Chapter 673
I had to carry sedans and roll up curtains every day, and it was very hard to be in the palace.

But they are timid and dare not say anything.

Li Shilong was a little embarrassed. Since he ascended the throne, the national treasury has never been full.

Because the policy is to recuperate and recuperate, the taxes on Daqian are not heavy.

In addition, there are successive years of disasters, and there are also successive tax cuts.

If you have food, you will receive rice, but if you don't have money, you will receive a salary.

After nine years in office, I am afraid that half of the time he did not receive sufficient salary.

There are more than 70 yamen in the capital, and their office funds are pitifully small.

For example, Dali Temple was pretty good when Li Cun Gong was here, but when Sun Zhiguo took office, it was very poor.

"Your Majesty, I heard that there are actually many yamen in the capital, and there is something called 'Qianzhu Lingshi'!"

Suddenly a voice came from the crowd. Li Shilong looked at it intently. He was stunned at first, and then became happy, "Wen Liang, when did you arrive in the capital?!"

Zhuge Sui, courtesy name Wenliang, was the Duke of Nanhe County. He had served as governor of Tongzhou before, and like Qu Tuba, he was transferred back.

Zhuge then stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "I just arrived in the morning, so I came to the Ministry of Finance to have a look. I didn't go to see your majesty immediately. Please forgive me!"

Li Shilong waved his hands repeatedly, "What crime is there!"

Zhuge Sui was also a minister he trusted. He didn't like to flatter others very much, but he was not very capable.

For Li Shilong, courtiers who are flattering are more important than those who are not flatterers.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhuge then stood up and continued: "Then I will continue what I just said. I have heard of the 'Qian Ling Shi' in Tongzhou. These people lend money to the people for office expenses at several times the interest rate.

But I heard that there are actually more than 600 "Qianzhu Lingshi" in the capital, and they will all be granted official positions in a year.

If this continues, it won't be long before the positions of officials will be filled by "money-catching history".

Intellectuals cultivated by imperial academies, elites selected by local governments, selected from the best places, and those with high moral character to serve as officials, it is inevitable that some people engage in corruption for personal gain.

Now we are using the "money-catching order" to cultivate these profit-seeking people, and all of them are given official positions. How can we get it? "

Zhuge Sui's words also silenced everyone present.

Indeed, the emergence of the money-catching order made officials with traditional and upright backgrounds panic and angry.

It's just that no one dared to say it.

Li Shilong was also a little confused about this matter because the country was too poor.

It has been more than 20 years since the incident, and finances and taxes have been exhausted.

Although Qin Mo had some advice, it was still not enough to show off the money.

In order to solve the problems of officials' salaries and office expenses of yamen at all levels, the Supreme Emperor designed a special system for the court to lend and lease, namely Gongse money and Gongse land.

The so-called "public money" means that the court allocates some land and money to each yamen, which is run by officials, and the money earned is used for office expenses and salaries, so that the court does not need to pay office expenses.

The imperial court would also grant officials a portion of their permanent fields based on their status, and then grant them a portion of official land based on their positions.

When officials are transferred, they need to hand over their assigned positions and reassign them to the next position.Yongye fields can be preserved and passed on to descendants.

In this way, the official's income is guaranteed and he no longer needs the salary from the court.

But the fact is, we are still poor.Although it worked fine in the beginning, these two systems collapsed later on.

In order to make money, Li Shilong even wanted to find [-] of the richest upper-class households across the country.These wealthy households are forced to pay money to support the government and officials every year, and they are targeted to "subsidize" the office expenses of the yamen and the officials' job subsidies.

However, there were widespread complaints within two years, and the system was withdrawn for fear of provoking a popular uprising.

Ever since, this money-catching order was born in response to the situation.

Qin Mo was not around at that time, so he just slapped his head and asked each yamen to set up nine money-catching officials, each of whom was in charge of 9 Daqian Tongbao money.

He referred to market interest rates and believed that it was possible to obtain a [-]% return every year.

Therefore, it is stipulated that the interest of four thousand Daqian Tongbao must be provided every month in every order and history.

Those who fail to complete the tasks will be punished, and those who complete the tasks will be rewarded. If they complete the tasks for twelve consecutive months, they will be included as candidates for the official department. If they are qualified, they can be promoted to regular positions and appointed to official positions that are vacant.

"I think this is just a disguised form of selling an official position to win a title?" Zhuge said: "These people are accustomed to seeking profit and are shameless. They should not be dishonest to keep them in office.

Where can we start from? It is better to avoid the original thought of future disadvantages. "

These words made Li Shilong lose face, but more importantly, they were introspective.

Because he didn't feel good either.

But the imperial tax revenue is only so much. What is enough if one point is divided among the seventy yamen in the capital?

"Wen Liang, I have some difficulties!" Li Shilong said helplessly.

"Even if your majesty has difficulties, you must not give in on issues of principle!" Zhuge Sui said: "Since your majesty has asked me to come back to replace the minister of household affairs, then the money-grabbing order should be abolished.

If this is the case, I am not willing to take over this position, please choose another worthy person! "

Qin Mo looked at Zhuge Sui, this old boy can do it, he is very tough.

In fact, whether it is catching money to order history, Gongseqian or Gongsetian, to put it bluntly, it is all a helpless move.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, wars have not stopped. Where did the money come from?

According to Qin Mo's previous calculations, Daqian's tax revenue must reach at least 500 million taels of silver a year to be able to develop healthily.

Li Shilong couldn't get off the stage. He glanced at Qin Mo, who was dazed at the side, and his heart moved, "You bastard, why are you laughing?"

Qin Mo came back to his senses and pointed at himself, "Your Majesty, you said I was laughing? I didn't. I heard what Zhuge said made sense!"

"Yes, it's you!" Li Shilong slapped Qin Mo on the head with a big backhand, "What's the difference between you playing horse racing and catching money?"

Qin Mo's nose was so angry that he said, "Your Majesty, you are too far-fetched. Zhuge's criticism of you has nothing to do with me.

My horse racing is a serious income-generating project, which is not comparable to that of your loan shark.

I don’t know who came up with such a stupid method, it’s really stupid! "

Li Shilong clenched his fist until his fingers turned white, and put his foot on Qin Mo's butt. "You bastard, tell me what's good about you, a racehorse. If you can't tell me, I'll beat you to death!"

Qin Mo covered his butt, "You, you, you know how to pick on the weaklings. You did something wrong, and when you were angry, you took it out on your child. It's obvious that you didn't realize your mistake.

Zhuge, continue to scold, he is going crazy thinking about money, he is so angry! "

Zhuge then turned away from Qin Mo and said, "You are not a good bird when you race horses in the Liubu Yamen. You have corrupted the atmosphere and spread the gambling habit. You are guilty!"

(End of this chapter)

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