big dry son-in-law

Chapter 679 Jingyun, do you care?

Chapter 679 Jingyun, do you care?
Li Shilong had known for a long time that Qin Mo was going to set up a racecourse in Beicheng.

And this time it was much more severe than the relocation of Nancheng, with almost [-] households.

Early in the morning, Zhuge Sui entered the palace, "Your Majesty, Qin Mo ordered the Construction Supervision Office to divide the North City that will be relocated into twenty districts, and is issuing a notice to allow those merchants to participate in the construction.

How could a building like the racecourse be allowed to be touched by businessmen! "

Li Shilong said: "Although the land price in North City is not as expensive as that in Nancheng, the relocation this time is so large that it may cost more money than the South District College project.

No less than 300 million taels. This amount of money is unbearable for both the court and Jing Yun personally.


"So he can let merchants enter?" Zhuge Sui is a relatively orthodox person and feels that merchants must be suppressed. "Does Your Majesty want these merchants to become imperial merchants?"

"What an imperial businessman, how can we start talking about this!" Li Shilong was confused.

"There are rumors in the capital now that whoever wins the bid for the project in Beicheng can become an imperial merchant." Zhuge Sui said.

"Absurd, what kind of imperial businessman? When did I ever say such a thing!"

"That's what Qin Mo said!" Zhuge Sui frowned and said, "If this matter is not curbed, I don't know what kind of trouble will be caused in the future. There is no businessman without treachery. If they use the banner of imperial businessmen to do evil outside, , it’s the Tian family’s face that’s been damaged!”

"Go and have a look!" Li Shilong said with a cold face, changed into regular clothes, and then left the palace.

From a distance, I could see that the Beicheng Construction Supervision Office was surrounded by water.

Just as I was about to go there, I saw an old man riding a tricycle coming over.

"Your Majesty, the Supreme Emperor is here!" The shadow guard who was secretly guarding quickly came over to report.

Li Shilong frowned and saw Qin Mo riding a very strange thing alongside Li Yuan, with people guarding him on both sides.

Wei Zhong was panting as he chased after him, "Master, please slow down!"

What the hell is this?

Even when Li Shilong left the palace, he didn't know that this was something that was rising in the capital.

Qin Mo's sharp eyes recognized the disguised Li Shilong at a glance, "Old man, the emperor is here!"

"Don't worry, let's ride to the outside of Chengtian Gate." Li Yuanzheng was happy. This old man was not only fast, but also labor-saving.

"Old man, it's more than ten miles from here!" It's okay for Qin Mo to ride a mile or two, but ten miles would be so tiring!

Wei Zhong's face turned green and he ran to Chengtianmen. That would be a waste of time.

Seeing Li Yuan's group of people coming over, Li Shilong quickly handed over his hands and was about to salute.

"Get out of the way!" Li Yuan waved his hand.

Without even looking at Li Shilong, Li Yuan rode the old man Le and passed by Li Shilong.

"Father, thank you!" Qin Mo said hello and simply let go of his hands to ride the bike, "Old man, look at me, am I hanging?"

Li Yuan's eyes widened, "Can you still play like this?"

Qin Mo crossed his arms, as if he had returned to his childhood, competing with his friends to see who could ride longer with both hands free.

However, a friend was hit by a car and flew far away. Since then, he has never let go of his hands while riding.

"Damn it!" Li Yuan gave a thumbs up, "You can do it too!"

He tried to let go of his hands and the car moved forward steadily, "Look, can you hang it!"

"Old man, grab the handle quickly. It's not suitable for the old man to put his hands down!" Anyone who has ridden a tricycle knows that the center of gravity of a tricycle is not centered, unlike a bicycle, so it is easy to roll over if you put your hands on the handle.

"Nonsense, I can't ride very well."

Before Li Yuan finished speaking, Long Tou suddenly turned a corner and lost his center of gravity. Old Tou Le immediately rolled over!

Qin Mo's scalp went numb and he rushed over quickly. The little old man was 70 years old. If he fell down, he wouldn't lose half his life!

He finally rescued Li Yuan. If he burps here, his work will be in vain. "Oh, my God!" Wei Zhong slapped his thigh, his speed increased sharply, he slapped the old man Le who was about to overturn the car, and forcefully pulled the car back.

But Li Yuan still fell out.

Gao Yao on the side had quick eyes and quick hands and caught Li Yuan to prevent him from falling.

But Qin Mo was not so lucky. He fell all over and said, "Ouch."

Li Shilong, who was not far away, was so frightened that he said, "Father!"

He hurried over.

Zhuge Sui and others followed closely behind.

"Father, father!" Li Shilong quickly ran to Li Yuan's side, and the shadow guards quickly separated the crowd.

"Father, are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" Li Yuan waved his hand and said with lingering fear: "It's really strange. He can put his hands on the [-] bars, why can't my old man Le?"

As he said that, he looked at Qin Mo on the ground, "Hey, Jingyun, are you okay?"

He hurried over to help Qin Mo.

Qin Mo got up from the ground, his body was in a mess, his hands were all broken, but he was still undecided, "Old man, you didn't fall, did you?"

"No, your little eunuch has performed a meritorious service and saved me!" Li Yuan said.

Qin Mo sighed, "Well done, Xiao Gao!"

Gao Yao felt sorry for Qin Mo and brushed off the dust on his body, "Master, you are injured!"

As he said that, he magically took out a can of alcohol and said, "Be patient, young master, I'll disinfect it for you!"

As he said that, he poured the alcohol directly on Qin Mo's palm. The sour feeling made Qin Mo dance on the spot!
Li Shilong was furious, "Qin Mo, what on earth do you want to do? Do you know that you almost made a big mistake?"

"Why are you so loud!" Li Yuan glared at Li Shilong, "I did it improperly. What does it have to do with Jingyun?"

"Father, he."

"What the hell!" Li Yuan frowned, "Why don't you run out of the palace and have nothing to do?"

Li Shilong smiled bitterly, it was nothing, he cared about it wrongly.

Qin Mo waved his hand and said that Li Yuan was fine. He deliberately kept a straight face and said, "Old man, I'm going to criticize you. It's normal for young people to pretend to be cool. You should be more stable as an old person. What excitement is there!"
If you keep doing this, I won’t get anything weird for you in the future! "

Li Yuan said: "Okay, I was wrong. Don't worry. Isn't this okay?"

"I am lucky this time. What if I am unlucky? Do I have to give the black-haired person to the white-haired person?" Qin Mo snorted.

"Qin Mo, you are so presumptuous!" Zhuge Sui couldn't listen anymore. "Do you understand the rules? How dare you talk to the Supreme Emperor like this!"

"Who are you?" Li Yuan turned to look at Zhuge Sui, not thinking about it for a moment.

"Your Majesty, my lord, Zhuge Sui!"

"Oh, it's you!" Li Yuan frowned, "My grandson-in-law cares about me, what does it have to do with you?"

Zhuge Sui was stunned and said, "The Supreme Emperor is a humble minister."

Li Yuan waved his hand, "The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is, don't interrupt in the future!"

Gao Shilian suppressed a smile. Your Majesty eats Qin Mo, Qin Mo eats the Supreme Emperor, and the Supreme Emperor eats all His Majesty. It can be said that it is like tofu with brine, one thing is reduced.

"Old Zhu, it turns out you are a eunuch!

"My name is Zhuge, not a eunuch!"

(End of this chapter)

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