big dry son-in-law

Chapter 488: Give the idiot some time!

Chapter 488 Give the idiot some time!
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the war hasn't started yet, so naturally I won't give up. I, Old Cheng, naturally want to take care of Tibet, the Huns, and Goguryeo.

But this requires strategizing, and I will fight wherever I tell you."

Cheng San did a Tai Chi move and threw the pot to Li Shilong.

Li Shilong felt lonely asking.

Then he said: "Retire from the dynasty, Wuji, Xuanling, save merit, Xiangru."

He ordered a dozen people at once, "Go to Ganlu Hall to discuss and withdraw from the court!"

Qin Mo is not among these people, but Qin Mo is happy.

It's okay to come up with ideas, but it's not okay to let him take the blame.

"You brat, you can plot against me!" Cheng Sanaxe gritted his teeth and pinched Qin Mo's shoulder with a slap like a palm fan.

"Look what you said, Uncle Cheng, I'm giving you a chance to express our friendship. Using calculations is too much!"

But Cheng Sanxu looked like I wouldn't listen, "I cooperate with you, it's better for you to make me a joke!"

Qin Mo sighed, "I will leave you three shares of Red Brick Factory!"

"Three shares? Are you sending beggars? At least [-]%!"

"Okay, Uncle Cheng, there are a lot of three shares. From now on, everyone will build houses with red bricks. Do you know how big a business it is?"

Qin Mo suppressed his voice and said: "I don't dare to hold too much in my hands. And, to be honest, I will bring in a lot of people. My father only has [-]%, and three strands is still a lot. You But please don’t tell others, I plan to give them one share each, do you understand?”

After saying this, Cheng Sanfu suddenly felt that he had gained quite a lot. He nodded and whispered: "Don't worry, I promise not to tell, but Jingyun, I still don't understand, why did you recruit so many people to join the gang?
Do you really want to pierce that fig leaf? "

"Hey, you think I am willing. Making a fortune in silence is my original intention." Qin Mo sighed, feeling aggrieved, "I, I, I am also forced to have no choice!"

Cheng Sanxu looked around, "Again, who forced you again?"

Qin Mo hooked his shoulder and said, "Uncle Cheng, just know it well and don't say it out loud. I am not in charge of business affairs? I have received the list and have already started making arrangements.

Once this business opens up, let me tell you, the taxes will be at least doubled in a year. By then, the days when the court is short of money will be gone forever.

Just wait and lead the troops to fight and earn credit for your son! "

Cheng Sanxu thought about it carefully and found out that indeed, the imperial court's intention was very clear. It was to collect business taxes and set up Honglu Pavilion in every king's capital.

"Mr. E Guo, let me borrow this idiot!" Li Yue pulled Qin Mo aside.

Cheng Sanxu got what he wanted and the answer, and left quickly.

"Is something wrong?"

"Idiot, we can't let Seventh Sister go to Tubo!" Li Yue was a little excited, "I think my father most likely wants to listen to my uncle's advice. We have thunder cannons, grenades, and fire oil tanks. Why do we just Can’t fight?”

Qin Mo was inexplicably upset, "Of course I don't want her to go. Am I the one who can decide on this matter?
The locust plague in the northwest is just getting better. Severe droughts are coming one after another. If it doesn't rain, it is estimated that Daqian will be affected.

How can we fight if internal problems have not been resolved?
Do you think your father doesn’t want to fight?

You think I'm willing to do this?

Things in Chengnan weighed on me, and my father pushed me to be on the opposite side of the aristocratic family. Every day when I opened my eyes, I saw tens of thousands of taels of silver coming out of the account.

You need me for education, you need me for building roads, you need me for building houses, you need me for military parades, and now people all over the world are looking for me if they don’t have enough to eat.

After a severe drought, people come to me for drinking water.

The locust plague is still looking for me!

The dark places in the capital are far less peaceful than you think, and the responsibilities of the Six Gates are not just naturalized rangers.

I don't have to take on these things, you know, I just want to close the door and live my own little life.

I'm not a great person, I'm not a genius, never have been! "Li Yue was stunned.

Qin Mo said nothing more and strode away!

But not too far away, a man came around the corner, with tears in his eyes, "Is your father going to marry me to Tibet?"

Qin Mo opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to answer for a moment. If he said yes, he directly opened the bloody wound.

To say no would be even crueler, "Maybe things can turn around!"

Big tears fell down.

Li Yushu sobbed: "Will you help me?"

Qin Mo nodded, "Yes!"

Li Yushu cried even harder, "You lied to me, you won't help me, you hate me!"

"Seventh Sister!"

Li Yue trotted over, "Don't be so pessimistic yet. If you help me, I will definitely help you. Aren't we still here?"

"Qin Mo, if I marry far away from Tubo, what will you do?"

"What should I do?" Qin Mo was stunned, looking at the pear blossoms with rain and Li Yushu, who was very sad, Qin Mo was upset, "I, I don't know either!"

"Then will you miss me? If I go, will you lead troops to fight against Tubo and bring me back?" Li Yushu walked over step by step, looking up at Qin Mo, his eyes full of expectation.

Qin Mo did not answer directly and said, "Give me some time and I will think of a solution!"

Even if Xuan left, it was better to say he was running away than walking. Even Qin Mo was a little surprised as to why he ran away.

Li Yushu was full of sadness, "I knew he still hated me!"

Li Yue quickly comforted him: "No, seventh sister, Hanzi is the most loyal person. Give him some time and he will come up with a solution!"


"Really!" Li Yue said word for word: "I will never allow my sister to follow Aunt Jing'an's old path again!"

Li Yushu looked at Li Yue with emotion, "Thank you, eighth brother!"

Li Yue said: "Seventh sister, you'd better not go to the Li Zheng Palace now. Your mother is pregnant, and she loves you the most, so she must be excited!"

"Then who should I ask for? My father?" Li Yushu said with red eyes.

"No, go and ask Grandpa Huang. If Grandpa Huang comes forward, things will definitely turn around!" Li Yue said.

Li Yushu thought for a while, "Yes, you are right, we can't let the queen mother worry, I will go find the emperor right now!"

With that said, he ran towards Da'an Palace.

Li Yue did not follow.

Liu Rujian said: "King Yue, go and summon the princes and princesses to find the Supreme Emperor. The pressure on the fool is too great, give him some time."

Li Yue nodded. He ignored Qin Mo's feelings. He always thought he was tired, but he didn't know that Qin Mo had to bear the most tiring and difficult things.

He clenched his fists and said, "Let's go. Next, it's my turn to run!"

Liu Rujian was very happy watching his brother-in-law's growth. Knowing Li Yue's ambition, he inevitably sided with him.

My father knew it and didn’t say anything. He obviously acquiesced!

(End of this chapter)

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