big dry son-in-law

Chapter 612: The antelope hangs its horns, leaving no trace

Chapter 612: The antelope hangs its horns, leaving no trace

"You brat, who asked you to come up here?" Li Shilong was so angry that he just came up and stood in the middle, giving him a slap on the back of his head.

"Father, I think this position is too low. The guys behind me can't see me!"

Li Shilong gritted his teeth and said, "Then how about you stand on my slip?"

Qin Mo saw Li Shilong full of anger and shrank his head, "No need, it's just fine here!"

He cleared his throat and said, "To be honest, I find that we are going astray now.

Although the country's power is booming and the people live and work in peace and contentment, something is missing.

Especially scholars.

Scholars think about how to display their ambitions and how to govern the world.

But there is no precise management policy!

In our inherent thinking, farmers cultivate the land, craftsmen work on iron, women work as nuns, and children herd cattle.

This is extremely narrow-minded thinking.

Today is a time of great change that has not happened in thousands of years. You can't see the tide of the times, but I can.

My father reformed education, gave hope to poor farmers all over the world, and conducted trade with other countries, bringing a large amount of imported culture to us, allowing us to see the vastness of the world.

The construction of Lizhi Road has made communication between counties closer. Small farmers have moved from the countryside to the county town, and they have a broader horizon.

Not limited to digging in the soil! "

Qin Mo clenched his fists and said passionately: "From last year to now, natural disasters have occurred frequently in Daqian. We have used our own methods to defeat natural disasters.

Every time a natural disaster is defeated, Daqian's cohesion will become stronger.

Can you see that all living beings are looking for a breakthrough point? They are eager to become better, but now you are stifling their positivity with your narrow vision.

You are undoubtedly killing the future of Daqian! "

"Qin Mo, please stop being alarmist here. We are talking about the deposed crown prince. What's the point of talking about things?" Gongsun Wuji was very annoyed.

"Can you just listen to what I have to say? The deposing of the prince fundamentally reflects the lack of Daqian's laws. I will leave this for later. Don't interrupt my lecture!" Qin Mo said.

"Don't waste everyone's time!"

"You don't want to hear it, and you don't have the desire to learn. Is this the level of the uncle? Do you think it is so easy to be the uncle?

Let me tell you, as an uncle, you are incompetent at all in your duties. You have failed to cultivate yourself, manage your family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world. You still dare to make such a fuss here! "

Gongsun Wuji suppressed his anger and could not be impulsive. Impulsiveness was the devil and he could easily be tricked by this bastard.

Seeing that he had shut up, Qin Mo continued: "In this land, as long as we are given peace, we will surely usher in a prosperous age in a few decades. Wasn't there even a brief period of prosperity and strength in the past week?

The biggest problem we have is that we don’t have a sense of direction.

Very general about everything.

Scholars in Daqian chant slogans to serve the people and their livelihood, but how many of them know how to sow seeds?
Father, I'm going to criticize you. You love the people just a few times, such as tax cuts and exemptions. Apart from that, you don't have any more innovative actions.

I said before that I asked you to come up with a five-year plan or a ten-year plan, but there was no movement at all.

If there is no action from above, the people below will do nothing.

He is proficient in eating, drinking and playing, he is good at spring sowing, and he is more active than anyone else in collecting summer and winter taxes.

Prosperity is not just marked as "Longjing's rule" in history books. Prosperity requires long-term development, a plan, and a goal. "

Li Shilong gritted his teeth in anger and wanted to curse, but then he thought about it and held back.But the people below started to make a fuss, "Qin Mo, who do you think is good at eating, drinking and having fun!"

"When I was running in the fields, you were still in your mother's belly!"

"Teach me how to do things, you are too young!"

Qin Mo was not angry, "Then tell me, what are you going to do in the next five years, people's livelihood, economy, education, and to what extent do you want to achieve it?

What preparations do you have for foreign affairs, maritime trade, commerce between countries, and diplomacy?
If you want to be an official, do you have your own ambitions?Do you have a precise goal for what you want to accomplish? "

Qin Mo's question made everyone stunned.

They were prepared.

Of course being an official means getting promoted and making a fortune.

If you have something to do, make money if you have nothing to do.

"Look, you can't even say it, stupid!" Qin Mo snorted, and I used my uncle as an example, "In the short term, he wants to send the deposed prince to Lingnan, and then elect the King of Thailand as the prince, and then find a way Put your own children next to the King of Thailand so that they can serve you well and ensure your family’s prosperity. No, no, you should devote your whole life to Da Qian!”

Gongsun Wuji's face turned red, "Qin Mo, you are going too far!"

"Uncle Guo, I'm just giving you a chestnut, don't worry about it!"

Gongsun Wuji knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, I definitely have no intention of manipulating the court!"

Li Shilong said expressionlessly: "Jingyun is just giving a chestnut, don't be nervous."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Gongsun Wuji wiped his sweat and then stood up.

Li Daoyuan on the side is grinning almost to the back of his ears. When fighting with Qin Mo, you have no idea what he will say in the next second.

You think he criticizes scholars, but he insists on criticizing the emperor.

You thought he was criticizing the emperor, but he suddenly revealed all of Gongsun Wuji's ambitions.

It felt like I was plotting something, and when I turned around I found that there were people standing around.

What's even more annoying is that you can't do anything to Qin Mo.

“Now, I just gave you an example to tell you that Daqian needs a goal and a sense of direction, rather than shouting slogans every day to serve the people and improve people’s livelihood.

Either tax cuts or disaster relief. "

Li Shilong lost face, "You bastard, what do you want to say?"

"Father, what we are saying is that times have changed, and we need to grasp the context of this era more keenly.

If Da Gan is compared to a carriage, then my father is the rider, and we are all on this carriage.

We can't blindly pursue it in the grassland, just like the father wants to eliminate the Northern Slaves, so should we plan to conquer the Northern Slaves in a few years? What do we need to do in the next few years?

Should we cannibalize Beinu, or split Beinu first and maximize Daqian's interests?
You don’t have a plan yourself, so what do you ask the people below to do?
Every time, someone else comes knocking on my door and wants to fuck them, I’m always passive!
Scholars have no higher ideals to pursue. Farmers only know how to farm, craftsmen forge iron, women embroider, and children herd cattle. No matter how powerful the country is, in my eyes, everything is still standing still.

This is the most terrifying thing. It is inevitable to prosper and then decline. "

"Qin Mo, Daqian has been in the country for thousands of years. You have cursed Daqian, and you are so cruel!" Cui Youren scolded angrily.

"Could it be that if I don't tell this matter, Daqian will really be in power for thousands of years? Don't be stupid, what we have to do is not to cover the lid, but to raise the problem and then solve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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