Chapter 470
"Which father-in-law is here?" Zhou Bi asked.

The servant said: "This person calls himself tongueless!"

Zhou Bi was so frightened that he trembled, "Why is Wu Shi here?"

He immediately thought of what happened in Nancheng.

He forced himself to calm down. Maybe Wu Shi came here not necessarily for Qin Mo's matter, but maybe for that matter!
"Quickly, open the middle door and invite Eunuch Wuji in!" Zhou Bi explained, and said to the two brothers: "You two, why don't you get up quickly, Eunuch Wuji is here!"

"No tongue, which one has no tongue?" Zhou Daqing slammed the table, "Tell him to get out, don't stop me from drinking."

Before he finished speaking, there were footsteps outside, and a sinister laughter sounded, "We want to see who is so bold and wants to be our father!"

Zhou Biqiang stood up and stepped forward to salute, "Father-in-law, please don't be offended if you miss me from afar! My son is drunk, please don't argue with him!"

He was trembling and about to kneel down!

Wu Shi quickly supported him. Although Zhou Bi was a parallel prince, he was still a prince after all. If he knelt down, it would be very troublesome for word to spread in the future.

"Duke Zhou, what are you doing? His Majesty called the imperial doctor before. Why is it getting more serious?"

"Hey, thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. My lung disease is of no use!" Zhou Bi smiled bitterly. When the two useless things saw the guard behind Wu Gu pull out the knife, they were frightened and woke up instantly.

Zhou Daqing was not a fool. He asked which Wu Shi it was, and it turned out to be the Wu Shi next to His Majesty.

He quickly knelt on the ground and slapped himself in the face, "Grandpa Wutongue, your grandson is a bitch-tongued, don't be like this junior!"

He held his head high with a flattering smile on his face. These were thick legs. If he could hold them up, he wouldn't be able to walk sideways.

Zhou Bi lamented his misfortune and was angry that he would not fight. He was a majestic prince, but his son actually wanted to kneel to a eunuch and call him grandpa, giving him a father for nothing!

But he couldn't help it. His stupid son would still fawn over others, and he didn't know how long he could live. That's all!

"Our family can't raise a boneless grandson like you!" Wuyu said with a smile.

"Yes, I have no bones. That's because I don't have the teachings of Grandpa Wu Tongue!" Zhou Daqing quickly brought a stool, "Grandpa Wu Tongue, please sit down!"

"Haha, Duke Zhou, your son is really smart!" Wuyu sat down directly, "There are just some things that I can't understand clearly. His Majesty asked our family to come over this time as a gift!"

Zhou Bi bowed quickly and said, "Zhou Bi respectfully listens to the edict!"

Wu Tongue directly drew out a knife and quickly slashed towards Zhou Daqing and Zhou Xiaoshuang.

Yang on the side exclaimed in fright.

Zhou Mingyue's eyes lit up, but the next second, it dimmed again.

Brother Zhou Daqing's head felt cold and his hair fell to the ground.

Immediately after the cold air penetrated their bodies, the two brothers knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, with tears and snot running down their noses, "Grandpa Wutongue, don't kill me, don't kill me."

Zhou Bi was also frightened, "Father, why is this happening!"

"Don't we need to talk more about the matter in the south of the city?" Wuyu sneered, "Originally, this knife should have killed these two bitches, but His Majesty wanted to make some contributions to your Zhou family, so he asked our family to cut off their hair instead. head.

Remember, don’t touch Chengnan again. When the time comes, that thing won’t protect you! "

After saying that, he stuck the knife directly on the dining table, and the two brothers almost peed in fear.

Zhou Bi was so angry that he picked up his crutch and beat the two brothers severely. This time, the two of them could only beg for mercy and did not dare to fight back. "Okay, you can teach your son slowly. We have left, and there are still many places to go!" Wuji stood up, and Zhou Bi quickly chased after him.

With a wave of his hand, the servant came over with a box of small yellow croakers. Zhou Bi stuffed it into Wu Shi's hand calmly, "Thank you, father-in-law, for showing mercy. Zhou Bi is deeply grateful. Please go back and tell your majesty, father-in-law. Zhou Bi can't hold on for too long." !”

His physical condition is getting worse and worse. I hope His Majesty can think of some friendship and let the two brothers go.

Under his sleeves, Wu Yan weighed the weight and said, "Well, you have to take care and try to survive until after the military parade!"

After saying that, Wu Shi left.

Zhou Bi leaned weakly on the door frame, panting heavily, like a dehydrated fish!
Early the next morning, Qin Mo was still sleeping.

Gao Shilian is here. Fortunately, the female relatives at home will get up before Qin Mo, so Qin Mo is sleeping alone at this moment.

Only Gao Yao stood quietly in the corner.

"My dear nephew, wake up!" Gao Shilian stood in front of the bed.

Qin Mo opened his eyes drowsily, thinking he was still dreaming, "Hey, Uncle Gao, you also come to Tianxiang Courtyard to listen to music."

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly, "My dear nephew, wake up quickly, something big is going on!"

"Oh, I remembered, you can't play with girls!" With that said, Qin Mo turned over and continued to sleep!

At this time, Gao Yao came over and whispered in Qin Mo's ear: "Master, didn't you say yesterday that you were going to train Zhao Manyun today?"

Qin Mo immediately sat up straight, "Xiao Gao, change your clothes. Hey, Uncle Gao, you are here too. I just dreamed that you went to a brothel with me, and you hugged each other."

"Little Ancestor, don't make fun of me." Gao Shilian was not angry. Knowing that Qin Mo was asleep, he said, "Get up quickly, there are many people in the palace!"

Qin Mo finally came to his senses, "Who is it? Come to my house early in the morning!"

Gao Shilian told what Li Shilong had told him, but before he finished, Qin Mo jumped up and said, "Oh, I'm convinced of this old man. I can't take care of my children, so let me take care of them?"
No, no matter what you say, I don’t care!

Uncle Gao, hurry up and send them back. They want to be here with me. Why don't Xiuer raise his arms and come to my house to cause trouble?

Although I am not afraid of him, it is very annoying. I have too many things to do day by day and have no time to take care of the baby! "

Gao Shilian advised: "Uncle, they are all children who are easy to manage. Your Majesty said, if there is trouble, you can just slap them, but don't get seriously injured."

Children cannot be effective if they are not taught. Your Majesty believes that you can teach them well. This is a good thing. Moreover, Your Majesty also has the intention to change the teaching method of the Imperial College and wants to give it a try first! "

"No, no, I'm still over 200 months old!" Qin Mo shook his head like a rattle.

Although the teacher is a hard-working gardener, Qin Mo just wants to pick flowers.

Plant flowers, forget it!

"I won't do such a thankless job!"

"Little ancestor, Your Majesty had someone give you a gold medal overnight." Gao Shilian took out a palm-sized gold medal with four words on it: I am here in person!

Qin Mo looked at the gold medal with a look of doubt on his face, "Then you, the sixth one, are willing to use gold to give me a gold medal? It can't be copper, right?"

"Really, with this gold medal, you no longer have any worries!" Gao Shilian said.

(End of this chapter)

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