big dry son-in-law

Chapter 618: The flowing county magistrate, the iron-clad clerk

Chapter 618: The flowing county magistrate, the iron-clad clerk

Now everyone is working hard and wants to take the lead in reform.

Qin Mo's vision must be stronger than theirs.

"Jingyun, I am quite new to the law. We are all on the same front. Although I have different opinions from you in some places, I generally agree with you." Li Daoyuan said.

"This does make sense!"

"Jingyun, everyone is working together now. You definitely can't do it alone. Even if His Majesty listens to your opinion, it's hard to survive alone!" Xu Shichang said with a smile: "Besides, reform is risky, but success is good. If you fail, you’ll be in trouble!”

Qin Mo agrees with this point. There was once Comrade Lao Wang who was bent on reform, but failed in the end and died in depression.

Any innovation has risks.

Yu Boshi said: "Stop talking nonsense, take a look and see if it works. If there are any problems, just change it and let's discuss it!"

Qin Mo looked embarrassed and felt happy.

He originally thought that Lao Liu and Lao Ba would be called back, but in the end, Li Zhi was called back.

Originally, he came up with the plan and asked Li Xin to jack up the tank. How perfect!
It’s okay to let him come up with ideas, let him take the lead, it’s a beautiful idea!

Looking at the four of them, isn't this a big grievance brought to their doorstep?
Qin Mo sighed, "Don't force others to do what is difficult for them."

"What do you mean by forcing others to make things difficult for you? Jingyun, what you said is unconscionable. Have you forgotten how we supported you?" Li Daoyuan said calmly and coaxingly: "As the saying goes, a good man has three gangs. If you don't have anyone to help you, then you will have no one to help you." Even good bills will not be passed!”

Qin Mo had a tangled look on his face, and the four of them did not urge him. After a while, Qin Mo said helplessly: "Yes, the conservatives definitely still support the old law. Even the reform law will add additional constraints on the old law, or follow the old law." Search the ancient books for methods that have been used by all dynasties!”

The four of them looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Qin Mo directly took the bills from the four of them. To be honest, he was quite surprised, especially Li Daoyuan. The bills for the royal clan were written in special detail, such as how to become an official, even the restrictions on being an official, and the requirements for becoming a noble. , everything is clear.

"Yes, Prince Heng, you wrote the royal family law very well!" Qin Mo praised.

Li Daoyuan stroked his beard, with a cowhide look on his face, but said: "How about it, is there anything that needs to be corrected?"

"Although it looks good now, there are still many problems. We will talk about this later!" Qin Mo said.

Li Daoyuan's face suddenly collapsed. He had painstakingly read through dozens of dynasty and clan systems before writing this.

What could be wrong?
"What about me?" Yu Boshi asked.

"I haven't even seen a lot of rubbish written about your clan system, but the inheritance law is pretty good. It can be justified by borrowing the concessions of ancient sages and citing the past to the present.

But the problem is not small, we will talk about it later! "

Yu Boshi didn't feel angry. He knew that Qin Mo must have something in mind before he said, "Okay, I'm all ears."

Qin Mo looked at Xu Shichang, "Old Xu, yours is no longer good, they are all unqualified!"

Xu Shichang came here to make up for his mistakes. He just wanted to join the reform camp. If he didn't follow Qin Mo, he wouldn't even be able to drink the soup.

Qin Mo picked up Du Jingming's bill, "Lao Du's official transfer system is well written, somewhat similar to mine, and it also links together several key points I said in the court before. Applause!"

clap clap clap!
When several people saw Qin Mo applauding, they also applauded.

Du Jingming blushed, "Tell me about the shortcomings!" "Then I'll talk about them all."

Qin Mo said: "This time the reform is not aimed at the criminal law, but at officials. The law of inheritance and the clan system are generally in three directions.

The reason is simple: the laws are no longer in line with the current situation.

Everyone knows that His Majesty has always wanted to break the monopoly of the aristocratic family, but the new generation has not yet risen. Even if he cultivates it himself, it will take one or two generations.

Therefore, the clan members are used as a talent supplement, but not the main one. It is considered excessive. However, in the long run, the clan members must be liberated to contribute to the cause of Daqian. "

Li Daoyuan was dissatisfied, "Jingyun, the clan has always been the last barrier to the royal family and the most loyal supporters. How can it be excessive?"

"Then why have all dynasties been so wary of clan members? Don't you have any idea?" Qin Mo snorted, "Your plan is all for the benefit of clan members, and there are only a few restrictions. Such a plan will definitely give birth to... A deformed monster.

It will definitely be a good helper in the early stage, but it will be a big helper in the later stage. "

"Then what do you say!"

"Hold it, don't interrupt me when I say it!" Qin Mo stood up, "The system of official transfer is the future trend. In the final analysis, it is to break the monopoly of aristocratic families and avoid the emergence of local emperors.

Moreover, official promotion also requires experience in overseas work. It is impossible for a person who is indifferent to grain and industrious to be a good official.

Being an official does not just require a good heart, but must have the methods of the King of Hell and the heart of a Bodhisattva.

Lao Du wrote very clearly that there are evaluation standards for officials, and the prefectures and counties in the world are divided into A, B, C and D. The annual evaluation of officials is divided into A, B, C and D. To be honest, it is very good.

It would be better if it was more detailed. For example, it would be better if we make an assessment and judgment from the aspects of people's livelihood, economy, taxation, education, and infrastructure construction. "

Du Jingming fell into deep thought. He had to say that this made it more concrete. Officials could implement policies from several aspects. With standards, everyone would know whether they were doing well or not.

"And in fact, there are problems with the division of many powers. It would be better if the powers could be more detailed. For example, the county magistrate is in charge of the economy and people's livelihood.

The county captain was in charge of arrests and had nothing to do with other matters, and education was assigned to other officials.

In addition, officials also need to be mobilized, like Zhang Laotou of Dali Temple. His family has been the jailer of Dali Temple for five generations. This is outrageous.

This situation is even more serious in local areas. You should understand what I say, right? "

Several people took a breath.

I originally thought that Qin Mo just proposed the official system, but I didn't expect that he was more ambitious and wanted to change the official system.

"Don't look at me with such an expression. A humble magistrate and a tough official. The country needs capable officials. Do you know that these small officials who started from humble beginnings are the most capable of doing things?"

As long as you give them a way to rise, they will definitely surprise everyone! "

The aristocratic families are the best, followed by the rich and powerful, and the rich and powerful are the third. These hard-nosed petty officials have been operating in the local area for several generations.

No matter how good the official system is, if the official system is not changed, it will be a death!

"I'm so surprised. If I touch these little officials, the government orders won't be able to leave the county!"

(End of this chapter)

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