big dry son-in-law

Chapter 487 Come on, I’m optimistic about you!

Chapter 487 Come on, I’m optimistic about you!
Li Yue had been with Qin Mo for a long time, and his thinking had changed a lot under the influence of what he heard and saw.

"So, we must not get married!" Li Yue said on his knees.

Qin Mo sighed, it was really pitiful for Princess Diaoman to go there.

After all, she was his ex-fiancée, and now she is also her sister-in-law. In her previous life, she had just entered college.

Qin Mo also said: "Father, the King of Yue is right. Tubo does not dare to claim the throne. They believe in Buddhism. Just give them more Buddhist classics and let them learn the Mahayana Buddhism of our Dagan!"

At this time, Tang Jian smiled bitterly and took out the second excerpt from his sleeve, "Your Majesty, this is the second excerpt of the Great Lun Dongzan. This is the correspondence between Xiongnu Maodun and Luo Bu!"

Li Shilong looked solemn and said, "Send it up!"

Gao Shilian presented the excerpt. After Li Shilong read it, anger and fear intertwined in his eyes, "Read it!"

Gao Shilian took the folder and was shocked when he saw the content on it, "Tubo Zanpu respectfully."

The excerpt is very long, and was written by the leader of the Huns, Mao Dun, to Luo Bu Zhadui. The general meaning is that they will borrow a road from Tubo to attack Longyou, and then each person will be divided into half.

Longyou borders Tuyuhun to the west and Xiongnu to the east, like a sharp sword thrust into it.

And Longyou is the land of Longxing, where the Beiting Protectorate is located.

If we borrow the road from Tubo, we can attack from both sides, which is very dangerous.

"The marriage has been going on for a long time. Jing'an Mengzan is doing well in Tubo. Your Majesty Daqian, please don't worry.

When this time came, Zanpu had already prepared to send 30 troops to unite with the Xiongnu, which would be [-]. This was the advice of the foreign ministers. Tubo has always been a brother and friend of Daqian.

At this time, Daqian has not submitted his credentials, and the foreign minister has no way to explain. It is not easy to ask His Majesty Daqian to accept the foreign minister! "

It means that I didn’t get my credentials when I came to Daqian, which was very embarrassing, so you always asked me to go back and deliver the mission.

Marriage is my final bottom line, otherwise, Tubo and the Huns will unite to see what you do!

Li Shilong clenched his fists and was furious.

"Old Tang, you damn thing can't you just say it all at once?" Cheng Sanxu scolded.

Tang Jian smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't say it twice either!"

They wanted to fight, but the Huns and Tubo joined forces, and the pressure was still great.

Without 20 troops, it would be difficult to fight.

Once conflicted by the other party, they would rush directly outside the capital.

Repeat the shame of the founding of the country!
Moreover, Longyou is even more dangerous. Once Longyou falls, without the Beiting Protectorate, Daqian will be in a passive state at any time.

You look at me, I look at you.

The prince frowned, he didn't expect Dalun Dongzan to hide such a skill.

Gao Shilian was still reciting, "The foreign minister has been out for the winter for more than half a year. When he came here, he made an agreement with Zanpu that before June comes, he will die. Even if he dies, he will not join the Huns!"

None of us are fools. You have to listen to this last sentence the other way round!

If he doesn't go back this June, we will send troops!
It was really a combination of soft and hard, a soft knife slashed at Da Gan's ribs.

Li Shilong now really wants to kill Da Lun Dongzan, but he can't.

"What do you think?" Li Shilong's voice was without any warmth and his eyes were cold.

Everyone lowered their heads. At this time, Gongsun Wuji stood up and said, "I promised them to get married, but I will not send craftsmen and other skilled workers over.

In the future, when the country is strong enough, it can destroy Tubo and avenge its previous humiliation."

The pen was broken into pieces at Gongsun Wuji's feet.But Gongsun Wuji was not afraid. He knew that Li Shilong wanted to fight, but he also knew that he couldn't fight, so he wanted to be the step.

He knelt on the stubble, and the stabbing made his knees bleed, but he remained unmoved, "Your Majesty, choose the lesser of two evils, and choose the greater of two benefits.

Daqian was not ready for a big battle. After the military parade, all the people were in a state of self-confidence. If there was a defeat, the blow to morale would be huge.

Jingyang is Chen's niece, and Chen is more reluctant than anyone else to bear the injustice of his own children, but as the eldest princess, she has a greater responsibility!
A moment of patience is for the final victory! "

Ji Zhisheng also said: "Your Majesty, please think twice."

Then someone rustled in agreement!
"No, Seventh Sister must not repeat Aunt Jing'an's old path!"

Li Yue said with red eyes: "Father, I am asking for a battle. The Thunder Army has become a fighting force. Let the Xiongnu and Tubo be silent. We are the most important weapon of the country!"

Li Shilong stood up expressionlessly. The atmosphere in the courtroom was eerily silent, "Jingyun, what do you think?"

Qin Mo cupped his hands and said: "My son-in-law disagrees with Zhao Guogong's words and cannot encourage Tubo's arrogance. Matters between countries are definitely not decided by a woman.

It shouldn't be a woman's decision. Don't all the men who do things take the lead?

Are all the men in Da Gan bloodless? "

Qin Mo's voice echoed throughout the Tai Chi Palace, "Aunt Jing'an's eighteen family letters arrived in the capital after 17 years and were delivered to my father.

How many years do you want Princess Jingyang’s family members to be sent to the palace?
It’s not your daughter that’s given as a gift, is it?
Uncle, are you willing to give your daughter away? "

With this rhetorical question, Gongsun Wuji simply didn't dare to answer the question. Once he did, he dropped the subject of the conversation. What if he really sent his daughter to Tibet?
He snorted: "How can my daughter compare with Princess Jingyang? If Dongzan agrees with it, I will naturally give it up!"

"Tch, you're just cowardly and you just don't dare!" Qin Mo raised his middle finger, "People like you know how to persuade others to be generous every day, and then pretend to be dead when it's your turn.

Normally I wouldn’t dare to stand with someone like you! "

At this time, Cheng Sanfu answered: "Why?"

"I'm afraid that when there's thunder, it will hurt me!"

"Huo, was he struck by lightning?"


As the two sang and harmonized, many people laughed. The originally serious and heavy topic suddenly changed its tone.

Li Shilong's mouth twitched, "Jingyun, if you have something to say, please don't attack me personally. I just want to ask you, if we start a war, are you sure of victory?"

Everyone looked at Qin Mo, and Qin Mo said with a bitter face: "Father, you should ask Uncle Liu, Uncle Cheng, Prince Cheng, and Uncle Yuchi about this.

I have never fought in a war, led troops, or left the capital. How can I say that I am sure of victory! "

The four people named by Qin Mo widened their eyes.


Your Majesty is asking you, it's none of their business!
This wave of transference has completely destroyed the four people!

"Your Majesty, I, Old Cheng, really want to fight, but"

"Uncle Cheng, please stop being modest. During the training in the military camp, did you say you would punch the Tubo Zanpu, kick the Xiongnu Maodun, and also destroy Goguryeo?"

Cheng Sanfu's eyes were as wide as a cow's, "You, you, you"

"You don't need to thank me, Uncle Cheng. I'm just saying what you want to say!" Qin Mo patted Cheng Sanxu on the shoulder, "Tell your father and find a way to conquer the Tubo and Huns with your uncles." , Goguryeo, come on, I’m optimistic about you!”

(End of this chapter)

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