big dry son-in-law

Chapter 603 Overnight at Fengyang Pavilion

Chapter 603 Overnight at Fengyang Pavilion

"I wipe it, can you bear this?" Qin Mo touched his chin, "It seems like your head is really numb!"

"You are stupid!" Li Yushu said: "Idiot, will you be less angry with me in the future!"

Qin Mo made a bitter face, "Okay, okay, I'll just accept you as a little kid, and from now on I'll serve you tea and water, take a bath and soak your feet!"
Sure enough, the person is handsome and excellent, but annoying! "

"You are not handsome, you are not even pretty!" Li Yushu said.

"Then you're still crying and shouting that you want to marry me!" Qin Mo curled his lips.

"I don't like you because you are handsome!"

"What's that for?"

Li Yushu frowned and thought for a while, "I don't know, do you need a reason to like someone?"

Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "Okay, if you dye your hair and match it with sad literature, you will definitely be the godmother of the Renaissance!"

"What godmother, what are you talking about!" Li Yushu said: "Anyway, I disliked you at the beginning, but I gradually stopped hating you.

Although you are annoying and have no control over what you say, but if you think about it carefully, it still makes sense.

I won’t see you for the next few days, so I just want to cause trouble for you. When I say trouble, I don’t mean to cause trouble intentionally. "

At this point, Li Yushu's pale and pretty face turned red, "I just want to talk to you, but I don't know why.

Later, the third sister came to me and said that she wanted to be with you. I felt very uncomfortable and felt like there was an empty space in my heart. "

"Hey, it's disgusting!" Qin Mo said in a long tone, pinched her face and pulled her to both sides, "I finally understand, you are just a victim, the more you are insulted, the more you like it, right?"

Li Yushu was furious, but Qin Mo didn't dare to use force, for fear of pulling the wound on her neck, "You talk too much. When your wound heals, you can say whatever you want!"

Qin Mo brought the ginseng tea and put the bamboo straw of his own milk tea to her mouth, "From now on, I will be mute!"

After drinking tea, Li Yushu remained silent and stared at Qin Mo with his big eyes.

The two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, making Qin Mo burst into tears.

Li Yushu patted the bed next to her.

Qin Mo hesitated, "It's okay, I have a rocking chair!"

Li Yushu suddenly became angry. Qin Mo pinched her nose and said, "Okay, okay, I can just sleep!"

Fortunately, at this time, Li Yushu's personal maid was in the room, so she was not afraid!
No matter how good the rocking chair is, it is not as comfortable as a big bed.

"Now, you invited me, not of my own free will!" Qin Mo kicked off his shoes and quickly climbed onto the bed.

Zhuzhu on the side widened his eyes, covered his mouth, and did not dare to say a word.

Qin Mo had no other ideas. He was really tired. He just touched the pillow and soon started snoring loudly.

Li Yushu felt sweet in her heart, but she was more shy.

She clutched Qin Mo's clothes tightly and looked at him like this, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

"Fool, this time, I really caught you!"

The next day, Li Shilong and Queen Gongsun got up early and came to Fengyang Pavilion.

Knowing that Li Chengqian would not be sent to Lingnan, Queen Gongsun's heartache disappeared.

She and Li Shilong came to Fengyang Pavilion. The eunuch guarding the door was about to salute when he was stopped, "Is Jing Yun inside?"

"Queen, the Duke of Jung has been guarding the place since yesterday afternoon!"

"Sleeping in the same bed?" Li Shilong's eyes widened. "No, no, Duke Junguo had someone bring a rocking chair. He measured the princess's temperature every half an hour and wiped her cheeks with warm water to help her cool down. The princess's high fever only subsided in the middle of last night."

Hearing this, Li Shilong breathed a sigh of relief. The couple looked at each other and pushed the door open.

Zhuzhu was sleeping leaning on a pillar nearby. When she heard the door open, she woke up in a daze. When she saw the person coming, she was startled and knelt down quickly: "Slave, please pay homage to Your Majesty, the Queen!"

Li Shilong took a look in the room. There was no one in the rocking chair, but there were men's clothes.

The bed curtain was closed, and two people could be seen hugging each other.

Li Shilong's nose was so angry that he couldn't help but stay in Fengyang Pavilion late at night.

Seeing him taking care of Li Yushu with all his heart and clothes, he was also happy in his heart.

But now, I'm afraid I have all taken off my clothes.

This bastard, is this how he takes care of his daughter?
Queen Gongsun was not angry, but laughed.

She pulled Li Shilong, shook her head, and whispered: "Your Majesty, let's go, Jingyun is here, it's okay!"

"You bastard, this is so outrageous!" Li Shilong almost wanted to draw his sword, "I'm going to chop him down!"

Empress Gongsun quickly pushed Li Shilong out. When she got outside, she said, "Your Majesty, are you willing to kill such a good son-in-law?"

"You have no conscience, it's not enough to marry one of my daughters, you have to marry two!"

"Your Majesty, my father originally planned to marry the sixth child to Qin Mo!" Queen Gongsun said: "Besides, don't you know what our seventh child is thinking?"

Li Shilong was depressed to death. It was one thing to think about it, but it was another thing to see it with his own eyes.

Why, no one wants the princess of Daqian. She is so worthless that no one except Qin Mo can marry her?
"It's so irritating. Don't talk about the three books and six etiquettes. There is no reason. I didn't settle the bill with him for staying in the palace overnight. He actually climbed onto my daughter's bedside!" Li Shilong was so angry, " What kind of relationship do they have, don’t they know it in their own minds?”

Empress Gongsun quickly gave Li Shilong some relief, "Your Majesty, calm down, we are all our own children, not outsiders.

Not many outsiders know about this. If we don’t say anything, no one will know.

Even the Zan County man’s suturing technique was taught by our son-in-law.

Jing Yun is also a great doctor, but when our daughter is in danger, Jing Yun treats her personally, doesn’t it make sense? "

Li Shilong sighed heavily, what the hell is this? He bullied his own daughter, and he, the father, had to wipe his ass.

"Okay, don't be angry!" Queen Gongsun comforted Li Shilong while Feng Jin closed the door very sensibly and chatted with a few eunuchs guarding the door.

"Gao Shilian, you stay here. That bastard will wake up soon. Catch him!"

"Yes, the servant obeys!"

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly, this little ancestor is too courageous.

You tell me, when is it not good to climb on the head of the bed? You have to climb at this time.

A beating will definitely be necessary.

But when I thought about it again, I felt that it was nothing. It was good to make mistakes. After making so many achievements, how could I do it without making mistakes?

"I understand, he must have done it on purpose!" Gao Shilian thought.

At this time, at dawn, Qin Mo woke up slowly. Before he opened his eyes, a squeaking sound came from his ears, "Idiot, what are you doing with your hands!"

Qin Mo opened his eyes suddenly and saw Li Yushu lying in his arms, and his hand was habitually placed where it should be.

Li Yushu blushed with embarrassment and did not dare to look at Qin Mo. "Hurry up, huh."

(End of this chapter)

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