big dry son-in-law

Chapter 502 An unspeakable proposal

Chapter 502 An unspeakable proposal
It felt very good to be alive again. At this moment, the sky in Tubo was particularly blue in Qin Mo's eyes.

In the past three days, he has been running around about the military medical camp.

In the end, 500 people were transferred from various military camps to establish a military medical camp, and a thousand people were also transferred from civilians.

A field hospital was established south of Xining City.

No one dares to be the captain of the school, so Qin Mo will do it himself.

In the past three days, soldiers have left one after another, and the mental state of the soldiers who survived the first three days has also improved day by day.

When they saw Qin Mo, they respected him immensely, because it was Qin Mo who saved their lives.

Several soldiers with arrows in their stomachs and several others with arrows in their necks miraculously survived.

Although I can't go to the ground yet, my spirits are getting better and better.

The military doctors accompanying the team are also imparting more medical knowledge to them. The medical treatment in Daqian is backward, but it does not mean that the medical skills of these military doctors are poor.

Seeing the military doctor using a knife to clean the sores, he knew how much those people misunderstood that ancient doctors did not know how to perform surgery.

They just don't know how to perform surgical operations that are too difficult, and they don't have a system. If they say they don't know how to do it, Qin Mo will be the first to refuse!
However, Qin Mo knew a little better than them in this area, so he summoned these military doctors and told them his thoughts.

They were stunned for a while, but Qin Mo had already confirmed it by cutting his belly to take out the arrowheads and sewing the wounds with needles and threads, so they all wrote it down very seriously.

Then they will be taught uniformly to the newcomers in the military medical battalion.

It rained heavily in the sky, washing away the blood outside the city. Quicklime heated up when it met the water, and the fog outside the city was clanking.

Three miles outside Xining City, there is a Jingguan, built with the heads of Tibetan soldiers who died in battle.

After being rolled in quicklime, her ferocious face was as pink as a Japanese geisha.

"Idiot, why are you here!" At this time, Li Yue hurried over.

"what happened?"

"Qin Ling Zan Zhuo sent an envoy over, and he is currently in Uncle Wang's military tent."

"Oh? They still have the guts to send envoys here? What did they say?"

"They said that the night attack three days ago was a misunderstanding. They received news that the rebels in Tuyuhun were going to do evil to Xining City. They were afraid that we were in danger, so they came to help!"

Qin Mo almost didn't laugh, "They all said this kind of excuse to deceive others? Treat everyone as a fool?"

"They also said that they were unwilling to fight with us. They were also misled by the news of Tuyuhun's rebellion. To show their sincerity, they were willing to send two thousand cattle and sheep each."

"What did Prince Cheng say?"

"Behead the envoy sent by Qin Ling Zan Zhuo!"

"Then what are you in such a hurry for?"

"Uncle Wang asked me to come here to find you!" Li Yue said in a low voice: "Your father has sent a secret message. He has united many tribes with the Xiongnu and has also contacted Xianbei.

You also know that after the Xiongnu defeated Xianbei, they united with Jie, Di, and Qiang. When the time comes, they will hold back the Xiongnu! "

Okay, Dad!

Qin Mo proposed two strategies at the beginning, one was to support war with war, and the other was to secretly open border markets to each other to split the Xiongnu secretly.

Supporting war through war mainly relies on the Sixteen-Character Mantra, large troops guarding towns, and relying on secret contacts with the Xiongnu tribe to obtain accurate tribal information about the enemy, so as to strike accurately.

They only look for small tribes with a thousand or less people, and mainly arrest them.

Cattle, sheep and horses were sent to the Central Plains, and the captured people were used as slaves.

It reduced the financial pressure on the imperial court and cultivated a group of cunning and brave soldiers.

It is already May. If nothing else happens, the first batch of slaves should arrive in the capital along with the first batch of cattle, sheep and horses!
"so what?"

"It's time to counterattack." Li Yue said: "General Zhang has dispatched 1000 people as vanguards to bomb the Riyue Mountain Pass. Once the pass is broken, taking Qinghai will be like picking up things from a bag. When the time comes, we will go straight to the hinterland of Tubo. If you don't bow your head, you will have to! "

"A fierce attack?" Qin Mo was also shocked. He was planning to risk his life to gain victory. "Hmm!" Li Yue said to Qin Mo: "Idiot, I know what you mean, but in a fight, no one will die.

Once we capture the Riyue Mountain Pass, all the initiative will be in our hands! "

Qin Mo was silent for a while. Now is not the time to pity others. In any war, there will be vanguards.

They will use their bodies to pave a road to victory!
Qin Mo took a deep breath, "It's okay to attack fiercely, but one thing is to let the Tibetan prisoners clear the way!"

Li Yue's pupils shrank, "Idiot, you... can't do it. Do you know what it means to use prisoners to clear the way?"

"Tch, isn't it just to be scolded a few times and say I'm cruel and unkind? I'm so scared!" Qin Mo was very aware of the infamy that would come from using prisoners to open the way, but so what?

"You, don't be impulsive!"

Li Yue said: "You remember, you must not talk about this matter when you get to the military camp!"

Qin Mo curled his lips and said nothing.

The two came to the military tent.

All the generals have arrived.

"Everyone is here?" Li Cungong glanced at everyone.

Zhang Xi said: "Marshal, everyone has arrived."

"Okay, then I won't talk nonsense." Li Cungong said: "A letter came from Luoxue, reprimanding us for detaining Dalun Dongzan and bullying the small ones. He also asked us to withdraw our troops and escort Dalun Dongzan and others back to Luoxue. Otherwise, unite with the Huns.

Fuck me, within three days, I want you to capture Riyue Mountain Pass and take back the territory that belongs to our Dagan. Can you do it? "


Everyone has been holding back their anger for a long time.

Although the defense won a big victory three days ago, it was almost stolen.

Everyone knew that without those defensive measures, Xining City would have been destroyed that night.

"Zhang Xi!"

"The end is here!"

"You lead a thousand vanguards and try every means to blow up the Riyue Mountain Pass for me. If one thousand is not enough, just two thousand. Even if there is a pile of people, you have to pile them up for me!"

"Yes!" Zhang Xi said with cupped hands.

"Qi Sheng, you take the ladder troops and do everything possible to cover Zhang Xi's troops for me!"

"The commander will take orders!"

There are two advance troops. One is Qi Sheng's ladder troops. The ladders are mainly used to detect the enemy and climb the city wall.

It was also to confuse Qinling Zanzhuo. He didn't believe that Qinling Zanzhuo could know the power of the explosive pack!
Just after Li Cungong issued the battle order, Qin Mo said: "Marshal, the general has a proposal!"

Everyone looked at Qin Mo.

Li Yue's expression changed, and he quickly grabbed Qin Mo and said loudly: "Shut up, Jingyun!"

Li Cungong frowned, what happened made Li Yue scold Qin Mo loudly.

"What proposal?"

"The last general believes that it is safest to let the Tibetan prisoners clear the way. Every one of our Daqian soldiers is valuable!" Qin Mo said.

The moment the words fell, everyone was stunned.

Even Li Cungong trembled in his heart, "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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