big dry son-in-law

Chapter 498 Qin Ling Zan Zhuo

Chapter 498 Qin Ling Zan Zhuo
"Jingyun, come here and sit down!" Li Cungong's face turned pale, and you knew that he was not feeling well either.

"Marshal, what did you call me for?"

"The scouts sent news that the person who is stationed at Riyue Mountain is the son of Dalun Dongzan, Qinling Zanzhuo. This son is only twenty this year. He led Tubo to annex Tuyuhun last year. He is capable of both literary and military skills.

Winning the trust of Luo Bu Zhadui, after annexing Tyuhun, his next target should be Hehuang Yiyi! "

The Hehuang Valley connects to the Western Regions in the west, Qin and Long in the east, protects Gansu and Liang in the north, and connects Sichuan and Tibet in the south. It guards the main transportation route from the Central Plains to the Western Regions and is known as the "throat of Haizang".

What a coincidence. The Tibetan general who defeated Xue Rengui in the parallel world was named Qinling Zanzhuo!
Qin Mo was confused.

The historical butterflies incited are too outrageous.

And how awesome was this Qinling Zanzhuo? During his lifetime, he defeated the Tang army several times and forced the Tang army to negotiate peace.

And they did not dare to fight again for 30 years. It was not until the Wu Zhou period that the situation was slightly reversed.

But even so, he still sent people to cede the land of Jiuqu.

Therefore, the histories of the two worlds are surprisingly similar but also very different.

It is difficult for Qin Mo to take advantage of his knowledge reserves.

"What does the Marshal mean?"

"The previous strategy of luring the enemy must be slightly modified. We must not lose, draw, or even have a slight advantage!" Li Cungong has been analyzing the situation here for the past few days.

If the two armies fight, the Huangshui side will definitely be a war zone. "But it will be very costly. Is there anything you can do?"

Qin Mo licked his lips, "Yes, but it will be very risky, and even if it is done with the current technology, safety cannot be guaranteed."

"What can we do?" Li Cungong asked hurriedly.

Qin Mo shook his head. The first thing he thought of was the hot air balloon.

But considering the current level of technology, not to mention whether it is possible to produce a qualified hot air balloon, even the fuel cannot meet the standards.

There is little oxygen in the plateau, so burning a fire to keep warm may lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

The fuel cannot be burned completely, and there is simply not enough hot air to propel the hot air balloon.

Even if it is encouraged, can it fly with people?
Moreover, the weather on the plateau is unpredictable. If you fly up there, you are looking for death!

If you fly low, people can shoot you down with bows and arrows. If you fly high, you can throw a grenade down and it will explode before you hit the ground.

Unless you make long leads, it's still useless!
The pass built by Tubo is definitely a majestic pass. It is six feet high and two feet deep. It cannot be opened by mortars.

Unless a large bomb is buried under the city wall, it might be possible to blow up the city gate.

He could only say that what he wrote in the novel was well thought out, but the reality was always skinny.

Qin Mo said: "There can be strategies to lure the enemy. It is best to draw out their large forces so that the Thunder Army can achieve maximum lethality.

Although we have a strong fire oil tank, the flames cannot reach the city gate at all. We can use a trebuchet to throw the explosive packets over.

That would require a massive amount of gunpowder, and there wasn't enough gunpowder in the team. It would be fine to blow down the city wall, but it would be too luxurious to throw.

The effect of shocking is greater than killing the enemy!
The best way is to suppress the attack with firepower and send death-defying vanguards carrying explosive packs to dig holes under the city wall."

With Qin Mo's analysis, a new plan took shape in Li Cungong's mind, "Okay, just follow this plan!"

At the same time, Riyue Mountain Pass.

Qinling Zanzhuo was in the military camp, "Has the Qianjun camped in Xining?"

"Yes Maben! (Tubo implements a seven-official system, and Maben is the general)" "The leader is Li Cungong, the king of Chengjun of Li Qian?" Qinling Zanzhuo looked at the scouts.

"Yes, Ma Ben, now Li Qian's people are cursed, and even the horses have not escaped!" said the scout.

Qinling Zanzhuo knew very well that the Cursed Land was a joke, used to scare outsiders. Even many people in his own country believed that Tubo was blessed by the gods.

This will undoubtedly boost morale.

"They divided their troops into three groups. They went all the way to Yizhou. The leader was Liu Chenghu. They went all the way to Longyou. They were led by Qin Xiangru. There were 40 troops!"

Qinling Zanzhuo felt a lot of pressure. He had received news a few days ago that Daqian was going to welcome Mengzan back to Jing'an, and his father was now being detained in Daqian.

To be honest, Zamp doesn't want to fight, but he's not afraid of war either.

"Explore again!"

Qinling Zanzhuo was a man with a strong heart. Tubo was too poor and they needed time to develop. This time Li Qian came with an army and he had to stop him even if he couldn't.

Moreover, he also received a letter from a mysterious person, which detailed the secret weapon Daqian carried this time!

"Incomparably powerful grenades, thunder cannons that can collapse city walls, and oil tanks that spit out fierce fire more than ten meters away!"

Qinling Zanzhuo squinted his eyes. If this letter is true, then they cannot be given time to adapt!
"Call Daiben in. (Thousands of Samurai Households are similar to Zhechong Mansion in Daqian. The Tubo forces are divided into eighteen areas, mainly based on the Tubo families. There are six administrative areas. In addition to Luosue, there are The chief of Guidongdai in Wudaru is called Daiben, and he is under the administrative control of Wudaru)."

Soon, dozens of Daiben came in! "

"See Maben!"

"Prepare your troops and horses, let's attack Xining City at night!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, "Maben, the risk of running at night is too great!"

"Yes, Maben, please think again. Zanpu made a decree before, mainly focusing on peace talks!"

"Didn't Zamp listen to those idiots and think that peace talks can bring peace? No!"

Qinling Zanzhuo sneered, "Kezeng and the princess are being detained in Daqian. They have issued a proclamation, saying that we are ambitious and want to attack the disobedient thieves. Are we thieves?

We just did what we should do, and we just wanted to make our country strong. Is that wrong?
Do we really want Zamp to send Mengzan back?And then cede the land of Jiuqu? "

Everyone looked at each other.

Qinling Zanzhuo added: "There is no right or wrong between countries, only strength and weakness. If we in Tubo want to stand in the world, we must fight at this point.

Moreover, who said we were making a sneak attack? We were just watching the rebels in Tuyuhun! "

Hearing this, they were all shaken, looked at each other, and saluted: "Maben is wise!"

That night!

Qin Mo tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

The heart palpitations caused by high fever prevented him from sleeping well for several days.

"General, why aren't you sleeping yet?" Gao Yao asked.

"I can't sleep, I have been thinking about the battle these days!" Qin Mo said: "In the three days since we came here, Qinling Zanzhuo was able to destroy Tuyuhun. He is obviously a character.

The war is about to begin, and I don't believe it will be so peaceful. Moreover, at this time, we are at our weakest. This is an excellent opportunity, and he has no reason to miss it! "

(End of this chapter)

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