke is like a child and likes to be angry, but he has nothing to say to His Majesty or Da Qian."

"Hey, that's what you said!" Li Shilong nodded, "So as long as I can agree to what he said, I will let him try it. If you do it, there will never be another Qin Mo."

Speaking of this, Li Shilong said: "I decree that from now on, from the age of five, all princes and princesses need to learn to dress and eat by themselves.

In addition to the necessary monthly living expenses, they have to rely on their own efforts.

Except for the necessary studies in the Imperial College, all those aged ten and above were sent to Qin Mo's house so that Qin Mo could teach them well. "

"Your Majesty, isn't Ji Jijiu going crazy with anger?" Gao Shilian said worriedly: "Besides, the Duke is their brother-in-law, can he control him?"

"Don't worry about it. Jing Yun has a way. As long as he keeps breaking his arms and legs, he can do whatever he wants." Li Shilong said: "If we do it in the palace, those servants will definitely bully these children. Only by sending them to Jing Yun can we truly Learned something!”

Gao Shilian strongly agreed. Don't think that the palace people are humble. Those unsuccessful princesses are better off if they have mothers and concubines, but they will be bullied to death if they don't have mothers and concubines!
Auntie is trying to pressure you with all kinds of rules, but you can't do anything about it.

It was also because of this that Queen Gongsun took these children and lived together.

"What about the adult prince and princess?"

"They don't need it!" Li Shilong said: "It's better to choose a day to catch up with the sun and issue an order to let them pack up their things at night and go to the Duke of Qin's mansion early tomorrow morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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