big dry son-in-law

Chapter 661 The Ji people enter Beijing!

Chapter 661 The Ji people enter Beijing!
Zan Ying is usually quite dull, but his medical skills and character are fine.

This is also the reason why Qin Mo trusts him. This man is a truly kind-hearted person.

"Okay, I'll write it to you!"

"Hi, Mr. Jun Guo, I would like to thank you on behalf of all the people in the world."

"Don't be so happy yet, Fang Zi, I wrote it to you, but you can't use it for free." Qin Mo said: "We have to take this special effect formula into our own hands and use it to make money."

Zan Ying frowned, "Why do you want to use it to make money? Do you know that people in the world have been suffering from these epidemics for a long time?

I thought you had a broad mind, but now I see that you are also a man with stinky hands! "

"Pedantry, ignorance, and ignorance!" Qin Mo's nose was so angry that he said, "If my hands are full of copper odor, how can the method of cowpox make you get away with it?

How about I hold it in my own hand?If you inoculate a pox and receive ten Daqian Tongbao, you can earn him two to three hundred thousand taels of silver! "

Zan Ying said with a straight face, "Since you can give me the method to prevent and cure smallpox for free, why can't you give me these two prescriptions for free?"

"Does it cost nothing to make medicine? Does it cost nothing to transport? Does it cost nothing to store medicine?" Qin Mo hummed: "Do you know how much money the court spent on promoting the cowpox method? No less than 5 taels!
Penicillin and artemisinin are difficult to produce, cost dozens of times that of cowpox, and are even more difficult to preserve.

When you treat people and get medicine, you also need to charge consultation fees, right? "

Zan Ying opened his mouth but was speechless.

"Also, since I contributed the prescription, I don't want to make a lot of money with this prescription, but the money earned can be used to develop basic medicine, encourage more people to research prescriptions, or establish great doctor awards.

To help the world is not only to study and defend against enemies, but also to save lives and heal the wounded.

On the premise of ensuring that no losses are incurred, a charity hospital is established to provide free treatment to poor people.

If you want to do good things, you have to eat well first, right? "

Hearing this, Zan Ying felt ashamed. He stood up and bowed deeply to Qin Mo, "I am too narrow-minded. Duke Jun Guo has a broad mind, which is rare in the ages!"

Qin Mo curled his lips and said, "My hands are full of copper odor and I can't stand such praise!"

"You can bear it, I am doing a small kindness, but what Jun Guo Gong did is a real great kindness!" Zan Ying said seriously.

Not far away, Li Yue also sighed with emotion, "Jane is the kindest person I have ever met."

Princess Jing'an also said: "Yes, it's just that it's too easy to suffer losses. Brother Yue, you have to take good care of him!"

"Understood, aunt!" Li Yue nodded.

"Daqian, you are really proud to have that child!" Li Yuan said with a smile.

For three days in a row, Qin Mo and others were at Da'an Palace. The prescription given to Zan Ying really had a certain effect. At least the old man's fever was gone and his lung sounds were not that obvious.

The yellow phlegm I cough up every day is also reduced.

After checking the pulse, Zan Ying said, "It's getting better, and the lung pulse will no longer be weak. That prescription is effective!"

"Okay, great!" Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. However, it took three days to get better, which shows that the effect of the prescription is not particularly strong.

The old man is well-nourished and is served by so many people every day. Ordinary people don't get this kind of treatment.

"Mr. Zan County, how long will it take for my father to recover?" Princess Jing'an asked.

"I can't say for sure. As long as it doesn't continue to get worse, I should be fine in three to five days." Zan Ying said: "Dong Junguo gave me enlightenment. There are indeed many types of wind and cold. If you can't distinguish the types of wind and cold well, you can use the general Prescription treatment is not only ineffective, but is likely to worsen the symptoms.”

"It would be a great merit if you can overcome this cold wind." Li Yuan has been coughing out his lungs these past few days, feeling like he has been sent to hell, "Jingyun, I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid This time, I really want to meet my ancestors in advance."

"Bah, just say something unlucky!"

"Okay, I'm feeling better soon. You three go and do your own business. Don't stay in Da'an Palace. I'll go out after I recover in a few days!" Since I've gotten better, there's no need to let them stay here. .

"Father, I'll stay." Princess Jing'an said. "Everyone, go away and let me have some peace and quiet for a few days!"

Princess Jing'an was helpless, but they had stayed in Da'an Palace for a long time, so they left the palace without insisting.

In the blink of an eye, it's Lantern Festival.

Since Li Yuan got better, his improvement has been getting better day by day. Today, he has completely recovered.

In the past ten days, Li Yuan had been suffocating.

No, after I recovered, I immediately went to the stage to have a great time.

Qin Mo looked at the angry little old man, and his heart was completely relieved.

According to Li Yuan's current physical condition, it will not be a problem to live for ten years.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xu Que came to report, "Captain, the Ji people have entered Beijing!"

"Damn, I'm really stuck on time!" Qin Mo said with an unhappy face: "Don't worry about it, we'll talk about it after the Lantern Festival!"

"Captain, there are 6000 people, ranging from eighty to three months. They are huge!"

"Damn, are they all direct descendants of the Ji family?"

"Women, the elderly, and children account for the majority," Xu Que said.

"Hey, I'm so annoyed. I won't stop even after the Lantern Festival!" Qin Mo stood up and said to the guard on the side: "I'll tell the old man later, I'll leave first!"

Half a year ago, the Ji family was targeted by people from the Six Gates.

More than a month ago, Liumen and the Bohai Sea Navy took control of the Ji family and started a large-scale migration.

It took hundreds of ships to transport 6000 people.

Ji Zhisheng looked at his clansmen with helplessness in his heart. If he didn't come over, he would die.

Qin Mo grabbed hold of the Ji family, and Li Shilong even raised his knife.

If he hadn't made a decisive decision, how many people would have survived right now?

That day when he knelt in front of Li Shilong, Li Shilong made it very clear that if it weren't for the merits of his ancestors, the nine tribes would have been exterminated long ago.

Li Shilong needed their theories to stabilize the imperial court. If the world knew that the sage family they admired did such a thing, they would probably collapse directly.

The cries of women and children, and the sighs of the old man made Ji Zhisheng's head almost explode.

The biting wind blew, and Ji Zhisheng's heart was full of sadness, "Don't cry anymore. Once it's here, let's make peace with it. What do you look like crying!"

"Master, you have left your hometown, please be patient!"

"Yes, it's such a cold weather and there's no place to live. How did our clan end up like this!"

"What about Qin Mo? Why hasn't he come yet? Do you want to freeze us to death?"

The Ji people were full of resentment and cursed.

Second groan!

The people guarding them from the six gates drew their knives one after another: "Brother Ge, if you dare to scold the governor, I will chop you to death!"

"Rude, how can you use a knife to deal with a descendant of a saint!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and Qin Mo came over cheerfully, "Bring me a hammer, and I'll talk to them!"

(End of this chapter)

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