big dry son-in-law

Chapter 611 Teacher Qin’s class has started!

Chapter 611 Teacher Qin’s class has started!

Cui Youren opened his mouth but was speechless.

Have you ever played like this?
He failed to insert the knife, but Qin Mo made a lot of money!
Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, then became angry.

Your uncle has been promoted again. Is it easy for the two of you to be demoted after all the hard work?

Cui Youren said it again.

He glared at Cui Youren angrily, "Bi Qi's mother, you tell me, if you interrupt, I will be promoted!"

Listen, is this human?

Cui Youren blew his beard angrily and stared.

Li Xuan couldn't help but remind him: "Brother-in-law, didn't you teach me to keep the words of greetings in my heart?"

Qin Mo said: "I am an adult and relatively mature. I can greet you casually, but not children!"

Li Xuan scratched his head, "Can I greet you in a low voice?"

"That's not okay. Children must learn well!"

Qin Mo glared at Li Xuan, and then said to Li Shilong: "Father, don't be impulsive. Let me be happy as the county prince for a few more years. There is no need to be so angry!"

"Shut up!" Li Shilong said angrily: "You don't want to be promoted, and I don't want to wrong my daughter. You bastard, if you keep nagging me, I'll beat you to death!"

Cui Youren's mouth was full of bitterness, so there was no need for him to say that.

At this time, Gongsun Wuji came out and said: "Your Majesty, in this case, let this matter be as it is. We should discuss the whereabouts of the deposed prince. The country cannot be without a heir for a day, and this matter must be settled early."

Li Shilong looked at Gongsun Wuji. Originally, he was his adviser and confidant, helping him stabilize the balance of the Longyou family.

But now, he seems to have selfish motives.

"There is no need to talk about the marriage, Duxiu, you should reflect on it and move all your people to the capital. There is a shortage of teachers in the capital now.

Your people are all knowledgeable people, so it’s best to use it for enlightenment! "

Hearing this, Ji Zhisheng was full of bitterness, and any enlightenment was false.

Supervision is real.

But he didn't dare to refuse. He was already sure that Li Shilong knew about it.

"I am willing to contribute my modest efforts to the cause of education!"

"Jingyun, let the people from the six gates escort you, and be sure to take good care of them. When the time comes, you will make arrangements for the Ji family!"

"Yes, Father!" Qin Mo cupped his hands and felt much better.

Many people had surprised and doubtful eyes. The school that Qin Mo built before was always empty. Even though there were so many buildings built in Nancheng, there were not many people coming.

Now the emperor has set his sights on them?

It's Qin Mo. It must be Qin Mo who did this good thing!
"Your Majesty, I believe that although the deposed prince was instigated by Pei Huaiyuan and his ilk, it is a fact that he is treasonous and must be severely punished to rectify the law!" Liu Fazheng said.

"Yes, if we let the deposed prince off lightly today, he will live his life against his father, his brother against his brother, and there will be no end to it. I believe that legislation should be adopted to confirm the country's foundation, so that there will be no trace of the young generation." Yu Boshi. I don't really care about Qin Mo's affairs, but the deposed prince is a big deal, so I can't just ignore it.

Gongsun Wuji also said: "Gong Xingguo is right. Duke Yu County proposed legislation to fundamentally prevent rebellion. I second my opinion!"

Legislation must be done first, first by direct descendants, then by elders.

If the law is certain, the position of Prince Li Zhi is certain. Even if Li Zhi is not good enough, there is still Ah Si.

It is not a problem for the Gongsun family to prosper for another two or three generations.

"I second the proposal!" Du Jingming said: "Assigning Lingnan to Lingnan is the best choice. Don't let him have power anymore, so as not to be used by the underlings and cause more trouble!" Generally speaking, people who are assigned to Lingnan will die on the road. Or sudden death.

The deposed prince is also a prince. If anyone makes a fuss about Li Xin, there will definitely be big trouble.

The court was almost one-sided.

Li Shilong also felt stressed.

He glanced at Qin Mo. This bastard actually raised his head and looked at the dome, as if it had nothing to do with him.

He got angry then.

"These days, I have read through historical records, and I know that those who conspire against them may be killed or exiled. They can be frightened, but they cannot be eliminated.

Although the legislation is good, what if the successor is not qualified for the job?
What if the successor is stupid? "

Li Shilong asked: "There are only four fool emperors recorded in the historical records. Can the country be governed by fools?"

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, the line has been first, then second, and no matter how long the second line is, what you said is still a minority!" Liu Fazheng said: "There is no rule without rules. Don't excuse the deposed prince. The Tian family is selfless. How can we be confused about such a big thing?"

It is impossible for them to give in on such a principled matter.

"Let me think about it!" Li Shilong has no better idea for the time being. Although he has the idea of ​​​​innovating the inheritance method, he is worried that it will be counterproductive.

First the direct descendants and then the elders have not changed for thousands of years, so we have to find a perfect replacement plan.

"Your Majesty, if you keep breaking the rules, you will suffer the consequences!" Gongsun Wuji said: "Jing Yun overturned the things that were decided before in just a few words. I am confused, let alone Jing Yun's intentions.

Do you want His Majesty to stand against everyone?
It is difficult to disobey public opinion, and it is difficult to offend public anger. If the attitude of the imperial court is clearly made clear to the world, how can the world be more loyal? "

Gongsun Wuji's words made Li Shilong anxious, "Jingyun, what did you say?"

Qin Mo said: "Father, I told you, you are not allowed to scold me or beat me!"

"You said, I will pardon you and you are innocent!" Li Shilong said.

Qin Mo nodded and looked at them, "Actually, this matter is not as exaggerated as you say. Uncle Gongsun, do you know what the highest ideal of our Dagan people is?"

"Does this matter have anything to do with dealing with the deposed prince?" Gongsun Wuji didn't bother to talk, so as not to fall into this bastard's trap again, "Don't change the subject."

"Why did I change the topic? How do you know that what I said next has nothing to do with the prince?" Seeing that Gongsun Wuji ignored him, Qin Mo turned his attention to Yu Boshi, "Lao Yu, tell me!"

Yu Boshi snorted: "Qin Mo, you can make trouble no matter what you want, but it's a matter of principle, so you'd better not interrupt!"

Qin Mo sighed, "How come, none of the ministers in the court know what the Dagan people's highest ideal is? It's so disappointing. No wonder you can't even understand the current situation."

"Qin Mo, if you fart, just let it go, don't be weird here!" Liu Fazheng said angrily.

Qin Mo hummed and said: "The highest ideals of Dagan people are self-cultivation, family harmony, country governance, and world peace. Ask yourselves how many of you have achieved these four!"

Everyone was stunned, thinking about the 'highest ideal' Qin Mo said. No one had ever proposed this concept before.

"Does this have anything to do with dealing with the deposed prince?" Gongsun Wuji sneered. He knew very well that Qin Mo was going to be sophistical again. He was no longer the same person as before.

After coming back from Longyou, he learned a lesson. He must not follow Qin Mo's ideas. He must do the opposite. "Let's ignore him and let him talk to himself!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone really ignored Qin Mo.

Oh, I also learned to counter-routine.

Qin Mo cleared his throat and walked up to the main hall regardless of everyone's horrified looks. "Father, let me come up and say a few words. Sixteen, you all take notes. Teacher Qin's class has started!"

(End of this chapter)

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