big dry son-in-law

Chapter 660: Kind-hearted Duke Jun!

Chapter 660: Kind-hearted Duke Jun!
"You two have nothing to do, just go and do your business. Just have Jingyun here with me!" Li Yuan said.

"We are not leaving today. We will stay with you in Da'an Palace. When you get better, we will leave!" Princess Jing'an said.

If she comes back from Nanfan and cannot be filial to her father, then there is no point in coming back.

"No matter how big the issue is, it's not as important as Grandpa Huang's health." Li Yue said with a smile: "You are our Dinghai Shenzhen!"

"Hey!" Li Yuan sighed heavily. He didn't want to trouble his children, but time is not forgiving!However, when people get old, there are some people who do not want their children to be filial to their knees.

He has achieved the hegemony of Huangtu. Isn't this what he wants to do when he is old?
In the afternoon, Zan Ying came into the palace with a new prescription, "Mr. Junguo, I have taken two pills of this prescription myself. There is no problem. You can give it to the Emperor!"

"Damn, why did you come so late? Are you using yourself as a guinea pig?"

"Well, I definitely have to try the new recipe. It will be bad if something goes wrong." Zan Ying is very rigorous in this regard.

"Okay, if nothing happens, just make some medicine!" Qin Mo leaned next to the stove and chatted with Zan Ying, "Old Zan, how is the prevention and control of smallpox going?"

"Small results have been achieved!" A smile appeared on Zan Ying's face, "I called all the family members over, and with the cooperation of the court, in the past six months, the cowpox law has been implemented at the state level.

It doesn't matter whether I go or not. Smallpox will never be a problem again. "

The Zan family started their business through variolation, and cowpox was invented, which replaced variolation and was able to completely eradicate smallpox. The Zan family had accomplished its mission.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Qin Mo patted him on the shoulder, "It's time to put some more burdens on you. Although there is a cure for smallpox, there are still many diseases that are incurable. I think you should take on the responsibility for the health of the people. Responsibility comes.

The burden of surgical care must be shouldered. As you can see, the methods I teach you are very useful.

But if this kind of routine basic medical care could be widely advertised and spread throughout the world, would it be able to save more lives? "

"But I only know rough surgical emergency procedures. Although I can suture and even disembowel someone to deliver a baby, I always feel that it is not enough!"

"Lao Zan, don't belittle yourself. You can perform a caesarean section to give birth. Doesn't this prove your excellence?

You can completely divide obstetrics and gynecology into separate subjects, and then specifically train this kind of talent.

Think about it, a mother giving birth is like taking a walk through the gates of hell. If there were first aid, how many pregnant women and children could be saved? "

Qin Mo said sincerely: "Also, suturing and some routine medical measures are all needed by the common people.

Since you have come to the capital, why don't you realize your ambition? Don't you want someone to call you the ancestor of surgery and the friend of women thousands of years later? "


Zan Ying was excited, "Well, then I'll give it a try!"

"Okay, then you should stop running around in the capital from now on. I will send some talents to you then. The first batch of [-] will be okay, right?"

Li Yulan is pregnant, and her body is so weak. With Zan Ying here, Qin Mo can rest assured.

Lao Liu was hesitant again, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

"Three hundred?" Zan Ying's eyes widened, "How could I teach you this?"

"It's okay. We in Qinzhuang also have some doctors who are good at basic medical care. They will be sent to assist you when the time comes.

Oh, by the way, I also read a medicine in ancient books, which is said to be effective in treating wind and cold. Not only that, it can also control many diseases. "

"Is there such a miracle medicine?" Zan Ying's eyes lit up, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"That kind of medicine is not an ordinary medicinal material. There are many processes to make it, and I have almost forgotten the production process.

To be precise, that thing is a kind of mold.Do you know moldy tofu, the kind with long hair! "

Zan Ying frowned: "Yes, I have read about that in some ancient books. It is said that some great doctors in the south will use tofu mold to treat sores and boils (dating back to the Han Dynasty), but I have never tried it!"

"Yes, that mold is actually a kind of not-so-pure medicine.

There are also steamed buns, steamed buns, fruits, and moldy mold, they are all similar. If they are purified by means, the most original penicillin can be obtained! "

Qin Mo said excitedly: "This stuff is miraculous in treating wind and cold, and it has immediate effects. There is also a kind of Artemisia annua that can treat malaria!"

"What did you say?" Zan Ying was stunned.

The most troublesome diseases for all doctors in Daqian are: typhoid fever, miasma (malaria), tuberculosis (consumption), leprosy (leprosy), and smallpox (smallpox).

As Qin Mo said, if this kind of medicine can be developed, it can treat the second condition.

Coupled with the cowpox method, it is no longer an empty talk to eliminate three of the five major diseases and there will be no cure in the world.

"You didn't lie to me?" Zan Ying asked in disbelief.

"When did I lie to you?" Qin Mo curled his lips, "My method of preventing and treating smallpox was also found in ancient books."

"What about the ancient book? Can you let me see it?" Zan Ying said excitedly.

"I don't know where I threw it. Anyway, I know some steps, but they are not necessarily correct. You still need to experiment by yourself."

"You actually lost such a rare book?" Zan Ying wanted to strangle Qin Mo to death.

"That's what I read when I was a kid. What bothered me the most was reading. If my father hadn't suppressed me, I wouldn't have read it!" Qin Mo made an excuse.

Zan Ying's expression was extremely complicated, but then he thought, if it weren't for Qin Mo, there's no telling when the cowpox method would come back to the world.

Including the medicine that can treat malaria and colds, I'm afraid I don't have a clue.

"Is there any record of the cure for Li Feng and Chuan Zhi?"

"Forgot!" Qin Mo said.

"You actually forgot!" Zan Ying jumped directly.

Seeing that he was so angry, Qin Mo was also unhappy and said: "I told you that I watched it when I was a child. Now I can remember the third part and it's pretty good. Do you really think I'm a god?"

The rumored corpse was tuberculosis, which took several years to conquer in Qin Mo's time.

The same goes for leprosy, but it has been conquered, but he doesn’t know how to cure it!

"Hey, this is probably destiny!" Zan Ying looked at Qin Mo with a look of resentment, "Then tell me how to make medicine for treating injuries and malaria, and I'll get it right away!"

"There's no rush, let's cure the Supreme Emperor first."

Developing medicine is not only for others, but also for Qin Mo himself and his relatives around him.

After retirement, what to do if you get sick? You must be able to treat it.

Zan Ying felt very uncomfortable, as if his whole body was crawling with ants. He looked at Qin Mo, gritted his teeth, squatted in front of Qin Mo, with a flattering look on his face, "Kind Lord Jun, can you write down the recipe first?" Give it to me first?”

(End of this chapter)

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