big dry son-in-law

Chapter 626: Can I have my cake and eat it too?

Chapter 626: Can I have my cake and eat it too?

Du Jingming cleared his throat and said: "In the past, the promotion of officials in the world was very vague. Whoever was famous and talented could become a high official.

If you encounter a disaster, provide disaster relief and you will be able to achieve success.

Or, it is based on the four points of physical appearance, correct speech, beautiful regularity and Taoism, and excellence in arts and sciences.

If the four are up to standard, there are still four more good qualities, 27. Even though there is a test, in the eyes of the minister, it is still blurry! "

At this point, Du Jingming paused, "I don't understand, looks are given by parents. As long as they are not dementia or have disabilities, why should ordinary-looking people be excluded from the team?
Doesn't it mean that if you are not handsome, you will not be talented?Duke Dingyuan is not handsome either. Isn't he a great talent? "

What the hell!

"Lao Du, you just have to say what you say. It's none of my business. You can't appreciate my handsomeness!" It's okay to say that Qin Mohan is handsome, but it's not okay to say that he is not handsome!
"I'll give you a chestnut, don't interrupt me!" Du Jingming waved his hand, looking at Qin Mo's resentful eyes, he felt secretly happy, and continued: "Most of the people who speak magnificently and elegantly are arty, but writing articles is better. First-class, but can't do anything serious.

I write a memorial of a thousand words, but half of them don’t know this. I have to talk a lot about things that can be explained in one sentence, which is a waste of time and there is nothing serious!

People with beautiful calligraphy have eliminated most of the people from poor families from this rank. This is inconsistent with His Majesty's intention to support poor families, so this article should have been listed as a reference, rather than as a rigid standard.

For example, Duke Dingyuan's handwriting is like a ghost's talisman, but he still can't stop his talent! "

Everyone glanced at Qin Mo, who was furious, "Look at what I'm doing. He, Old Du, doesn't know a thing. I'm not a calligrapher. Why can't I write something so beautiful if I can understand it?"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, Du Shangshu is just giving a chestnut!" Princess Jing'an comforted her quickly.

"You continue!" Li Shilong said.

"The last one can be kept!" Du Jingming continued: "In examining officials, personal morality is very important, but official performance is more important.

I arranged the various prefectures and counties in the world and divided them into four levels: A, B, C and D.

These four levels respectively represent the importance of the city. The higher it is, the more developed it is, and development efforts will be intensified in the future.

Officials must be judged based on local education, economy, people's livelihood, infrastructure, and even support for widowers and the elderly and the increase in newborn babies.

Break these down because these are visible.

When we go to a place, it is very important whether the city's roads are good, whether there are many students, whether the city is rich or not, whether the widowers and the elderly are properly handled, and whether the population is increasing.

Finally, every year, if an official's personal morality reaches the standard, he will be assessed according to rigid standards and divided into A, B, C and D.

Person A is promoted, person B is promoted, person C fails to meet the standard and goes to Beijing to report on his duties. If he still fails to meet the standard, he can become an official with some leisure time.

If you are Ding, you will be given a direct warning; if you are the second time, you will be directly expelled from the official position! "

Everyone took a deep breath, this was too cruel.

Dismissal from official positions was rare.

“Furthermore, if you want to appoint officials in the capital, they must be decentralized to local areas. You must have at least three or even five years of decentralization experience before you can be transferred back to the capital.

In this way, even if a pig is an official, he will know where to start. If he doesn't do it, there will be someone to take his place.

Moreover, officials are decentralized for a term of up to three years and are transferred every three years. No matter how good they are, they cannot be succeeded. "

"This is too harsh!" Cui Youren said: "Du Shangshu, your plan may trigger a strike among officials all over the world!"

"Why are they going on strike? Is it because they are afraid? They are used to being kings and hegemons in one place, and they are afraid that they will not be able to make money in other places?"

Du Jingming said with a smile: "When a bill whose benefits everyone knows encounters huge resistance, it means that the problem has reached a point where it is difficult to cure. If we don't reform now, when will we wait?" The bill is unreasonable!" Cui Youren said.

"We are both officials, so why do we have to be officials in one place?" Du Jingming curled his lips with disdain: "Who doesn't know that point?"

Having said this, Du Jingming said: "Your Majesty, I have finished speaking!"

Li Shilong nodded, "This bill is very good, and it has indeed brought me a lot of benefits. The rules that I thought were very good before, but now that I think about it carefully, they are indeed ridiculous.

This method works! "

Li Yuan also nodded, "Yes, the official restructuring is imminent. The official system is a general trend. We will improve the details and select one as a pilot. If it is feasible, we will test it all over the world."

"The Supreme Emperor Shengming!" Du Jingming said respectfully.

At this time, Qin Mo stood up. He originally supported the reform of officials, but reform of officials cannot be done openly. It should be tested in one place first. If he speaks out and makes the junior officials not do anything, there will be no change. The law has changed.

"Father, these three plans are complementary to each other. A prince with a plan and a purpose is undoubtedly the one that everyone will follow.

Moreover, the legitimate son will undoubtedly have more fans than the concubine. If so, he is not as powerful as the concubine. Then the son-in-law can only say that he is a idiot.

How can a idiot lead the increasingly powerful Daqian Dynasty? "

"Your Majesty, you must not listen to Qin Mo's words and change the situation to establish virtuous people. The country will lose its generals!"

Conservatives resisted.

Qin Mo said: "You only have one bill, but we have three. Each bill is tenable and takes into account all aspects.

Besides these few words, what else can you say?Can you tell me something substantive?
It’s not as clear as Aunt Jing’an! "

"Your Majesty, please make a decision!" Li Daoyuan and the others said with cupped hands.

Qin Xiangru stopped pretending to be dumb and quickly agreed.

When he agreed, many people followed suit.

Although they are not as numerous as the conservatives, they should not be underestimated.

Li Shilong glanced at Li Yuan, who nodded, "It's time to make a decision!"

"Forget it, Li Daoyuan, you will be responsible for the clan reform!" Li Shilong said.

Li Daoyuan was ecstatic, but his face remained calm. Instead, he looked very stressed, "My lord, I will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations!"

Gongsun Wuji and others' expressions instantly fell.

"Dear Ming, let's first choose one as a pilot for the official transfer system. If it is feasible, it can be implemented in the world. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. We have to find a better way."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will definitely live up to Your Majesty's expectations!" Du Jingming was also overjoyed. If the restructuring can be successful, he, Du Jingming, will be famous throughout the ages, and he can leave some credit for his descendants to squander.

"As for Bosch!"

Li Shilong thought in his mind, "Wuji's method is what I want, and Bo Shi's method is what I want. You are really making me distressed!"
Is there any bill that can have the best of both worlds? "

(End of this chapter)

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