big dry son-in-law

Chapter 469 Princess Ping An was frightened

Chapter 469 Princess Ping An was frightened

That night!

At Princess Ping'an's house.

Liu Wanche was kneeling on the ground, "Princess, I really brought the letter. If there is any deviation, I will die badly!"

Princess Ping An looked particularly bad. All the more than 200 soldiers in her residence were taken away by people from the six gates.

Letting the eunuch pass by with her gold medal would not even give her face.

How is she not angry?
After thinking about it, someone must be playing tricks on me.

But Liu Wanche is a bitch and a coward. He wouldn't dare to do such a thing even if he had ten courages.

Seeing him kneeling on the ground, shaking uncontrollably, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, I felt even more contempt in my heart.

"My princess' legs are sore from playing this afternoon. Please give me a squeeze!" Princess Ping An stretched out her foot. Liu Wanche was stunned for a moment, then knelt down and walked over.

He clenched his fists and squeezed his thighs hard.

To endure it, he had to hug Qin Mo's thigh.

As long as she hugs Qin Mo's thigh, Princess Ping'an is nothing. He wants to take in more than a dozen concubines and give birth to a litter of children! .

Put Princess Ping An's feet on her shoulders and gently rub them.

Princess Ping An smiled disdainfully and said immediately: "Okay, Qin Mo will not give me face, but he must look good!"

She had thought about it, joined forces, and went to complain to the emperor!

Just as he was thinking about it, the housekeeper hurried in and said, "Princess, the Emperor has sent someone here."

Princess Ping'an was also a little surprised, "Father sent someone here? Who is it?"

Although he is the Ninth Princess, he is not favored at all. Otherwise, why would he marry the son of a merchant? Although the Liu family has a county prince, it is of no use!
The other sisters laughed at her.

Her father was cruel and didn't care about her at all.

I haven't seen him for several years.

Complain is a complaint, but don't dare to be scornful.

He kicked Liu Wanche and said, "Hurry up and put on my shoes for this princess!"

Liu Wanche lowered his head to help her put on her shoes, but he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

It’s definitely not a good thing for the Supreme Emperor to send someone over so late!
Soon, Wei Zhong came.

Princess Ping An was stunned, "Wei Gong, why are you here in person?"

Wei Zhong looked at Princess Ping An up and down, with only disgust in his eyes, "The Emperor asked our family to come over and give you something!"

"That's great. My father finally thinks of me. My son also misses his father day and night."

Wei Zhong didn't say anything, and two stout nuns stepped forward and grabbed Princess Ping'an.

Wei Zhong stepped forward and slapped him three times.

In an instant, Princess Ping An's tender face swelled up, blood oozed from the corners of her mouth, and her hairpin fell off, like a madwoman.

Everyone in the princess mansion was dumbfounded!

Princess Ping'an said in disbelief: "Wei Gong, why did you hit me!"

Wei Zhong flicked the fly whisk and hummed: "This is the gift that the Supreme Emperor asked our family to give you. I have another sentence, please listen carefully!"

Mammy held Princess Ping An to her knees.

Wei Zhong said calmly: "I'm so disappointed in you. I knew you were behind the Nancheng incident, so I quickly vacated the private house in my hand and asked Liu Wanche to go to Jingyun's house to apologize.

I have shamed you so much. If you still dare to cause trouble, go to Ganye Temple and become a nun, and then go to the mausoleum to recite sutras to your mother.

Having said this, if you don't repent, father and daughter will never see each other again! "

Princess Ping An trembled all over, Ganye Temple, is that a place where people go?

There were only miserable women and endless vegetables.As for guarding the Xianling Mausoleum, that is something only the old eunuchs can do.

Wherever you go, life is worse than death!
"After hearing the reply, our family will return to life!"

"Listen, I heard it!"

Wei Zhong didn't say much, he had to go to the next one.

Liu Wanche felt extremely happy, but he still went over to help Princess Ping An, "Are you okay, Princess!"

"Liu Wuneng, how did my father know about this? Didn't he just ignore it?"

Liu Wanche said with a bitter face: "I don't know, but the princess also knows that Qin Mo is the most favored, even the prince is a little inferior in front of him.

I said before, Qin Mo is not someone to be trifled with."

"Oh, stop talking. This princess is flustered after hearing this. You go to the treasury immediately to clean up your belongings and come to apologize tomorrow morning."

With that said, Princess Ping An covered her face and left.

Wei Zhong's three slaps completely wiped out all her thoughts.

A princess who has lost her favor is worse than a pheasant.

"Yes, princess!"

A glint flashed in Liu Wanche's eyes. It was a good opportunity, and he wanted to get rid of the fire!

At the same time, Duke Zhou's Mansion.

At the dinner table, the two brothers were still scolding each other, "Damn Qin Hanzi, he is such an idiot. Who gave him the courage to detain our soldiers?"

"Dad, you go into the palace tomorrow and talk to His Majesty!" Zhou Xiaoshuang took a bite of Qin's Chicken Leg and said in a commanding tone.

Zhou Bi looked weak. He had lung disease and was often out of breath.

The illness made him as thin as a stick.

But even so, he held on. One more day he lived, one more day the Duke of Zhou's mansion would prosper.

However, these two prodigal sons did not allow him to worry too much.

"Go to Qin Mo and admit your mistake. You two bastards told you not to get involved with Princess Ping'an. You are seeking death, cough, cough, cough."

Zhou Bi coughed crazily, and his second wife Yang rushed over to help him. The 16-year-old girl stood in the corner, holding a bowl of rice in her hand, eating silently.

"Dad, you are cursing us!" Zhou Xiaoshuang slapped the chicken drumsticks on the table in displeasure, "It's not that you are too useless to be immortal. If you die, my brother can inherit Duke Zhou's mansion. What do I have?
I have nothing, what should I do if I don’t run for myself?
If I can't be a prince, is it wrong for me to be a rich man? "

"Okay, brother, this old man doesn't have a few days left to live!" Zhou Daqing drank three bowls and said with red eyes: "What does he know? If the house is emptied, at least he can make a fortune." Wanliang!"

Zhou Bi looked at the sky speechlessly, what had happened to him?

"Are you two beasts?" Yang couldn't help but cursed: "You are treasonous and immoral. The son curses the father to die!"

Zhou Xiaoshuang slapped the table hard, "If you keep talking nonsense, I will let you be buried with me when the old man kicks off his feet, believe it or not?"

Zhou Mingyue came out of the darkness and stood in front of her mother.

Zhou Daqing sneered, "You bitch, why are you standing up? Do you still want to stand up for your bitch mother?"

He went up and slapped Zhou Mingyue to the ground. Clear slap marks appeared on her pink cheeks, but she didn't make a sound. She just said word by word: "If you touch my parents, I will repay you a hundred times in the future!"

The two brothers seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

Zhou Xiaoshuang laughed and said: "Brother, did you hear that? She wants to take revenge on us!"

Zhou Daqing squatted on the ground, "The second son of the Dou family still needs a maid. I will send you there tomorrow. Let's see what kind of trouble you can make!"

When Yang heard this, her expression changed drastically, and she quickly protected her daughter behind her, "No, she is your sister!"

Zhou Bi was also so angry that his whole body trembled, "What a curse, what a curse."

At this moment, the servant announced, "Master, someone is coming from the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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