big dry son-in-law

Chapter 499 Night Attack

Chapter 499 Night Attack
"Don't scare yourself here, Tubo may not want to fight!" Fang Chun's voice came from the other side.

"Do you think it's possible?" Qin Mo got up from the bed. He was much better now. At least his head was not so dizzy. "Everyone knows that war is inevitable. With Tubo's many battles with the Central Plains dynasty, they There’s no reason why you don’t know about the high-profile rebellion!”

"It's not like there are no scouts outside, why are you anxious!" Fang Chuan turned over, "It's just a waste of time!"

"You little guard, there's nothing wrong with you, so don't interrupt!" Gao Yao scolded.

"You little eunuch, it's not your turn to interrupt!" Fang Chun said unwillingly.

"Okay, you two stop arguing!"

Qin Mo took a deep breath and dug a ditch outside Xining City, which could effectively resist the cavalry, and also pulled a razor wire (barbed wire).

The appearance of this thing was originally to restrict the movement of cattle, and later it was specifically designed to hinder cavalry and even prevent infantry from attacking.

Only Qinzhuang could make this kind of thing, and it was expensive. Many people didn't understand why Qin Mo brought these barbed wire fences.

However, only Qin Mo understood its power.

At this moment, drums sounded in Xining City.

"Boom boom boom!"

The rapid beating of drums broke the tranquility of Xining City.

At this time, it was already the beginning of the night, that is, after nine o'clock in the evening, and Xining City was gradually getting dark.

There were stars in the sky, but at this moment, a chilling atmosphere filled the military camp.

"No, the enemy is attacking!" The drums sounded chaotic, it was an enemy attack.

I really have nothing to worry about.

Qin Mo quickly put on his silver armor and hurried out of the military tent. Gao Yao and Fang Shun also hurriedly followed.

"Marshal, what's going on?" Qin Mo quickly came to Li Cungong's military tent. At the same time, Zhang Xi and others also came here.

"The scouts are here to report that the Tibetans are attacking at night, with no less than [-] cavalry!" Li Cungong took a deep breath, "We should be here in another quarter of an hour!"

Although others were also feeling particularly uncomfortable, they all got up.

Among them, the people from the Thunder Army were the fastest to organize an army!
"Quick, push the thunder cannon to the city wall and defend the city!" Li Yue said hurriedly.

Tubo killed them by surprise, but Li Cungong didn't panic too much. As early as daytime, Qin Mo reminded him to prepare in advance.

Simply patrolling the night with the Nine-Tune Army is obviously not enough, a large number of traps are also needed.

No, just after setting up the trap during the day, the Tubo attacked at night, and he was also frightened.

Just wait and see how effective the trap can be!

Countless torches were lit, Xining City was just a small town with a population of tens of thousands, and people were hiding uneasily at home.

The civil servants who were ordered to do corvee endured their discomfort and got up to carry the supplies for the defense of the city.

Li Cungong led everyone to stand on the city wall. The sound of horses riding on horses came from the front, from far to near, and the sound was huge.

Qinling Zanzhuo shouted loudly: "Charge!"

Their speed is very fast, and they can definitely catch them off guard if they attack in a short distance!
Moreover, Xining City is not a majestic city gate, which makes Qinling Zanzhuo very confident.

A large group of people attacked.

They were very fast, running towards Xining City where the flames were blazing into the sky.

However, when they were more than 300 feet away from Xining City, they saw a large number of resisting horses.

The Tubo soldiers quickly dismounted and moved the rejected horses away.

On top of the Xining city wall, Zhang Xi said: "Fire the cannon, what a great opportunity!"

"Can't drive, it's too far, let them walk in!"

Li Yue said: "We will fire again when they reach the trench position!"

Qin Mo leaned on the battlements. Refusing the horse would make them take it lightly. There were no trenches in this era, let alone razor lines.

And the razor line is not noticeable at all in the dark.Whether it is war horses or infantry, it is a huge obstacle.

The most important thing is that a large amount of poison is applied to these razor lines. Once scratched, the infection will lead to death!
Li Cungong said: "Arrow on the crossbow!"

The so-called ballista can also be called a ballista. This thing is a large crossbow that can shoot up to three hundred feet.

It was only when Qin Mo saw this thing that he denied using a hot air balloon.



The flag bearer waved the flag, but it was not obvious in the dark, so the drum beat took the place of the flag!

Whoosh whoosh!
Hundreds of long arrows pierced the sky and plunged into the night.

A stone weighing more than 20 kilograms also flew 300 meters away.

These physical tasks are mostly done by the garrison in Jiuqu Land.

"Take out your shield and charge!"

Since Princess Jing'an married into Tubo, Tubo's iron-making technology has made great progress. Although it is still not as good as Dagan, it is already the most powerful country in iron-making besides Dagan.

Even the Huns wanted to buy iron from them.

However, if they don’t have enough for themselves, how can they sell it?

In the eyes of Qin Ling Zanzhuo, Da Gan just has more people and better weapons. If they are equipped with the same equipment and weapons, they may not be worse than Da Gan!

The cavalry approached, and they jumped over the horses and headed towards the city gate quickly.

At that moment, their horse lost its footing and stepped into the gully dug in advance.

It was covered with wooden boards and covered with a layer of earth, making it difficult to distinguish in the dark.

The cavalry who rushed at the front suffered a big fall, including both men and horses.

The strong inertia caused them to fall from their horses into the ground.

Even if he didn't die, he would still lose half his life.

What's even worse is that the war horses pressed down on them, and the horses' hooves trampled on their faces. Their armor was flattened, and a big hole was dented in their faces.

Some people crossed over, and the razor line suddenly appeared in front of them and cut the horse's leg.

Even due to the huge inertia, the horse's belly was directly broken open!

Puff, puff!
People fell to the ground one after another, and screams spread everywhere!
Who would have thought that Ganjun would dig so many traps on the road.

How could they have imagined that there is such a small thing as razor wire that spans more than a thousand years.

"Maben, there are several long pits in front of Xining City, with countless thin lines on both sides, making it difficult for people and horses to cross!" Daiben reported, "There have been dozens of casualties!"

Qinling Zanzhuo said angrily: "How could this happen? Why didn't the scouts report this situation before when they came to report it?"

He rushed to Xining City with more than 3 people. Now if he retreats, won't he lose his spirit?
This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he cannot lose!

The opponent's current state is at its worst. If they wait for them to adapt, it will be really troublesome.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Continue to charge, even if I use people to fill it, I will fill up the ravines. I will definitely break through Xining City tonight!"

"Yes, Maben!"

Boom boom boom!
The war drums of Tubo also beat, and the troops marched in and retreated with the sound of gold. When they heard the drums, the Tubo cavalry rushed forward one after another as if they had been given blood!

At this moment, Qin Mo made a gesture to Li Yue.

Li Yue held the battlements with both hands and shouted loudly: "Light the fire!"

The messenger shouted, "Fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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