Chapter 496

Fang Shun enters the camp
Back then, Princess Jing'an went to Tubo via this road.

It's just that I sent her there back then.

Now, it’s time to welcome her back!

There were less than [-] troops passing through the capital, and the remaining [-] troops were mobilized from other roads.

One is to save time, and the other is to save food.

An army of 20 people, and an army of 40 people was announced to the outside world, claiming to destroy Tubo in one battle!
Qin Mo is convinced by this Spring and Autumn style of writing.

Use your momentum to intimidate the other party.

Moreover, don’t think that you are doing nothing during the march.

A large amount of information is sent to Li Cungong's military account every day.

Every night during the break, meetings are held to propose various plans.

The ancients were not stupid.

Liu Chenghu said: "Cheng Sanxu, Yuchi will be the vanguard to explore the road, and let the soldiers from Jiuqu land go first. According to Jingyun, there will be rebellion when we go to Tubo, so we must pay attention here. If the rebellion is serious, let people stay behind in time." rear!

If the altitude sickness is not serious, you can adapt to it in a few days. Therefore, we need to get over it as soon as possible. The earlier the day is, the better the situation will be for us! "

"You're so scared, just go ahead!" Yuchi Nobuo said.

"It's possible to go up directly, but we still need to convene everyone for discussion?" Qin Xiangru said: "Yuchi, this is not the time to show off one's own bravery. When the time comes, I will lead a team to Longyou and the Beiting Protectorate to unilaterally suppress it. As far as Tubo is concerned, it doesn’t hurt or itch!”

Qin Xiangru was under a lot of pressure to go to Longyou Longxing Land, and Liu Chenghu didn't even dare to go there!

"I will accompany Lao Qin to Longyou!" Cheng Sanxu said!

The people sitting here are all veterans.

New generations like Qin Mo can only surround themselves at the outermost periphery.

Qin Mo also heard it. This is the more famous three-dimensional encirclement and one encirclement. However, Tubo's terrain is high and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The Thunder Cannon is the easiest to clear the way.

As long as the land of Jiuqu is captured, Tubo will have to give in.

It's like holding Tubo's throat with your hands.

It can be attacked and defended.

"Marshal, wouldn't it be better to use the Thunder Army to clear the way?" Li Yue said: "While they don't understand, use lightning to defeat them."

Li Cungong smiled and said: "That is also a kind of formation, but in that case, it will be detrimental to the overall battle situation!"

Liu Chenghu said: "We will lose the first battle!"

Many people laughed, and Li Yongmeng was dumbfounded, "Fake defeat?"

"It can be said to be a false defeat!" Qin Xiangru said: "To us, Tubo has a geographical advantage. It is precisely because of this geographical advantage, coupled with the land of Jiuqu, that Tubo's ambitions have gradually grown.

Last year, Tubo annexed Tuyuhun and there is no longer any control! "

Qin Mo listened quietly, and a clear plan took shape in his mind.

Let me go, these people are really insidious.

No wonder the Thunder Army is placed at the back.

This pure and simple intention is to catch a turtle in a jar!

"Okay, the Thunder Army will get some dumb cannons or some weak grenades!" Qin Mo said.

Li Cungong looked at Qin Mo and nodded.

Li Yue also reacted, "A strategy to lure the enemy?"

"Yeah!" Qin Mo nodded. If we were so fierce as soon as we went up, the opponent would definitely be waiting for us. Wouldn't this just raise the difficulty level to the top! "

No wonder there is a saying in the book of war: The best strategy is to attack the enemy with troops, and the best strategy is to attack the heart.

Even if Qin Mo was familiar with "Sun Tzu's Art of War", it would be difficult to compare with these people.

It's better to be a good little brother and listen to the boss's plans.

"The Thunder Army is very important. It mainly highlights a wonder!" Li Cungong has great hopes for the Thunder Army.

Without the Thunder Army, this battle would not have been fought.

At least there won't be a fight within a few years.

Therefore, the role of the Thunder Army must be maximized.It can be said that the entire battle situation is to set off the Thunder Army!

However, they were afraid that the children of the Thunder Army would be under too much pressure, so they tacitly refrained from speaking out.

"Yes, Marshal, the general will definitely act in strict accordance with the plan!" Li Yue said with a cupped hand.

Half an hour later, everyone returned to the military camp.

Everyone was exhausted, and Qin Mo's legs were even scratched, and he walked like a duck.

Gao Yao had already laid out the mattress for Qin Mo, "Master, wash your feet!"

"No need, it would be nice to have a place to sleep." Everyone in the military camp was working very hard. Besides, marching is not about hunting, and Qin Mo couldn't disturb the morale of the army.

Moreover, the Thunder Army eats, lives and sleeps together.

Li Yue and others slept together with the soldiers.

Qin Mo is a consultant, so he specially set up a small separate tent.

Gao nodded, "Master, are you hungry? I'll cook a can!"

"Okay, I'm really hungry!"

Qin Mo was also very tired. Marching in ancient times was so hard, and he would have to build the road no matter what in the future.

Just as he was thinking about it, the tent was opened again, "Xiao Gao, what's wrong?"

The person who came didn't speak, and the light was dim and pitiful.

"Master, Junior Brother!"

"Who calls me Junior Brother?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Qin Mo immediately sat up and asked, "Devil?"

The person came over, and Qin Mo saw clearly, "Damn it, why are you here?"

Before Qin Mo shouted out, Fang Shun quickly went over and covered his mouth, "Don't make any noise. The marshal knows that I am in the military camp, and it was approved by His Majesty!"

Qin Mo fainted. It was the first time he had ever seen someone covering his mouth and nose.

He pointed to his nose, and Fang Shun quickly asked Qin Mo to show his nose, "I'll let go, don't make any noise, or I'll hit you!"

Qin Mo nodded.

Only then did Fang Shu let go.

The atmosphere was quite awkward. Qin Mo wasn't afraid of her in the military camp. He was just curious about why she was here. "Who asked you to come?"

"Master, you asked me to come here!"

"Come and protect me?"

"Oh, you think too much!"

"No? Then you go out, I don't welcome you here! Put down your fists, I will scream out, and you will have to go home!"

Fang Shun almost died of anger. If she really went back, she would definitely be expelled from the school by her master!

"You, can't you be less annoying?"

"Sorry, I can't. Why should I change myself because of others? Hurry up and tell me if you are here to protect me!"

Fang Shun clenched her fists, really wanting to give him a blow, but she was afraid that he would yell, "Yes, is that okay?"

Qin Mo snapped his fingers, "But wouldn't your voice reveal the truth when you speak in the military camp?"

"Just pretend to be a little eunuch!" Fang Chun said: "In short, from now on, you will be under my protection until the end of the war."

"Xiao Fang, I don't like it when you talk like that!"

"Asshole, call me Senior Sister!" Fang Shun directly pinched his face and pulled him to both sides!
Qin Mo gasped in pain!
Your uncle's!

You are the only one who can catch it, right?

I will too!

He suddenly reached out his hand!
Fang Shun was stunned.

Don't talk about her, Qin Mo is also confused!

"Damn it, why didn't you hide?" Qin Mo felt the murderous intention of the female devil, but the space here was small and there was nowhere to go.

"Well, senior sister, listen to my explanation, I"

He just wanted to retract his hand, but his hands didn't obey the command and couldn't help but grab a handful!
(End of this chapter)

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