big dry son-in-law

Chapter 602: If you don’t want me, I’ll fight you to the death!

Chapter 602: If you don’t want me, I’ll fight you to the death!
Li Yushu had a long dream.

In her dream, she returned to the day when Qin Mo pretended to be ill. She did not knock Qin Mo unconscious to death, but Qin Mo succeeded.

After succeeding, Qin Mo was very proud and went around to show off to others, causing Li Yushu's reputation to be ruined.

Later, when his father found out about this, he wanted to kill Qin Mo.

She knelt down and begged her father, who was forced to spare Qin Mo due to her pleading.

But because of this incident, she was ridiculed by her brothers and sisters in the palace, and was called a bitch by Gongsun Chong.

Li Yushu realized that this was a dream. She didn't want to wake up, and she didn't care how the person in the dream scolded her.

All she knew was that Qin Mo was a fool at this time and no one liked him.

She just wanted to protect this fool.

Later, they got married early and her belly became pregnant.

But Qin Mo seemed to have lost interest in her. Every day Dou Yiai and others hung out together, either going to Tianxiang Courtyard or painting boats. He disliked himself for being too tight-minded and for not giving him any money.

He was impulsive and fell into Gongsun Cong's scheme. He fell into the water and almost lost his life. It was she who went to Zhao Guogong's mansion with a pregnant belly to seek justice.

Later, when the child was born, Qin Mo remained unchanged, and he didn't even have much patience with the child.

He also raised many women without telling her.

Later, the fourth brother and the eldest brother competed for the throne, and Lao Ba also participated.

Qin Mo followed him to rebel and tricked all his good brothers.

Brothers Dou Yiai, Li Yongmeng, and Cheng Dabao were all killed by the car.

Qin Mo was also shot dead in the palace, and Qin Xiangru tearfully picked up Qin Mo's body.

She could see clearly with her third-party vision. She shouted desperately, but no one responded to her.

"By the way, this is a dream. As long as I wake up, the dream will come true!" she told herself in her dream, but the dream continued.

On the day Qin Mo was buried, Qin Xiangru prepared a glass of poisonous wine and went to accompany Qin Mo.

Uncle Dashan, Uncle Erzhu, and Uncle Sanjin. None of these old men who followed Qin Xiangru could survive.

Her brother, the prince, saw that she was pitiful and asked Gongsun Chong to marry her.

Everything in the dream seems to be reincarnated.

Real, but also so unreal.

She wanted to wake up, she wanted to escape this terrible nightmare.

At this time, it was already late at night in reality.

Qin Mo was startled by Li Yushu's cry and woke up almost instantly.

He looked at Li Yushu who was crying in her sleep, quickly went over and patted her face gently, "Big cry, wake up!"

Li Yushu was in a coma for a whole day and two nights, and her high fever kept coming back and forth. Qin Mo even thought that the imperial doctor had taken too much Ma Fei Powder and numbed her brain.

Seeing that slapping her face had no effect, Qin Mo opened the mattress and slapped her soles hard.

With a cry of pain, Li Yushu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Brother Prince, I will not marry Gongsun Chong."

Qin Mo came closer and looked at Li Yushu who looked panicked. He was overjoyed and said, "I'm sorry, you finally woke up!"

Li Yushu was still a little dazed. When he came back to his senses, he looked at Qin Mo, who was full of joy in front of him, and asked tentatively: "Idiot, is this a dream or the underworld?"

"Underworld!" Qin Mo made a face and stuck out his tongue, "I'm crying, you are already dead!" Li Yushu cried: "Nonsense, you are not dead, how can this be the underworld? This is not the underworld." Dream, the fool in the dream will not make me cry!"

"I'm not stupid. Fortunately, I wasn't made stupid by the anesthetic!" Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you know that you have been sleeping for a day and two nights? My brother-in-law has been guarding you here for a long time, do you know that?"

Li Yushu wanted to sit up, but her neck hurt so much that it felt like it was about to tear if she moved even a little bit. "Idiot, my neck hurts so much!"

"Doesn't it hurt? Like a fool, Li Xin didn't want to kill you at all, but you still went up to him stupidly. Fortunately, he stopped at the critical moment, otherwise you would really have to see the King of Hell now!"

"I'm not afraid that he will use me to blackmail you!" Li Yushu grabbed Qin Mo's hand tightly, "When I was in a coma, I had a particularly terrible dream. I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't!"

She told Qin Mo about the nightmare with lingering fear. Qin Mo also smiled bitterly after hearing this.

This is really the style of the original owner. If it weren't for Li Yushu's hammer, he wouldn't be here.

"That's a dream!"

Qin Mo touched her forehead. It was no longer hot. "You just woke up. Don't act like a talkative. Have a good rest!"

"Are you going?"

"It's late at night, can I leave the palace?"

Qin Mo said: "I will send someone to inform the father, the emperor and the empress first, but they are all asleep now. They will be happy to know that you have woken up early tomorrow morning!"

"Idiot, I don't want to be your sister-in-law, I want to be your wife!" Li Yushu said: "You obviously care about me, don't say you don't care about me!"

"I don't care about you!" Qin Mo said: "I am a very emotional person, don't think too much about it!"

"Nonsense, I remember clearly, a certain person cried with snot and tears!" Li Yushu said.

"I saved your life, but you coveted my body!" Qin Mo quickly let go of his hand, "You have a beautiful idea, there are so many people who like me, who are you!"

"Idiot, please don't be angry with me!" Li Yushu said, "I've already died once, and I've realized my mistake. Can you be obedient in the future?"

"No, you can't believe what a woman says!"

"Qin Mo!" Li Yushu raised his voice, "Have you never thought about what if I can't wake up?"

"I have thought about it. I will happily send you off with drums and gongs!"

"You, you, you!" Li Yushu was very happy at first, but now he burst into tears of anger, "Okay, if you don't want to marry me, I won't marry you. I will marry any cat or dog at random. If I make you mad, I will marry your brother.

Cheng Xiaobao is not married yet, Xu Que can do it, but if it doesn’t work, I will marry Chai Rong and be an equal wife! "

Qin Mo was speechless and looked at the angry Li Yushu, "How dare you!"

"There's nothing I dare not do. I'm not afraid of death!" Li Yushu began to be serious, "If you dare not marry me, I will marry your brother!"

Qin Mo said: "Aren't you trying to make things difficult for others?"

"Idiot, if you dare to leave me, I will fight you to the death!" Li Yushu said angrily.

Qin Mo scratched his head, "Then you can only be the youngest. From now on, when I sleep with Third Sister Sitian, you have to help us warm the bed. You have to go through the big room and the second room agrees before you can go to bed.

Not only that, but they also have to keep vigil every day and help us take baths and so on.

When we sit down to eat, you can only stand. When we lie down, you have to kneel and beat your back and legs.

I don’t have much time to accompany you all day long, and my status is similar to that of a concubine. It’s very miserable! "

Li Yushu cried in anger, "That's too tragic!"

"So, you should think about it carefully!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yushu wiped her tears and said, "Okay, I've thought about it. Just be a kid and warm the bed. You have to be willing to do it. Not to mention taking a bath, I'll wash your feet for you!"
But let me tell you, idiot, don’t lie to me. If you lie to me, I will fight you tooth and nail! "

(End of this chapter)

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