big dry son-in-law

Chapter 652 is not the way to do it!

Chapter 652 is not the way to do it!
Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Li Shilong would fight for the royal family's face.

Looking at it now, he is quite reasonable.

"My son-in-law thanks my father for his grace on behalf of Xiao Dou!" Qin Mo cupped his hands and said.

"What about you, what compensation do you want?" Li Shilong asked.

Qin Mo said: "Father, can you give me a short vacation for a few years?"

Li Shilong even laughed angrily, "How many years do you call it a short vacation? Don't go too far, just give me some compensation that I can accept!"

"Father, I'm so weak right now!" As he said that, Qin Mo started coughing violently, and even when he spoke, he felt weak, as if he couldn't take a breath and was about to pass.

Gao Shilian walked up behind him and gently helped him calm down, with distress in his eyes.

This little ancestor's life is really hard, why are there so many disasters?

"The imperial doctor said that if I don't take good care of myself, I'm afraid I won't live to be a hundred years old!"

Li Shilong was speechless, "I'll give you a month's leave and we'll talk about it after the new year!"

"Father, you are so stingy. My wedding leave, vacation, and annual leave are only for one month?" Qin Mo was very angry. "You asked me to offer compensation, but you don't allow this and that. You must be stingy!"

"You bastard, do you know how many people are impeaching you? I can't even keep the paperwork. Besides, you don't care about reforms. The year-end accounting is a lot of things.

I gave you a month's leave because of your poisoning. If you think it's too little, I'll take it back! "

Qin Mo curled his lips, "Okay, just one month, you're stingy!"

Li Shilong clenched his fists, really wanting to punch this kid, "Tell me, what should I do with Jin He? She is a nameless person who is following you now. You can't let her be your concubine!"

Qin Mo had a sad face. He was also bothered by this matter. The three women in the family seemed to reject her.

Although the servants didn't say anything, they all said that she was cheating.

"Father, how about splitting my Lord Jun into two county princes, or county boys?"

"wanna die?"

Li Shilong snorted, "You are still playing this trick, are you really treating others as fools? What you did before was a helpless move. Although you are hated by others, you can still be justified.

There are four men in one discipline. I won’t do any work in the future. I will just read other people’s impeachment papers every day. "

"It's so annoying. It's none of their business how many wives I marry. They're a bunch of pink-eyes!" Qin Mo cursed and then said: "Father, I have no choice!"

"You caused the trouble yourself, you solve it yourself!" Li Shilong said.

There is no one to make him worry.

Qin Mo frowned. This matter is really difficult to handle. If not reasonable, at least it should be passable. Both the royal family and Princess Jing'an should look good.

Li Shilong didn't press him. He knew Qin Mo was full of clever ideas.

After a while, Qin Mo said: "By the way, father, has cousin Shuang'an arrived in Nanfan?"

"We've arrived early. There was a smallpox outbreak in Nanfan, and Luobu Zhadui also got it. Although he survived, he lost half of his life.

Talking about Dongzan and fully supporting Shuang'an, plus Sailomanzan is still serving as a hostage in the capital, Lobu doesn't have many choices to get together. "

"So, Lobu is going to burp in a crowd?"

"Last month, Nanfan Honglu Hall sent information. It is estimated that it will be difficult for Lobu to get through this year." Speaking of this matter, Li Shilong also smiled a little more. Once Lobu got together and died, Li Shuangan basically took over. It's made of iron.He knew this child's ambition. If he became a Zanpu, he would at least be able to keep the southwest border safe for decades, not to mention returning to the south.

"Father, when cousin Shuang'an comes to power, I will ask cousin Shuang'an to marry Xue'er as the eldest princess of Nanfan Kingdom to show the good relationship between the two countries.

In this way, there is no need for the canonization of Da Gan.

In order to show the importance we attach to Nanfan, we will set up a new princess mansion and let my son-in-law honor the princess! "

Li Shilong frowned. This method seemed unreasonable at first, but if you think about it carefully, it has a deeper meaning.

In the past, it was Daqian who married the princess, but now Nanfan married the princess, and the two were not allowed to speak Japanese.

Secondly, Qin Mo is Princess Shang and has established a separate princess palace. You must know that all his legitimate daughters are married off. Is the eldest princess of Daqian not as good as the princess of Nanfan?

Doesn't this highlight Li Xue's status?
To put it more broadly, this is the diplomacy between the two countries.

But no matter how you think about it, Qin Mo took advantage of him. He said angrily: "You boy, it's not enough to be the consort of Da Gan, you still want to be the consort of Nan Fan?"

"Father, you can't say that. When Nan Fan returns to work, we will all be one family!" Qin Mo smiled bitterly. He had also broken the pot at this moment. This method is not a solution.

Li Shilong nodded. It was reasonable to arrange this marriage as a political marriage. At least it could silence those people.

"One more thing. The chiefs of the Li tribe in Lingnan, Feng An and Feng Xuan, are planning to rebel. Do you have any ideas?"

"Lingnan?" Qin Mo frowned, "Isn't it quite peaceful over there?"

"Peace?" Li Shilong snorted. When I first came to the throne, there was a problem there. I originally wanted General Lin Mu of the Youwu Guard to lead the attack. But at that time, the country had no money, and I had just ascended the throne, so my control was unstable. , the matter was dropped.

However, Feng An and Feng Xuan were very filial. In the fifth year of Wude, their mother was canonized by their father.

Liang Zheng proposed at that time to send someone to reward their old mother to appease the two brothers.

This method is indeed effective and has brought me several years of peace.

Not long ago, the mother of the two brothers passed away. Without the suppression, they began to take action again. "

"What about Gao Li?" Qin Mo said.

"Let's put Gao Li's affairs aside first, and make peace with the outside world first." Li Shilong said: "The Ji people will be able to move to the capital collectively in the next year. Don't forget to make arrangements then!"

Qin Mosheng has no love, this is another hard job!

"Father, there is nothing I can do about Lingnan. Otherwise, you should ask me to go to Bohai, bring Cheng Guogong back, and let him go to Lingnan to make sure that the brains of the two Feng brothers are knocked out!" Qin Mo said .

"No." Li Shilong said: "You can propose a bill to me regarding the Lingnan matter. You don't need to explain it twice. Do you think my prince-in-law is so easy to be?"

"Father, you are going too far. Isn't Lao Ba in the capital? Ask him!"

Qin Mo is now afraid of meritorious service. If he proposes a plan, won't he make meritorious service again?
The speed of making mistakes cannot keep up with the speed of making meritorious deeds, and I feel tired!
"I will ask him!" Li Shilong snorted: "Why do you talk so much nonsense? Be careful I take your vacation back!"

"Okay, I said, but my father wants to extend my vacation for another six months!"

"At most half a month, do you want love?" Li Shilong said.

"Okay, deal!"

Qin Mo took a sip of tea and said, "I remember there are a lot of chieftains in Lingnan. These two brothers should be the largest chieftains in the area. If we want to eliminate this problem, there is only one way to develop Lingnan!"

(End of this chapter)

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