big dry son-in-law

Chapter 678 Happy Old Man!

Chapter 678 Happy Old Man!
The Royal Library in Beijing will be completed in a few days, but Li Yue is becoming more and more uneasy.

Originally he was very confident, but after listening to Liu Chenghu's analysis, he realized that he was reckless.

If one person is not good, he may get himself killed.

"Mr. Lang, I have stewed bird's nests for you." At this time, a woman in a blue skirt came over carrying bird's nests.

This woman's lips are slightly rosy, and there are dimples on both sides of her mouth. Her brows are close to each other and her eyebrows are curved. She looks really lovely.

As I walked, I felt like I was arranging a willow tree. Before I even got close, a faint fragrance was carried by the wind.


Li Yue took Zhou Mingyue's slim waist.

At first, the two brothers of the Zhou family sent Zhou Mingyue here just to be his concubine.

Although the Zhou family was in decline, they were still relatives of the emperor. Considering the emperor's reputation, Li Yue still supported Zhou Mingyue as his concubine.

This woman is smart and considerate. She has solved some troubles for him these days!
Zhou Mingyue fell on Li Yue's lap, with a shy look on her face, tilting her head, revealing half of her pink neck, "Lang Jun, are you worried again?"

She stretched out her fingers and gently rubbed Li Yue's brows, "But you can't bear to leave your sister?"

"In your heart, am I the kind of person who loves children?" Li Yue looked at her with a half-smile.

"No, in my heart, the husband is a wise man, a great husband, and a great hero!" She showed a hint of admiration, "But isn't a great hero and a great husband a human being? The love between children is also the condiment of human beings. It’s the decoration on Langjun’s throne, isn’t it?”

Li Yue was so excited when he said this, he pinched her chin and said, "You are really good at talking. I'm going to Lingnan. The situation there is complicated. I'm thinking about how to open up the situation!"

Zhou Mingyue said calmly: "I heard that the miasma in Lingnan is very dangerous, and the people are fierce, and most of them are exiled criminals. It is a place where there is no education and no care!"

Li Yue nodded, "I'll go there this time, you and Ruyu have to guard your home!"

Zhou Mingyue knew that this was an opportunity, and there was a look of pleading in her eyes, "Mr. Lang, I have an unkind request!"

Li Yue knew what Zhou Mingyue was going to say, "No need to say any more, I won't take you to Lingnan, it's too dangerous!"

"I have convinced my sister that my husband is away from home and has no one to see. I can go over so that I can take care of my husband's food, clothing, housing and transportation. At least my sister can rest assured at home.

When the husband goes out, he knows that there are still people at home who care about him, and he will act cautiously. If he encounters trouble, I can face it with the husband. "

Zhou Mingyue knew that she couldn't compete with Liu Ruyu head-on, but she still had a chance. As long as she went out with Li Yue, the probability of conceiving a child would be higher.

Moreover, these days, she also figured out Li Yue's temper.

Li Yue had a deep heart, was a kind man, and was deeply loved by the Emperor and His Majesty.

This time she took the initiative to go to Lingnan. In her opinion, although it was dangerous, it was the best strategy.

If the situation in Lingnan can be opened up, the crown prince position will be within reach.

A man will always remember the woman who has shared hardships with him. If he gives birth to a son or a daughter, her status will be rock solid.

Moreover, going to Lingnan gave her the opportunity to be good at dancing and display her talents.

She wants to replace Qin Mo's position in Li Yue's heart, she wants power, and she wants to make those who once looked down on her surrender at her feet!
"Ruyu agreed?" Li Yue was also a little surprised.

"Well, my sister said that now that she is pregnant again, she cannot be with her husband.

The husband was traveling abroad and it was too hard, so he asked me to accompany him. "

She had never mentioned it to Liu Ruyu at all. A concubine was running outside with a man. Thinking about it, she knew she would not agree.

She was betting that if Li Yue told Liu Ruyu about this, she would admit her mistake and say that she was also worried about Li Yue's safety.Liu Ruyu is also a kind-hearted person and will not care about her so much.

"Really, if Lang Jun doesn't believe it, just ask your sister!" Zhou Mingyue's heartbeat accelerated.

Li Yue frowned and said after a while: "It's too unsafe outside."

"I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that my husband will have no one to take care of me." Zhou Mingyue's eyes were slightly red, "When I think that my husband is running around outside, but I am pampering myself in the palace, my heart is on fire."

"Hey!" Li Yue sighed, "Forget it, just go to Lingnan with me!"

Zhou Mingyue was overjoyed, "Thank you, Mr. Lang!"

She picked up the bird's nest and said, "Mr. Sir, eat the bird's nest!"

However, Li Yue was moved by Zhou Mingyue. He leaned over and took a sip on the pink neck, "My husband, I want to eat you!"

With an exclamation, Li Yue strode toward the inner courtyard with Zhou Mingyue in his arms!
Within two days, Liu Wanche had collected the number of bidders. There were more than [-] people, all of whom were powerful businessmen.

Qin Mo also came over to show his face, and then hid in the backyard of the temporary Yamen to drink tea.

Li Yuan also came, "Jingyun, if you do this, those businessmen will have their tails raised to the sky."

"Old man, it's better to open up the sea than to block it. Now that the sea is open, there will only be more rich people. Instead of suppressing them, it is better to guide them."

Qin Mo leaned back in the rocking chair, "A unprofitable businessman can also become a good businessman, and when manpower is limited, the court has no money now, so it always has to find ways to make ends meet.

The common people can't squeeze out much money, but these big businessmen have money and are all big fat sheep. They must be willing to pay money and do good things for the people. "

"Your mind is still spinning fast!" Li Yuan praised: "I just feel that I can't keep up with the times. There are so many new things appearing in the capital that I can't even understand them.

How can that two-wheeled car run without falling down? "

Li Yuan was talking about the [-]-bar, which was still a product of the rich. The main reason was that the balls were difficult to make, and it was not easy to polish them into qualified balls.

A Qinzhuang-made car costs 300 taels of silver, and the output is also very low.

But those second-generation people in Beijing ride on [-]-bars and show off on the streets every day, and they have a bit of a sense of later generations' motorcycles blowing up the streets.

There are no rubber tires, but there are rubber trees in the Lingnan area, and we must find ways to develop them in the future.

"Old man, if you want to ride a bike, you should have told me earlier!
Li Yuan blushed, "I don't want to ride, I'm just curious!"

"Why are you being polite to me? I've already prepared it for you!" Qin Mo said to Xiao Gao, who nodded and ran out of the yard.

Not long after, a specially made tricycle arrived.

Li Yuan suddenly stood up and circled around the old man happily, "Why does this car have three wheels?"

"Old man, this is called a tricycle, also called Lao Tou Le. From now on in the palace, when you have nothing to do, you can ride it to exercise!"

Qin Mo asked people to clear out everything in the yard, "Old man, go up and try!"

"The Prince Consort is so careful that the three wheels can stand firmly without any support." Wei Zhong couldn't help but praise.

Li Yuan was also itchy. He climbed into the car, held the handle, and gently stepped on the pedal. He felt happy immediately.

"This car is good, it's not strenuous to ride, and it's pretty fast, but the yard is too small!" Li Yuan stopped the car, "Jingyun, can I go for a ride outside?"

(End of this chapter)

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