big dry son-in-law

Chapter 501 Establishment of Military Medical Battalion

Chapter 501 Establishment of Military Medical Battalion

"Jingyun, is it really possible to sew a wound with a needle and thread?" Li Cungong was surprised. He had never seen anyone treated like this.

"This is the best way to improve the survival rate of soldiers. As long as there is no damage to important organs, or severe bleeding or severe infection, they will definitely survive."

Qin Mo took a deep breath. Maybe these injuries were not too serious for modern people, but in Daqian, they were too fatal.

How many can be saved?

He did everything he could.

Those soldiers who were seriously injured could only die in mourning, and there were also those who died suddenly due to aggravation of high fever, unable to survive.

After the first battle, more than 600 people were injured, more than 200 people died on the spot, and dozens of people died due to high altitude.

so cruel.

"Marshal, we should set up military doctors with the team!" There are no military doctors in Daqian, they have no such concept at all.

Qin Mo knew very well that in the cold weapon era, so many people died in wars, largely because they could not get timely treatment.

Li Cungong took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, enter the camp. The battle situation has changed. Let's renegotiate the battle plan!"

This is the real battlefield, and it will never go the way you imagined.

When everyone came to the coach's camp, Li Cungong said: "Jingyun, tell me what you think!"

"There are military doctors accompanying the army, but there are only about 500 of them. I didn't expect this, so the general proposed that [-] people be transferred to set up a military medical battalion.

They do not participate in the battle, they are only responsible for rescuing injured patients and saving the lives of injured soldiers to the greatest extent!

I see that the army carries medicinal materials with them. These medicinal materials are not enough. We should buy more."

"I don't agree!" At this time, Gongsun Wuji said: "Our total military strength is not enough to begin with, so it is against the rules to mobilize five hundred elites to set up a military medical camp.

Any army should be canonized by the imperial court!

However, if you buy medicinal materials, I agree, and I will send someone to buy them tomorrow. "

Gongsun Wuji was in charge of the money bag, and his nod was required for the team's military pay, food, medicinal materials, and even the dispatch of soldiers and armor.

"Establishing a military medical battalion can increase the survival rate of soldiers. If a war ends, we can save dozens or even hundreds more people. These surviving soldiers are the best among the best!"

In the military, scars are badges, and if you survive a few wars, you're considered real meat.

The elite of the elite.

"Isn't this more meaningful than recruiting new soldiers?" Qin Mo looked at Gongsun Wuji, "If military medical battalions are equipped in battle sequences in the future, and soldiers know that they can be rescued even if they are injured, will they still be afraid of death?

Because they know that there is a group of people behind them who can save them, and the impact on morale is immeasurable.

The recruitment of 500 people can be exchanged for elites and indomitable morale. Even a three-year-old child knows how to make this deal. The general of the auxiliary country doesn't know how to make it, right? "

"Jingyun, you must also understand my difficulties."

"The general is out there and his life is at risk. I think this military medical camp is very necessary. Firstly, it can treat the soldiers, and secondly, it can also stabilize people's hearts.

Morale is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it is the magic weapon that determines victory or defeat. Li Cungong said.

Gongsun Wuji looked at Li Cungong and said, "Marshal, you have to think about it!"

"In this way, those who agree raise their hands, and the minority obeys the majority!" Li Cungong said with a smile.

In an instant, most people in the military tent raised their hands.

"This is a good thing. Who dares to pat his chest and say that he will not be injured? With military medical protection, he can survive!"

"It's only 500 people. If it doesn't work, we'll recruit 500 people from among the people!"

Those who raised their hands in agreement said what I said, no one is a fool.

Li Cungong smiled and said: "Okay, I will write a note tonight. All the generals have contributed to today's defensive battle. I will count them all for you tomorrow!" Everyone was overjoyed.

"Thank you Marshal!"

Gongsun Wuji secretly hated him, but he would not do anything that would offend the public.

He took a deep look at Qin Mo and then shifted his gaze.

At this time, a ray of golden light cut through the dark night, dividing the sky and the earth into two halves.

In the thick fog, everyone ran wildly all night, and the horses staggered from exhaustion.

Recalling the battle last night, everyone was still frightened!
They attacked Xining City at night and caught the opponent by surprise. Half of the city gates were knocked down. It was obviously a very successful battle.

But he was killed by the opponent and retreated.

Everyone returned to the pass.

All of them were disgraced and had no momentum at all.

Some people even prayed there: "Great God of nature, don't you protect your people?"

It was obviously a battle of massacre, but they turned it into a desperate escape battle.

Qinling Zandhuo returned to his military tent and took a swig of water. His eyes were full of anger, "Go and cut down the scout who tipped off the news, throw it into the grassland and let the hyenas eat it!"

His night attack plan was not wrong. If it were not entangled in those ravines and those difficult iron nets, Xining City would have been destroyed long ago.

At this time, he might have been chasing Li Cungong's remaining troops long ago!
It was because of the scout's mistake in spying on intelligence that he suffered a serious setback.

"Maben, the casualty statistics are out!" At this time, a Daiben came in, looked at the gloomy Qinling Zandhuo, and said in a trembling voice: "Three thousand, two hundred and seventy people have not returned, and two thousand six hundred people have been injured, and the war horses More than four thousand horses."

"so much?"

Qin Ling Zan Zhuo gritted his teeth. Even if he annexed Tyuhun, he would not have lost so many warriors.

One-tenth of the loss actually came from a night raid?

And it was still under sneak attack.

This battle directly destroyed Qin Ling Zan Zhuo's pride.

"How many Gui were lost?" Qinling Zanzhuo asked.

Na Daiben stammered: "More than nine hundred people!"

Tubo is a system of slavery and nomadism, and Gui is the military branch of the nobles.

There is also 'yong', which is the military branch assigned to slaves (that is, nobles serve as cavalry, and slaves serve as cannon fodder).

No matter how many slaves died, Qin Ling Zan Zhuo didn't care.

Gui is the most important.

He rubbed his head. He had to think about how to write a note for Zamp.

The cannons and grenades were simply too terrifying. He had to find a way to force Ganjun not to attack.

Drag it on until they can no longer survive.

Also, maybe we can start the battle with the mysterious person who sent him the message!

Thinking of this, Qinling Zanzhuo had a way to deal with it, and quickly called other Daiben in for discussion.

For three days in a row, defenses were being reinforced outside Xining City, and the half-collapsed gate was replaced with a new one.

On this day, the soldiers who were severely counterattacked adapted to the environment here, and the clarion call for counterattack was about to sound!

(End of this chapter)

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