Chapter 653
Lingnan is a broad region, which is the general name for the area south of the Five Ridges in the southern Daqian, separated from the inland by the Five Ridges.

Wuling consists of five mountains: Yuecheng Ridge, Dupan Ridge, Mengzhu Ridge, Qitian Ridge and Dayu Ridge.

Including southern Guangdong, Guangnan, Yizhou County (Dian), and parts of Minzhou.

"Developing Lingnan?" Li Shilong frowned, "That place is full of miasma, the mountains and rivers are dangerous, and the geographical location is not harmonious. What is there to develop?"

Qin Mo was speechless. Once developed, that place would be a prosperous land with greater potential than Jiangnan.

But now Lingnan is a place where prisoners are distributed, and the miasma is really serious, and it will take two or three generations to deal with it.

"Father, the Lingnan side is close to the sea and has a humid climate. It will be excellent for both housing and growing food.

Move people from the northwest and southwest areas there and let them develop them. They build villages where they meet the water and open roads when they meet the mountains. In less than a hundred years, it will become a small Jiangnan. "

"Is there anyone willing to go to that damn place?" Li Shilong was very doubtful.

"That place grows rice twice a year. If taxes are reduced for a few years, they will be full and you won't be able to drive them away!"

"We'll talk about development later. Let's talk about how to deal with the Feng An brothers first!" Li Shilong said.

"The imperial court must make up its mind to develop it, develop it, use troops to suppress it, and transform the land back into its current state. Within three generations, it will definitely become a paradise!" Qin Mo said.

"Return to the locals?" Li Shilong became interested, "Please tell me in detail!"

"That is to abolish the chieftain system, and send officials to directly rule, implement the same system as inland, and then immigrate and encourage intermarriage."

"I know you have a lot of clever ideas." Li Shilong has been worried about this matter for a long time. He has been pestered by these trivial things. If there is chaos in Lingnan, it will be very troublesome to fight.

Even if we win, so what, Lingnan will still be Lingnan. Without a direction for governance, it will still fall into disrepair sooner or later.

It's okay when Daqian is strong, but if the country's power declines, they will definitely cause trouble.

"I just thought about it randomly. I don't know if it's good or not."

"Okay, you will take care of this matter after the new year!" Li Shilong temporarily let go of the big stone in his heart and felt comfortable.

"Father, you are so unreasonable. I will give you a plan and you will let me explore Lingnan. This is too much!" Qin Mo's nose was so angry that he was crooked.

You can let him come up with ideas and go into battle in person, isn't that a joke?

Lingnan is a good place, but before it was developed, it was a barren land. It was extremely hot in the summer and there were various infectious diseases, such as the terrible schistosomiasis. If you get it, you will die!

"I didn't say that I would let you go through Lingnan, I just wanted you to figure it out. Since you brought it up, I will agree to it!" Li Shilong stretched out, "Okay, you can get out!"


Now the sixth man has to arrange this kind of work for him.

Lingnan is much more difficult to deal with than Bohai.

It can't be done in one or two years. It really needs to be carefully planned and laid down in three to five years.

How else could he paddle and enjoy life?

He had thought about pretending to be sick when he got back, so that Lao Liu wouldn't be able to look for him, right?

Seeing Qin Mo leave angrily, Gao Shilian said: "Your Majesty, is this too much pressure for the Prince Consort?"

"He married four wives at once, and all his credit was used. If he didn't make a contribution, how could I stop everyone in the world from talking about it?

Qin Jingyun took all the good things away by himself, why should he? "

Li Shilong snorted coldly. He had considered this matter. If Qin Mo made meritorious service, he would be better off. If he didn't, he would be demoted.

After all, it was all to protect Qin Mo.

If that brat has no conscience and misunderstands him, he should be beaten!
After leaving the palace, Qin Mo did not go home immediately, but went to Qintian Prison.

Seeing Qin Mo, all the officials in Qin Tian Prison were very enthusiastic.

"By the way, Gangzi, no, is my master here?" "The prison is inside!" The official enthusiastically led Qin Mo the way, and he quickly found Yuan Tiangang.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang was using the Ziwei Star Calculation to deduce. When he saw Qin Mo, he stopped and said, "Dong Jun is here."

"Master, we are all a family now, so don't be so outspoken. Just call me Miaoyun!" Qin Mo smiled shyly, "By the way, master, where is my senior sister?"

"Oh, I'm going to travel around the world!" Yuan Tiangang said.

"Traveling around the world?"

Qin Mo was stunned and asked quickly: "Master, don't make trouble. She went to my house the night before yesterday. Why is she traveling around the world?"

"Well, gone again!"

"Ah! Did she say when she would be back?" Qin Mo was startled, feeling inexplicably panicked.

"I don't know, maybe I won't come back." Yuan Tiangang took out a letter from his arms, "Xun'er left it for you!"

Qin Mo took the letter, and there were only a few words on it: "I'm leaving, not seen!"

In just five words, Fang Shun's sadness was fully expressed.

Qin Mo's expression was complicated, "Master, what else did she say?"

"I just said I was tired and wanted to go out and see the outside world." Yuan Tiangang said.

Qin Mo clutched the letter tightly. He liked Fang Chuanxi. During his trip to the south, he saw another side of this female devil.

During their trip to the Bohai Sea, the two of them revealed their true feelings on the boulder.

Although he didn't overstep that step, he secretly made a lifelong promise. He thought that Fang Chun would never leave him because she said she would protect him.

Why did she just leave?

Qin Mo's mouth was filled with bitterness. If he had known earlier, he should have come earlier.

Fang Chun has never been one person's Fang Chun. She said that she loves freedom.

She only guards him because she is moved.

Qin Mo didn't know how to give her a status, make her a concubine?Or as a wife?
She is arrogant in her heart. Although she rarely reveals her inner feelings, the arrogance in her bones cannot be concealed.

Qin Mo didn't know how to deal with it, so he used the stupidest method to avoid it.

He stood in the courtyard, dazed for a while, and then recited a poem full of regret: "The water-marked precious silk is long in thought, and the good times of a thousand miles rest in one night."

Since then, I love Liang Ye without a heart, and let him go down to the west building with a bright moon.

Master, I will get her back! "

Qin Mo left disappointed, but Yuan Tiangang did not keep him.

He sighed, knowing very well that this was Fang Chun's calamity, and why not Qin Mo's calamity.

After returning home, Qin Mo felt very uncomfortable for two days.

He returned to his previous appearance, and he figured out that instead of being sad, it would be better to find a way to get Fang Shun back.

"Where is the third sister?"

"The young lady went to the shop below to check the accounts, and all the ladies followed her," Xiao Liuzi said.

Qin Mo put his hands in his pockets, he was so happy to have a good wife at home.

However, he was also under a lot of pressure. Lao Qin had been talking to him for the past two days, asking him to give birth to cubs as soon as possible.

It's just that he has been in a bad state for the past two days and has not completed the previous tasks. "Go, call the ladies back and tell them that I have something important to do with them, young master!"

(End of this chapter)

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