Chapter 495
Qin Mo explained everything one by one.

Li Shilong scolded: "You brat, you're still ordering me to come here. Gungun, I get upset when I see you!"

"Okay, I'm leaving, Goodbye!" Qin Mo pulled Li Yue up, "Let's go and tell the old man!"

Soon, the two came to Da'an Palace. In the past few days, Li Yuan took all the naughty children to Da'an Palace and disciplined them personally.

Li Yuan didn't see them either, and the two people Wei Zhong saw said, "The King of Yue, Duke Qin, and the Supreme Emperor are teaching the children, so they don't have time to see you.

He asked the old slave to bring a message to the two of you: You two are very filial and are good children. I feel very happy, but you are too old to see the scene of separation, so you can go.

I am waiting for your triumphant return in the capital! "

Qin and Mo knelt down respectfully and kowtowed three times.

At this time, Wei Zhong took out a sword and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Yue, this is the sword that the Supreme Emperor rewarded you with!"

Li Yue looked at the sword that was more than two feet long in front of him. The hilt was inlaid with precious jade, wrapped with gold thread, and engraved with two words: Long Yuan!
Li Yue was shocked, "This is Grandpa Huang's sword, Long Yuan!"

Wei Zhong smiled and nodded, "Exactly, the Supreme Emperor hopes that you will make good use of this sword to expand the territory of Daqian!"

Even Li Shilong never owned this Long Yuan, but now it was given to Li Yue.

He was overjoyed and placed the sword above his head with both hands, "Sun Er Yue will never disappoint Grandpa Huang's expectations!"

"Old Wei, I don't have anything?" Qin Mo asked expectantly.

"No, the Supreme Emperor asked you to write a heroic report to Zhou Qian during the march. He said that you let him go for a long time and he was in a bad mood!"

"Ah this." Qin Mo was speechless.

Wei Zhong said with a smile: "I want you to come back safely!"

After leaving the palace, Qin Mo went to Qinzhuang and explained everything.

After coming and going, it was night.

The two father and son were eating.

Li Yulan and Chai Sitian came.

"I've met my father-in-law!" The two girls greeted Qin Xiangru in unison.

"Hey, princess, you can't do it!" Qin Xiangru stood up quickly.

"Dad, there are no outsiders, we are all our own people. It is normal for our daughter-in-law to give gifts to her father-in-law!"

Qin Xiangru slapped him with his backhand, "Stand up quickly!"

Qin Mo stood up feeling aggrieved, "Third sister, sister, here we come!"

"Dad, the husband is right, there will be no princesses in the future, only the daughter-in-law and the father-in-law!" Li Yulan said.

"Come on, sit down!" Logically speaking, men and women cannot sit at the same table, but the Qin family doesn't have such rules. Qin Xiuying doesn't want to see too much meat and fish, so she just takes a few bites and then gets off the table.

This custom was also brought out from the Qin family, so that many families imitated it, which greatly improved the status of women.

"Thank you father!"

The two women sat down obediently.

Qin Xiangru casually chatted with them for a few times and then got off the table. He had to leave some private space for the three of them!
"Third sister, sister, don't be red-eyed!" Qin Mo suddenly felt distressed, "Be good, don't cry!"

"Don't cry, come on, I'll feed you!" Li Yushu picked up the rice bowl and started feeding him.

"Third sister, I can"

"Whatever my sister-in-law tells you to do, just do it and open your mouth!" Chai Sitian deliberately kept a straight face.

"Okay, I'll open my mouth!" Qin Mo opened his mouth quickly.

"If you eat your wife's mouth, I advise you not to forget your home!"

"If you eat two meals a day, your wife will be blessed by gods all over the sky."

Only then did Qin Mo understand what it meant, and he took nine bites in a row.

"My wife has nine mouths to eat, and she looks forward to your return!" Chai Sitian said in a trembling voice.

Qin Mo was no longer in the mood to eat, so he entered the room holding the two girls on either side.

Immediately afterwards, Qiuyue, Xiahe and Churui also entered the room to serve.

"Come on, come up. I will go on an expedition tomorrow. You guys, please be united and friendly at home. The third sister and the younger sister have the final say on the family property." Qin Mo's bed is specially made, let alone sleeping three people. Three times more and less crowded!
Everyone was silent. Qin Mo couldn't stir up the atmosphere no matter what, and finally said: "Third sister, today it's your turn to tell the story of young Xiao Mo!"

"Today, we won't tell the story of young Xiao Mo. I heard that you like research very much, right?" Li Yulan asked.

Qin Mo was stunned, "I like it a little bit!"

"Xia He Qiuyue, you two will accompany Mr. Lang in his research!"

"Yes, princess!"

The two women were very obedient.

Qin Mo was stunned, "Oh, I'll go, hiss"

Chai Sitian leaned back, gently placed Qin Mo's head on her lap, and gently rubbed his head.

Chu Rui carefully trimmed Qin Mo's feet, bit by bit. The mountains were high and the road was far away, and there were no women in the military camp. The young master's feet must have been trimmed in three to five days, so it must be uncomfortable.

Li Yulan leaned close to Qin Mo's ear and said, "Xiao Mo has not liked studying since he was a child."

"Third sister, I'm dead, I'm really going to die."

The numbness in his scalp was nothing, he felt like his whole body was numb.

"Li Xiaolan is a widow, and Xiao Mo's sweet words come every day, which actually makes Li Xiaolan's heart secretly promise."

The next day, Qin Mo wore silver-white mail and held a long spear in his hand, looking majestic.

Qin Xiangru is dressed in black armor, old and stronger.

"My lord, the mountains are high and the road is far. Have a safe journey!"

The servants in the house wanted to cry, but Qin Xiuying said: "Don't cry, send me off to the expedition with a smile, and welcome me back with a smile!"

Everyone was holding back.

Li Yulan carefully adjusted Qin Mo's collar, "Mr. Lang, that safety button contains my and Sitian's hair. You must remember that we two are thinking about you in the capital every day!"

Qin Mo took a sip of fragrance on each of the two women's faces, then got on his horse and said, "Xiao Gao, follow me!"

There can't be women in the military camp, but there can be eunuchs!

Gao Yao was also wearing robes and armor and carrying a bag on his back, which contained some things she wanted to use!
Qin Xiangru led the veterans led by Dashan, "Let's go!"

The war horse galloped and disappeared from everyone's sight.

At the door of Qin's palace, people burst into tears.

At Shuntianmen Square, everyone gathered.

Liu Chenghu recited the motto of "departure from the army" and killed dozens of Tibetan envoys to sacrifice the flag. Of course, he said that Dongzan was still alive and well.

Li Cungong got the tiger talisman and shook his arms: "Let's go!"

People spontaneously stood on both sides of the road, and their hearts were at work!
The soldiers couldn't help but hold their heads high. They felt that this battle was particularly meaningful.

Qin Mo was behind the large army, feeling a little excited and a little confused.

Think of him as a bachelor in history, and suddenly he became a big shot in deciding the fate of a country.

Only he himself knows the experience.

"Never go back!"

Qin Mo warned himself in his heart that he needed to be more careful. This battle can only be won, not lost!

Where he couldn't see, a woman in a bright red palace dress was dancing there, waiting until the large army completely disappeared from sight.

She just stopped.

"Qin Mo, we must come back alive!"

Li Yushu leaned on the railing and murmured!

Soon, the large army left the capital and came from Gyeonggi Road to the road from Daqian to Luozhe, the royal city of Tubo.

This road has a special name: Mantou Post Road!

(End of this chapter)

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