big dry son-in-law

Chapter 622 Damn Crazy

Chapter 622 Damn Crazy

"Brother, why did you say that?"

"You are the happiest person, right?" Li Xin is playing Go. During this time, he has a lot to think about. He doesn't have to think about national affairs, worry about his brothers seizing the heir, and doesn't have to disguise himself all the time.

His mind was clearer than ever.

As a commoner, when I think about what I have done in the past, I just feel that I am ridiculous and ridiculous, and I just turned Tianhu's situation into a bomb.

"Let me tell you this, don't cause trouble, and serve your father and mother in peace, maybe the crown prince position can still fall to you.

If you want to cause trouble, the crown prince position will most likely not fall to you. Li Xin dropped the ball and said, "This is my last kindness to you as a big brother!" "

Li Zhi's face darkened when he saw this, "Do you still think you are the prince who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people?"

He overturned the chessboard in front of Li Xin and the chess pieces fell to the ground, "If you beg me well, maybe I will let you live.

But with your attitude, as a younger brother, it’s hard for you to continue living! "

Li Xin was not angry, "You will definitely lose!"

One sentence made Li Zhi furious. He grabbed Li Xin's collar and said, "It's you who killed your own flesh and blood first. Why do you say such things to me?"

Li Xin's eyes were indifferent, "Did you inflict the injuries on your body yourself?"

"The fart was caused by people from the White Lotus Sect!"

"Isn't that right? I know it better than anyone else."

Li Xin pushed him away, squatted down, and picked up the chess pieces, "I know that you have always wanted me to die. Were those two little eunuchs arranged by you in advance on the only way for the emperor to pass by?"

"What little eunuch?"

"Stop pretending. On the night when Chengxin died, have you forgotten those two talkative little eunuchs?" Li Xindao: "On the birthday of the Queen Mother, Shiliu gave her two hand-carved dolls and said that I had them in the East Palace. Similar dolls.

At the time, I thought he was sixteen, but when I thought about it later, I realized that although the boy was naughty, he was not so vicious.

It wasn't until I died that I realized that you were behind all of this.

At that time, when my father brought Qin Mo, I thought it was Lao Ba. But these days, I have thought about it carefully, and I don't think Lao Ba would do such a vicious thing.

The person most capable of getting close to me is you, my good brother! "

Li Zhi objected flatly, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Whether you admit it or not, the truth is there!" Li Xin sat back on the bed and said, "You have little wisdom, but no courage or big mind. I fought with you, but I never thought Killed you.

I have never used such despicable tricks to harm you. "

Li Zhi had a cold face, but he didn't expect that after Li Xin deposed the prince, his brain became much more flexible.

Yes, he really did this.

"Don't frame me here. My father, the emperor, and my mother have loved you more than me since I was a child. I am smarter than you, more talented than you, and better at winning people's hearts than you.

Why can't I be the prince?
Although my father, emperor and mother love me, they just pity me for being fat and weak, so I can only try my best to make them happy.

You deserve what you have today.

Now, it's my turn. I'll help you do the things you can't do. I'll help you be the emperor you can't do! "

Li Zhi felt indescribably happy in his heart. With the support of his uncle and the others, he only had to be careful and be himself, be filial to his father, the emperor and his mother, and be a good baby.

The position of prince will fall on his head.

As long as you look magnanimous and tolerate everything, your position as prince will be solid.Who told him to pretend since he was a child?
Looking at Li Zhidezhi's arrogant face, Li Xin suddenly burst out laughing, even crying.

Seeing this, Li Zhi said angrily: "Why are you laughing? I am better than you in every aspect. I am more worthy of being the prince than you!"

Li Xin wiped his tears and said, "You are worthy. You are so worthy. It's a pity that you will never have that chance. Do you know why?"

"This prince must be mine, and can only be mine!" Li Zhi originally thought that he could ridicule Li Xin well when he came over.

But he was repeatedly ridiculed and even ridiculed by Li Xin. The indifferent, disdainful and condescending look in his eyes was just like how he used to look at himself.

He was imprisoned for one term, why?

"Those who are in authority are confused, but those who are watching are clear. Come here and I will teach you one last time!" Li Xin said with a smile: "Why, you dare not come here? I am no longer the prince and am unarmed. Are you still afraid that I will hurt you?"

Li Zhi said coldly: "Why are you afraid? I want to see what tricks you can come up with!"

He walked up to Li Xin. Li Xin looked down and saw the sword at Li Zhi's waist. He quickly grabbed it and drew it fiercely!
Second groan!

The sword was unsheathed, the cold light shining brightly.

Li Zhi was startled, and before he could react, the sharp sword pierced Li Zhi's clothes.

Li Zhi was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly.


Li Zhi broke into a cold sweat and was about to curse when Li Xin turned the sword and stabbed into his body.Phew!
Li Xin frowned, a look of pain flashed across his face, but the corners of his mouth raised, "Now, you will never have the chance to ascend to that position, my good brother!

This is the last moment that brother will give you! "

"You madman, damn madman!"

Li Zhi understood why he had deceived him, and he didn't want to kill him at all.

"Help, help, my fourth brother wants to kill me!"

Li Xin shouted loudly!

Li Zhi now looked like a ghost, and his clothes were also torn. People who didn't know it thought it was caused by the fight between the two brothers.

Li Xin shouted, sweeping the arranged chessboard to the ground and pretending to be fighting, "Come and save me!"

Blood seeped from the wound. Lin Rong, who was in the backyard, rushed out immediately. When she saw this scene, she exclaimed, "Lang Jun, hurry up, help me!"

She hugged Li Xin, tears streaming down her face, and looked at the astonished Li Zhi beside her, "You are so vicious, he is your elder brother, how could you do it!"

Li Zhi couldn't help but tremble all over, and shook his head like a rattle, "No, it wasn't me, it was him!"

At this time, the guards rushed in and were frightened when they saw this scene.

It’s over, it’s a disaster!

"King of Thailand, what are you doing!" The general on duty was personally appointed by Li Shilong. He was Li Daoyuan's son, Li Shengli!

"Brother, I didn't do this, he did it himself!"

Li Shengli's nose was so angry that he heard the sound of a chessboard falling in the room before, and wanted to rush in, but after thinking about it, he held back.

But he didn't expect that Li Zhi would be so bold as to kill his brother!

Looking at Li Zhi's tattered clothes, it was clearly caused by a fight!
He gritted his teeth and said, "He's already like this, why don't you let him go!"

(End of this chapter)

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