big dry son-in-law

Chapter 623 You’ll never have that chance again

Chapter 623 You’ll never have that chance again

If Li Xin died here, he would have to walk around without food.

Li Shengli said angrily: "Quickly, call the imperial doctor and report to Your Majesty!"

Li Zhi kept explaining, "Brother, it's not me. I really didn't kill him. He wanted to kill me!"

Li Shengli looked at him coldly, "Go and explain to His Majesty!"

Lin Rong's cries echoed through the right leader's mansion.

I don’t know how many people were alarmed.

When Li Shilong received the news, he dropped the brush in his hand, "How dare that traitor!"

He angrily swept away the things on the document and walked out angrily, "Don't tell the queen!"

Li Xin has been deposed, why should we kill him?
Is he so afraid that Li Xin will affect his position as prince?

Brothers can kill each other, so what he said in the palace before was all bullshit!

When they arrived at the Youling Military Mansion, Li Daoyuan had already arrived, "I am here to see your Majesty!"

Li Shilong waved his hand and said coldly: "Where is the traitor?"

After the words fell, Li Zhi moved his body and ran out. His tattered clothes made him look particularly embarrassed.

Li Zhi knelt on the ground, "Father, I didn't kill eldest brother, I didn't. It was eldest brother who framed me. He wanted me to lose my position as the prince!"

He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

Li Shilong roared: "You are not the prince yet, how could you lose your position as the prince? You do one thing before others and another behind others, how can you be so vicious!"
Do you know how sad your mother would be if she knew about this? "

Li Shilong angrily kicked him to the ground, took out his belt, and beat Li Zhi hard, "Nie Zhi, you evil deed!"

Li Daoyuan comforted him weakly from the side, but he was very disdainful of Li Zhi in his heart. He killed his brother before he was a prince. What if he really became the prince?
"Ah, father, I have been wronged!"

Li Zhi rolled on the ground, "Even if I am blinded by power, I will not do such a sinful thing. What's more, in this right leader's military mansion, I am not so stupid."

This explanation made Li Shilong hesitate for a while, but he was still angry in his heart.

"Kneel down for me, and I'll come back to deal with you later!"

He hurried in and saw several imperial doctors treating him there. Lin Rong couldn't help crying. When she saw Li Shilong, she knelt down quickly and said, "The sinful girl has seen your majesty!"

"No matter how guilty you are, you are still my daughter-in-law. You are not even willing to call me "Father" anymore?"

Lin Rong was the most innocent person in this incident and was imprisoned by Li Xin. Afterwards, he learned from Li Yu that she was beaten by Li Xin.

Shocked and ashamed.

Lin Rong cried bitterly, "Father!"

"How is Chengqian?"

"We're rescuing him. The imperial doctor said he didn't hit any vital points and he should be able to be saved." Lin Rong replied.

Li Shilong breathed a sigh of relief, "Tell me about the situation at that time."

"My daughter-in-law didn't know that I was preparing food for my husband in the backyard. During this time, my fourth brother came, and I could hear the sound of a chessboard falling in the room, twice.

When he heard Lang Jun shouting for help, he was stabbed by his fourth brother with a sword. "

Lin Rong knelt on the ground and begged: "Father, Lang Jun has repented. We don't want everything in the capital. Please spare Lang Jun's life!"

Li Shilong helped him up, feeling even more sad in his heart. If he wanted to kill Li Xin, he would have killed him long ago. How could he wait until now?

Why would he cause so many things?

"I will not kill him, nor will I allow others to kill him!"

After speaking, Li Shilong stood there waiting with his hands behind his back.

Two quarters of an hour later, inside the house, Li Shilong looked at the pale Li Xin on the bed, "Did the Fourth really kill you?" "I wanted to kill you, but I couldn't, but I don't blame him. I'm alive, and he... The prince felt uncomfortable doing it.

Jing Yun wanted to change his ways, but he got impatient and started to quarrel. After a back and forth argument, he stabbed me. I also stabbed him with my sword, but missed. "

Li Xin laughed at himself, "It's all my own fault that I'm in this situation today. I never thought that the person I hated so much at the beginning would go to great lengths to save me.

It's really ridiculous that the person I trust as my life insists on wanting me to die. I've really had enough of this ridiculous power game. "

"Whose fault is this? Why didn't you listen to me earlier?" Li Shilong said, hating that iron cannot become steel.

"The son was too headstrong and hurt his father." Li Xin said, "I am not a good prince, let alone a good son!"

"What's the point of talking about this now?" Li Shilong took a deep look at Li Xin and said, "Just have a good life. Even if you are going to die, don't die in the capital. Every man who is a great man has his own way back."

"My son is injured, so I won't go to the ground to see his father off!" Li Xinda said.

Looking at Li Shilong's back, Li Xinyue hated himself for being confused. His name had long established his unshakable position.

"The prince is not mine, I admit it, but the prince cannot be yours either!"

At this time, Li Shilong walked out of the door and looked at Li Zhi, who was covered in scars and kneeling on the ground with difficulty, "You will never have that chance again!"

Li Zhiru was struck by lightning, and he rolled and crawled towards Li Shilong, "Father, please listen to my explanation, I was wronged, I was wronged."

But Li Shilong left without looking back.

Li Zhi hated Li Xin so much that he wanted to stab him to death with a sword.

How vicious.

After waiting for so many years, he finally got the chance, but was abruptly killed by Li Xin.

"You bastard, I will never let you go even if I die!"

Li Zhi glanced fiercely inside, then gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, chasing after him.

The news that Li Zhi stabbed the deposed prince spread quickly.

When Qin Mo learned about this, he was stunned.

Damn it, this damn fat guy is dizzy?

He doesn't really think he is the prince, does he?
What followed was ecstasy, "Oh, this fat man is very polite. Is the position of the prince so hot?"

He was ready to use his trump card to play the game, but he didn't expect that Li Zhi would make stupid moves frequently.

However, this matter is always weird.

That damn fat man is very sinister and knows how to hide. How could the right leader of the military government take action?
Even if you want to take action, wouldn't it be better to bribe the guards inside and kill them?

This is not necessary.

"Whatever, this is a clue to the door. If I don't punish him to death, I will lose!"

Qin Mo walked around for a few times, "Quick, prepare the horse, I want to enter the palace!"

At the same time, in the palace, Li Shilong was angered again.

Now he was lying in the Palace of Eternal Life, with Gongsun Wuji and other ministers beside him.

Gongsun Wuji had a sullen face and thought to himself, the fourth child is useless, but he is not afraid.

And A Si!

Moreover, this child is young and can be nurtured slowly.

Thinking of this, Gongsun Wuji said: "Your Majesty, this is the undecided position of the crown prince that has caused people's hearts to fluctuate. It is better to appoint the crown prince as soon as possible to appease people's hearts.

Don't let this happen again! "

(End of this chapter)

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