big dry son-in-law

Chapter 500 This is War!

Chapter 500 This is War!

Boom boom boom!
35 thunder cannons were fired.

The other 35 substitutes can fill the gaps and form fire suppression!
Boom boom boom!
The ammunition fell into the enemy camp and exploded immediately!

Even if it is just black powder, as long as it is of sufficient quantity and purity, the explosive lethality is enough to penetrate armor.

Even if they can't be killed, the wound infection is enough to kill them!
Ballistas and trebuchets are slow, but perfectly form fire suppression.

The Tubo war horses heard the sound of ammunition exploding, and they were instantly frightened.

The initial momentum of the charge was immediately curbed.

But even so, they still approached Xining's not-so-high city wall.

Countless arrows flew up the city wall!

Someone was stabbed.

And they use rockets!
Not only that, most of their arrows were soaked in the excrement of cows and horses.

Don't think that the Tubo people are stupid, this is the cheapest and most practical way.

Once shot, the chance of infection greatly increases!

"Quick, Rolling Wood, Golden Juice!"

Li Cungong said loudly!

Wood fell from the city wall, and boiled gold poured down from above.

It immediately burns the person's skin to the point of splitting the flesh, and if a large area is burned, then you just have to wait for death.

There was a loud noise from below!
"Marshal, they broke into the door!" The soldiers rushed to report!
"Go up! Put the sandbags on top!" Li Cungong has been fighting for many years, but this time it is too dangerous to defend the city.

More than [-] soldiers could not even exert half of their combat effectiveness.

If Qin Mo hadn't reminded him in time, Xining City would have been destroyed at this moment.

The soldiers from the High Rebellion Center mustered up their energy and began to carry sandbags. Hundreds of people acted as human sandbags to block the city gate.

"Quick, grenade, throw the grenade!"

Li Yue shouted urgently, Liu Rujian and others had already been prepared.

The bolts were pulled out and thousands of grenades were dropped.

The dense crowd suddenly made the space smaller, and the power of the grenade exerted its maximum lethality in the small space!

The shattered iron fragments pierced the armor and burrowed into their flesh.

Even stab them directly in the throat!
"Let it go!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Every time a grenade explodes, it means someone is going to die in pain.

At first they were unaware of the pain.

Until they felt a cold feeling in their stomachs and blood coming from the depths of the wounds.

They just felt like the world was spinning, and all their strength was drained away.

People stepped on others, and corpses were piled up layer after layer!

This is not a city defense, this is a massacre!

Use grenades and thunder cannons to make it unstoppable!

At this time, Qinling Zandhuo's eyes were red with blood. Their people had already rushed to the city wall. Why hadn't they broken through the city gate yet?
Until a cannonball landed not far from him, causing his horse to jump up in surprise.

He suddenly came to his senses, "Quick, Ming Jin withdraws his troops, quick."

The soldiers began to chant gold, and upon hearing the order, the Tubo soldiers disappeared like a tide.

In fact, they are already scared.

They didn't even see what weapon the other party used, and their companion died!
They don't understand. It's obvious that their people have already rushed to the bottom of the city wall. The door of the city wall is crumbling due to their impact. As long as they persist a little longer, they can be completely broken through. When the time comes, they can kill to their heart's content!

The person who had this idea turned around suddenly, only to find that no one was standing next to him.

Even if there was, he would still be lying in a pool of blood and wailing!
The person who hit the city gate had already been blown to pieces.

The floor was littered with body fragments, and when one stepped on them, they were covered in blood.He felt a little pain in his foot. When he looked down, he realized that the sole of his foot had been blown apart at some point.

Seven or eight more dark things fell at his feet, and then he thought of running away.

However, he never got another chance!
The war horses roared, and Qinling Zanzhuo led the men and horses away.

Even standing on the city wall, you can feel the bloody smell rising to the sky.

"Retreat, they retreat, we win!" Cheng Dabao couldn't help shouting.

The words were like a bomb dropped into a calm lake.

"We won!"

In Xining City, the soldiers shouted loudly!

The joy of victory spread among everyone.

Qin Mo sat down on the ground, and Li Yue and the others were no better, lying on the battlements and vomiting!

The place below has become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

It’s not that they haven’t been stained with blood, it’s just that they haven’t seen anything like this before!

Li Cungong saw that the bile they vomited was almost coming out, and he laughed loudly: "Spit it out, you will get used to it after vomiting!"

From the beginning to the end of the war, Brother Haier's legs could not stand straight and could not stop shaking.

"This, is this war? It's so, so terrible!"

After the war ended, they did not relax their vigilance, but sent scouts to see if they were really gone.

It would be dangerous if they tried to counterattack.

Although they won this battle, some died and others were injured while defending the city.

Qin Mo went down and took a look. The soldiers who used their bodies to make human sandbags had their internal organs shattered.

The city gate was dented, and there were two soldiers whose heads were smashed directly by the hitting wood.

Not only is it tragic!
"Is this a war? Just defending the city is like this. What about the battle between the two armies?"

It was dark, and no one went outside to tap the enemy's corpses.

Qin Mo knew that now was not the time to rest, "Quickly, quickly, bring the injured soldiers over. Don't pull out the arrows directly. Use fire to burn the knife. I still have alcohol here. Use alcohol to disinfect the knife."

Cut the opening and take out the arrowhead! "

Qin Mo endured dizziness and heart palpitations and commanded the people of the Thunder Army.

People in the Thunder Army have learned some first aid during their training.

Although Qin Mo didn't know much, this little first aid knowledge could save many people.

He brought a lot of cloth strips, alcohol, and sterilized needles and thread.

Those with internal organs can only resign themselves to their fate!
Li Cungong and others watched as the Thunder Army came to rescue.

Li Yue was helping from the side.

Dou Yiai, Cheng Dabao, and even the Haier brothers joined in.

The children who were still vomiting just now seemed to have grown up at this moment.

"Qin Mo, what are you doing? If you cut open their stomachs, aren't you letting them die?" Zhang Xi shouted somewhere.

"You don't understand, don't talk nonsense here. I don't have time to explain to you now. If you have this free time to question here, you might as well boil more boiling water and carry more wounded people!"

As he spoke, Qin Mo took a bottle of alcohol and said to a soldier who had an arrow in his shoulder: "It will be very painful to clean the wound, so grit your teeth!"

The soldier already had high reflexes, and now that he was hit by an arrow, he was extremely weak.

He nodded, Qin Mo asked someone to open his wound, and poured alcohol into it to wash it.

The intense stimulation almost made the soldier faint!
After the dirt in the wound was washed away, Qin Mo said: "Hurry and suture it!"

A soldier from the Thunder Army took out a needle and thread from his bag and sutured the wound directly.

This scene shocked everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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