big dry son-in-law

Chapter 617 Pillow Wind

Chapter 617 Pillow Wind

Queen Gongsun didn't hear the answer she wanted, and felt a little depressed.

Feng Jing said: "My dear, I would like to interrupt. Based on my understanding of Qin's Prince Consort, I know that he is not the kind of ungrateful person.

He will never forget his empress' kindness to him.

When he said this, he must have thought carefully and had corresponding restraints! "

"I'm not worried about this. What I'm worried about is whether the consequences of the reform can be controlled!"

"The old slave has little knowledge and doesn't know whether the reform is good or not. He only knows that the ministers in the court are perfecting the new law at this moment. Whose new law is good will be used.

It may not necessarily be used by the Prince Consort of Qin. "

Queen Gongsun nodded, and at this moment, Gongsun Wuji came.

"My lord, please see the Queen!" Gongsun Wuji greeted him.

"Brother, no courtesy!" Queen Gongsun looked at Gongsun Wuji who came uninvited. After being offered a seat, she asked: "Brother, what do you want to see me for?"

"I must have heard about the reform. I came here specifically to ask for your opinion!"

"Brother, it's not like you don't know that the harem doesn't interfere in politics." Queen Gongsun said.

"I understand." Gongsun Wuji knew this sister very well, she was the most virtuous, but as long as a human being is human, it is impossible to be selfless and will always have selfish motives.

"Qin Mo's reform was to establish virtuous people instead of direct heirs. This is a reversal of the country's foundation. The situation in which the queen dominates the harem will change. Everyone mainly competes for favor. Whoever has more heirs may be the final winner.

The originally peaceful harem will turn into intrigue.

Secondly, the ministers did not know who to be loyal to, no one was the prince, and the government was unstable.

Third, the establishment of a clan system is the source of trouble. If it is not controlled, chaos will definitely occur.

Therefore, I would like to ask the empress, do you want to support Jingyun? "

Empress Gongsun thought of everything Gongsun Wuji could think of, "I don't support anyone, but I would like to ask my eldest brother why Cheng Qian must be sent to Lingnan."

Gongsun Wuji lifted up his hakama and knelt down, "Your Majesty, it was not what I wanted. The crime committed by Cheng Qian is really too great. I am upholding the law of the country, and I am also protecting your Majesty.

I firmly support the old law. Of course I want Cheng Qian to change his ways. After all, he is Chen’s nephew. How many uncles want their nephews to die?
If we uphold Cheng Qian, how can we uphold the old law? "

Empress Gongsun was particularly tormented, "So you came here to ask me to support you?"

"I will innovate on the old law, but my intention to establish a direct heir will not change, and I can't stop the clan from becoming an official, otherwise it will be endless.

If I can win, everything will return to the right track. The King of Thailand will arrive in Beijing soon, and I will firmly support the King of Thailand. "

Gongsun Wuji finished what he wanted to say and left. He knew very well that Queen Gongsun would not express her position, but she would definitely turn a deaf ear to the emperor. This was enough.

It was night, and the couple lay in bed after being affectionate.

Queen Gongsun inevitably mentioned this matter. Li Shilong frowned and said, "Nian Nu, are you also opposed to Jing Yun's new law?"

"I'm not against it, I'm just unsure. If Jingyun's new method is used, I don't have the confidence to lead the harem well. If they make mistakes and don't dare to punish them, who knows whether their child will be the next emperor?
The harem has always been full of intrigues, and what the concubines are most worried about is that they will kill the prince for their own selfish desires! "

Li Shilong's pupils shrank, this was indeed something he was worried about, otherwise he would not have put all the children in the Li Zheng Hall before.

But he also understood that Qin Mo did these things for Li Xin.

If you maintain the old law and still keep the lid closed, something will happen sooner or later.

Those in power should look deeper when looking at something.

If the new law is enacted, it will be difficult for courtiers to interfere in the prince's affairs, and the final decision will be in his hands.

Decentralizing the princes can also test their abilities to the greatest extent, and can also promote the official transfer system.

Greatly weakening the power of the family.

Letting clan members serve as officials is not a way to make up for the embarrassing situation of having no one available. "I know your concerns. Let's wait and see. Legislation cannot be determined in a few days." Li Shilong said.

At this time, at the Dingyuan County Duke's mansion.

Everyone was asleep, but the lights were brightly lit in the attic.

Gao Yao knelt down and sat aside, "Master, it's the end of the night, it's time to sleep."

"I'll finish writing this before going to bed!" Qin Mo smiled, "If you're sleepy, go to sleep first!"

Gao Yao shook his head, "I will guard the young master."

Nowadays, rumors are everywhere in the capital, which is very detrimental to the young master.

Those are the people who spread the word about traitors and traitors to the country.

She poured a cup of ginseng tea for Qin Mo, "Master, why do we need to change the law? Isn't this good? Things that will happen a hundred years from now will naturally be solved by future generations, so why do you want to offend the public?"

"I just want more people to live more freely." Qin Mo smiled.

"Who is not free?" Gao Yao was puzzled!
Qin Mo didn't explain. He had been planning for so long, and it was time to accept the results.

For several days, he stayed at home writing new laws.

There was no time to even go to Fengyang Pavilion.

However, Gao Yao and Fang Chun would go there in his stead, and Li Yulan would also go there from time to time.

Li Yushu came over.

It’s just that the scar on his neck looks very hideous.

Li Yulan said that the girl didn't dare to look in the bronze mirror now, she had a silk scarf around her neck because she thought she was too ugly.

Qin Mo also wanted to go over and enlighten him, but at this moment, everyone was holding back their ultimate move, so he had to be steady.

Moreover, Li Zhi is back, but Li Xin is not. It seems that Lao Liu is still shaken in his heart.

He had to add some fire.

Moreover, when Li Zhi came back, half of the civil and military personnel had gone, and it felt like a 'prince' returning to the court.

At this moment, Xiao Liuzi came over to announce, "Master, the Duke of Xing'an County is here!"

"Is it just Lao Yu?"

"There are also Prince Heng, Duke Ying and Duke Wei!"

"Hey, please invite them in!" Qin Mo didn't expect the four of them to come together. He hurried out, "Prince Heng, Lao Xu, Lao Du, Lao Yu, I miss you so much!"

Seeing Qin Mo welcoming them warmly and holding their shoulders, several people were dumbfounded.

Yu Boshi said with a look of disgust on his face: "Are you disgusting or not? Whatever the grown man wants!"

"I miss your smile, I miss your taste. Go in first and I'll make tea for you!"

After entering the backyard and sitting down, Yu Boshi said: "Stop talking nonsense, how is your new law? Take it out and take a look!"

"It's not finished yet, won't you know by then?"

"Hmph, are you afraid that I will secretly learn from you?" Yu Boshi took out a stack of paper from his arms, "Look, what do I think of my new method?"

Xu Shichang and Li Daoyuan also followed suit and came up with new methods they wrote, "Come on, Jingyun, let's see if it's better than what you wrote!"

"You three, do you think I'm stupid? Now that I've told you everything, can I still hang out?"

(End of this chapter)

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