big dry son-in-law

Chapter 625 Family Nemesis

Chapter 625 Family Nemesis
First of all, the clan members do not interfere in the change of the royal family, and the only person loyal to them is the emperor.

Secondly, the clan members cut off their offerings and did not want a cent from the court.

Third, to extend favor, legitimate sons and bastards accounted for [-]% and [-]% of the family property, legitimate sons and daughters could serve as officials, and bastard sons could engage in business and could not enclose land.

There are various restrictions on clans, with more than 40 restrictions.

It can be said that the introduction of clan restrictions is in exchange for more restrictions.

It reduced the danger of the clan to the imperial power and increased the clan's dependence on the imperial power.

Especially the third one, to show favor, is to cut off the feet of the clan members.

It's too cruel.

Li Yuan, who had been silent all this time, said: "Isn't the clan about to decline?"

"Thanks to the Supreme Emperor, the clan will not decline. Those who serve as officials will become officials and those who join the world will not only reduce the burden on the court, but also cultivate more talents for the court." Li Daoyuan said.

"This method is acceptable!" Li Yuan nodded. Although this move has many restrictions on clan members, over time, clan members will spread all over the world, which is quite a considerable force.

Without the restriction of being an official and being a clan member, there is no need for support from the court.

Li Shilong looked at Qin Mo. Is this what Qin Mo said, saving him a million taels of silver a year?
This is indeed something that is hard to refuse.

In the short term, it is a blow to the clan, but it gives the clan a chance to get ahead.

"This method is acceptable!" Li Shilong also nodded.

Li Daoyuan felt happy and returned to his original position.

Gongsun Wuji and others exchanged glances. This move was indeed cruel, and it exceeded the restrictions they gave them.

I can't find much to criticize.

Just the extension of grace set a precedent that had not been seen in thousands of years.

If this were placed on Zhen Fan, they would be killed!

"Besides the kinship law, are there any other laws?"

"I have!" Yu Boshi said: "I, together with Dingyuan County Duke, Heng Wang, Du Shangshu, Ying Gong and others, jointly wrote a new inheritance law."


“I believe that the new law is to explore a new path based on the original old law. If we borrow the methods of our predecessors, this is going backwards in history.

The establishment of direct descendants is in line with the national conditions of thousands of years ago, and any bill should conform to the current situation.

I am bold, and the new inheritance law should start with the abolition of vassal suppression.

Zhenfan is a country within a country. If you want to ensure the unification of the world, there should be no exceptions. Any suppressor may become a factor of uncertainty.

Therefore, I think that the crown prince can be an official, but he cannot be a vassal or hold military power!

After the vassal suppression was abolished, there was a foundation for establishing virtuous people.

I believe that the root cause of the successive usurpations of thrones and brother-murders in the court lies with Your Majesty! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Huang Gui frowned, "Mr. Yu, are you saying that it was His Majesty who caused the brotherly feud?"

"Yes!" Yu Boshi nodded.

Li Shilong's face was full of embarrassment, "Bo Shi, why does this matter have anything to do with me again?"

"Because your Majesty is too young, in the prime of the Spring and Autumn Period!" Yu Boshi said bluntly: "Saying long live your Majesty is auspicious words. How many people can live long live?

Anyone who can live to be a hundred years old is considered an auspicious person.

Take ordinary people as an example. They can live to be 70, 80, or even [-] years old.

If your majesty lives a hundred years and the prince comes to the throne and takes power, he will already be a gray-haired old man. Will the prince be willing?
Is Your Majesty willing to abdicate early and let the Crown Prince take charge? "

"Yu Boshi, you are so bold!" Gongsun Wuji cursed: "How dare you, a minister, speak of your father!"

"If I don't tell you the problem, am I going to flatter you every day?" Yu Boshi didn't like this, "Power has always been the most fascinating thing, so I thought that by establishing a virtuous person, I could extend the time for the prince's assessment. Secondly, it can also prevent the prince from competing for imperial power.

The emperor can also see the abilities of the princes most clearly and intuitively before deciding on the candidate for the prince.

If a candidate is selected, the prince can be allowed to supervise the country, but the prince will not be given military power.

Or let the prince stay in the capital to expand the scope of the land he governs, further test the prince's ability, cultivate the prince's wings, and perfectly bridge the gap during the prince's ascendance.

The ministers you train yourself are more useful than the ministers left by the previous emperor, and you can avoid too much power struggle and the waste of talents.

Before that, the prince must have his own development plan and purpose so that all his subjects have a goal to move forward.

No matter which prince ascends to the throne, he should respect the queen as his mother. The queen is the master of the harem. In order to show the virtue of the prince, his biological mother can be promoted to the imperial concubine!
If she succeeds to the throne, the queen will be the Queen Mother, and the biological mother will be the Queen Mother. After her death, she can be named the Queen Mother. This regulation cannot be changed! "

Yu Boshi didn't have those empty-headed words. He talked about coping methods and restriction methods that people could understand immediately.

Li Shilong was most worried about the queen. If new laws were enacted, the queen's position would become awkward.

Although he is the master of the harem, his son is not the emperor. It is actually quite uncomfortable to ask someone else's son to come and show filial piety even though he has a son.

Yu Boshi's bill is very good, and many of its views are refreshing.

"I've finished reading!"

"How about this method?" Li Shilong glanced at everyone.



Gongsun Wuji and others rejected this reform without thinking.

Li Yuandao: "It's okay, but there are some areas that need to be discussed!"

Princess Jing'an also spoke, "Brother Imperial, I think this bill is good. As long as it can ensure the prosperity of the country for thousands of years, it is inevitable that someone will make sacrifices.

Everyone is here today, and I am not afraid of offending anyone. The only person aggrieved by this bill is the emperor's wife.

But if his son fails to live up to his expectations, so what if he occupies the throne? Is losing the throne more important, or losing the country?

He died on Tuesday, couldn’t you see?

A good emperor can make a country strong forever, but it only takes one emperor, more than ten years, to destroy a country.

When a new king is established, the country will be gone.

Do we, Daqian, want to imitate the remnants of the Zhou Dynasty and hide in dark corners to cause trouble? "

Li Shilong sighed, "We'll talk about this later, but is there still a bill?"

"I have it!" Du Jingming came out, "I believe that the appointment of officials in the world is no longer in line with the current situation, and we should change the official system!"

Gongsun Wuji gritted his teeth, isn't this Qin Mo's bill?

He really had the skills to let the clan members propose the method of reforming the clan, let the neutral Yu Boshiti inherit the bill, and asked the Minister of Civil Affairs to propose the method of reforming the officials.

A dedicated person specializing in a specific task is ten times more important than Qin Mo's words.

Too thief.

He said, why didn't this little bastard say anything? It turned out that it had already been arranged.

good means.

Li Shilong knew about the bureaucratic system, but he still said at this time: "Come and listen."

"The official system of official transfer comes from the mouth of Dingyuan County Duke. I believe that the official official system of official transfer is something that has not been done for thousands of years and will definitely shine.

Breaking the monopoly, let's not talk about these. It is a cliché. What I want to say next is the most important thing. It is related to the promotion of the world's officials and can also specify the powers of the world's officials. "

At this time, everyone was interested, but there were also many officials from aristocratic families who were secretly wary.

This bureaucratic system is definitely their nemesis!
(End of this chapter)

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