big dry son-in-law

Chapter 672: Worse than General Rolling Curtain!

Chapter 672: Worse than General Rolling Curtain!
Soon, Gao Shilian came back.

Li Shilong said angrily: "Why are you the only one, where is Qin Mo?"

"Your Majesty, the Prince Consort is at the horse race. He said he would come over later!" Gao Shilian just went to watch the horse racing scene. It was indeed very interesting and exciting.

Qin Mo was presiding over the scene, and everyone was extremely busy. The money in the gambling pool was piled up into a small mountain, at least 5 to [-] taels.

Li Shilong slapped the document heavily, "Is he going to rebel? Is it possible that I should go and invite him personally?"

Gongsun Wuji said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, Qin Mo's achievements are getting bigger and bigger, and he is becoming more and more arrogant and domineering. If this goes on for a long time, the consequences will be disastrous."

Qu Tuba didn't say anything. He had just returned to the capital. At this moment, the reformists had the upper hand. They could discuss the matter on the matter, but it was better to wait and see when criticizing Qin Mo.

Li Shilong frowned, Qin Mo has always been this character, it doesn't matter whether he has any merit or not.

But he couldn't resist others thinking this way, so he stood up and said coldly: "Let's go over and have a look!"

Soon, a group of people arrived outside the Liubu Yamen. It was crowded and crowded!

There are about a dozen yamen, and each yamen has two or three BMWs waiting for the competition.

The atmosphere at the scene exploded.

"Run, No. 1, Dali Temple, I staked 300 taels, it's all up to you to get back the money!"

"Taichang Temple No. 2, yes, that's it, surpass them!"

People on both sides were holding bills in their hands, looking excited and swearing.

"Here, Qin's Milk Tea Shop provides milk tea directly, one hundred Daqian Tongbao for one cup!"

"Are you too greedy? The most expensive milk tea shop only costs more than 30 Daqian Tongbao. You want a hundred Daqian Tongbao here. Are you trying to steal money?" said a young man.

The young man holding an iceberg in his hand said: "This is a special offer for horse racing. Did you see it? This milk tea is called Victory. After drinking Victory milk tea, it will be difficult not to win money!"

"You kid can talk, give me a drink!"

"Okay, Sir, would you like Victory melon seeds and Victory dried fruits? They are fragrant. I only need one hundred Daqian Tongbao!"

"Buy, buy, buy!"

Qin Mo had just run around, and Feng Ya was still very strong, but because he was too pushy, he had to lower his odds.

Seeing the competition beginning to take shape, he felt happy.

Although he doesn't have much face in the Sixth Department, in other departments, he has a lot of face.

These departments are usually miserable, but now their eyes turn green when they hear that they are generating revenue.

When he saw Yin Zi, his lips went up to the back of his ears.

"Jingyun, how much money did you collect this time?" asked Sun Zhiguo, the minister of Dali Temple.

Qin Mo spread his hands, and Sun Zhiguo opened his eyes wide, "Five, 5000 taels?"

"Where are you scolding? It's almost 5 taels!" Qin Mo smiled, "I didn't put some money on the table. The game will be over soon, let's split the money!"

"My dear, with so much silver, we can get more than 4000 taels if we divide it evenly!" Sun Zhiguo was excited.

"I still need to exchange money for them, but after the exchange is completed, there will probably be about 3 taels left. I will take half of it as funds, and you will share the rest!"

"If you smoke so much, won't our work be in vain?" Taichang Temple Qing Fu Liang's eyes widened.

"How much?" Qin Mo snorted: "Do you think it costs nothing to build a venue? I will build a racecourse that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

In the future, the admission fee of the top ten Qian Tongbao will be charged. The admission fee alone for a game can earn thousands of taels. There are 300 million people in the capital. Even if one tenth participates, that is still 30 people.

Think about how much your income will be then, it will be at least 10,000+ taels of silver a day.

If you race ten horses a month, you can earn 5 to 10 taels in a month, which is a few hundred thousand taels in a year.Have you ever seen so much money? "

The other temple ministers all swallowed their saliva.

How unhappy is it to earn a few hundred thousand taels a year?

Just when they were looking forward to a bright future, Li Shilong came and said, "Okay, great. If you are not on duty in the yamen, you come here to bet on horses. You don't want to do it anymore, do you?"

Everyone trembled and paid their respects one after another.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

Some timid people were frightened to their knees.

Seeing this, Li Shilong snorted coldly, "Qin Mo, come here!"

Qin Mo was not surprised and stepped forward, "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Li Shilong was so angry that he even pretended to be stupid.

He pointed to the horse team and the pile of silver beside him, "Come on, explain to me what's going on!"

Everyone wanted to dig a crack in the ground and get in, but Qin Mo said: "Horse racing, generate income, and reduce the pressure on the treasury!"

"Qin Mo, just bet on horses, don't be so righteous as you say!" Gongsun Chong said coldly: "Look at the good things you have done. They are taking the salary from the court, but they are betting on horses here. Isn't that not doing their job properly? "

"I know, it's you who complained again!" Qin Mo said angrily: "I helped you just the day before yesterday, why are you acting like a dog and turning your back on me?

My horse racing is disturbing you, and I haven’t invited anyone from your etiquette department to come in. Have you finished recruiting students?Stare at me and fight every day! "

Gongsun Wuji was so angry that he was twitching.

"Qin Jingyun, give me back my elegance!" Du Jingming scolded: "Hurry up and get rid of this horse race. This is the Liubu Yamen, not your home!

Sun Dali Temple Minister, Fu Taichang Temple Minister, you are also Jiuqing, why are you following this kid to fool around? "

"This is not nonsense, it's mainly to generate income!" Sun Zhiguo said bravely.

"Revenue generation?"

Li Shilong narrowed his eyes, "Tell me carefully, if you can't be ugly today, just go home and face the wall!"

Dali Temple is one of the three divisions. After Li Cungong became the Minister of Punishment, Sun Zhiguo took up the post. It was enough for the people below to make nonsense, but Sun Zhiguo also followed suit.

Sun Zhiguo glanced at Qin Mo, gritted his teeth and said: "To be honest with you, there are nearly 400 people in Dali Temple, and they have not received salary for several years. Although they have rice, it is only enough to make ends meet.

There is no money in the treasury, and I understand that, but the people below are already complaining. "

"Yes, Taichang Temple is almost the same!" Fu Liang said with a cup of his hands: "Under Taichang Temple, there are six departments: Jiaoshe, Taiyue, Advocacy, Imperial Physician, Taibu, and Linxi. There are thousands of people, and it is difficult to make ends meet."

Taichang Temple has no real power. It only serves the royal family, but it has many people.

There was no money in the treasury before, and when Dai Wei was still there, he was very stingy.

Your Majesty has no internal funds and no allocation, so everyone above and below is poor haha.

When they reached their status, they didn't care about the little money. After all, their families had fields and other ways of making money.

But others don't.

It would be better if Guanglu Temple was responsible for the sacrifices. After all, the sacrifices were the most important, and they had to squeeze out money even if they had no money.

Weiwei Temple, which was in charge of the ceremonial tent, had many people and no real power, so poor that it shed tears.

Speaking of which, it’s Jiu Qing.

To put it bluntly, he is even more pitiful than the general who rolled the curtain in Journey to the West!
(End of this chapter)

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