big dry son-in-law

Chapter 713: Complaining to Uncle

Chapter 713: Complaining to Uncle
Qin Mo took off his clothes and put them on inside out so that no blood stains on the surface could be seen.

When he reached the gate of Dali Temple, Zhuge Sui scolded his mother, "You damn Qin Mo, let me in quickly, I want to review the case!"

"Mr. Nanhe, please stop saying a few words. Jingyun will hear it later and start a quarrel again!" Sun Zhiguo's head was pounding.

"Sun Zhiguo, you are not a good person either. You are colluding with Qin Mohang and acting as a stooge!" Zhuge then pointed at Sun Zhiguo's nose and scolded him.

"What do you mean by this?" Sun Zhiguo was also angry, "How come a certain person is colluding with Qin Mohang? Tell me clearly!"

He rolled up his sleeves and was furious, "You figure out where you are!"

On the territory of his Dali Temple, he pointed his nose at him and scolded him. He didn't want face?
Zhuge Sui was very strong. He rolled up his sleeves and his muscles exploded, "Come on, if you have the ability, come out and let the two of us have a fight!"

Sun Zhiguo suddenly felt that his confidence was not enough, and he also lost his head. Making money from horse racing is not as popular as fighting?

At this moment, Zhuge Sui saw Qin Mo and said, "You idiot, let them withdraw quickly and let me go in."

"The thief concubine has been recruited, but she was tied up for too long and her limbs are necrotic. We are rescuing her!" After saying that, Qin Mo got on the carriage and left Dali Temple.

"What rescue? You must have tortured me to extract a confession. Also, Qin Mo, what did the thief concubine do? Show me your confession!"

"Stop shouting, Jingyun is gone." Sun Zhiguo snorted, turned around and walked into Dali Temple.

Zhuge Sui was also very angry, and the people at the six gates refused to let him in, so he couldn't break in by force.

"Okay, I'm going to see your majesty. I want to read your book!" Zhuge Sui left angrily.

In the prison, several gangsters looked at Xiao Yurou and took a breath.

"It's too bad"

At the same time, Qin Mo went straight to the Duke of Qin's mansion.

After all, he hasn't been home for seven or eight days.

As soon as he returned home, the entire Qin Mansion became lively.

But when they saw Qin Mo's red eyes, everyone froze. The housekeeper's heart skipped a beat and he quickly asked his servants to get out of the way, while he hurriedly went to notify the young ladies.

Qin Mo walked towards the inner courtyard. In the inner courtyard, Qin Mo reopened several courtyards specifically for the care of Yang Liugen and some uncles who had difficulty taking care of themselves during the war.

At this moment, Yang Liugen was playing Go with a one-armed uncle.

There are disabled uncles in this yard, and Qin Mo provides them with many leisure activities.

Playing tops, chess, cards, mahjong, and even people coming here to read books to them every day.

Life is so comfortable.

Yang Liugen, who only had one arm and one leg left, could not hear or speak.
But he has a good attitude and is in a good mood.

With Qin Mo supporting him and his adopted son being filial, his life was very nourishing.

A few days ago, the father-in-law and the others rewarded a nanny. It is said that it was given to him by his majesty.

This day is even more enjoyable.

At this moment, Yang Liugen spotted Qin Mo from the corner of his eye and quickly put down the chess piece.

Then he saw Qin Mo running over with red eyes and kneeling in front of him.

Yang Liugen was shocked. He used crutches to prop himself up and said with difficulty, "Master, hurry up, get up quickly!"

Everyone in the yard was shocked and stood up one after another, "Master!"

Qin Mo hugged Yang Liugen and cried bitterly.

Yang Liugen seemed to know something and touched Qin Mo's head.

Everyone else was so blessed that they became quiet one after another.

The last time Qin Mo cried like this was when those old brothers had their wits about them.

At the corner, Chai Sitian wiped away her tears when she saw Qin Mo crying so sadly, "Why is Mr. Lang crying so sadly."

"Didn't you know it in the past?" Li Yushu was about to walk over, but was blocked by Li Yulan. She asked in confusion: "What's wrong, third sister?" I don't know about this." Li Yulan sniffed, "Although our husband is usually heartless, his heart is more delicate than anyone else."

Besides his father-in-law, Qin Mo respected these uncles the most.

Qin Mo spent half of the time in the Qin Mansion here with them, trying his best to have fun for them, just to make them forget the sadness caused by their physical disability.

They slept with Qin Mo for a short period of time, and it was unclear. Sometimes Qin Mo often had nightmares when he slept at night.

Although Qin Mo never said it, she had some guesses.

That matter weighed heavily on Qin Mo's heart, almost becoming a knot in his heart.

But Qin Mo is like this, even if he is in great trouble and pressure, he will not show it.

Always leave the happiest side to them.

A man licks his wounds behind his back.

But no matter how strong a person is, there will always be times when his emotions break down.

After crying for a long time, Qin Mo took out the words he had written from his arms, the first one: Uncle Liugen, I will avenge you!
Seeing this line of words, Yang Liugen's eyes turned red.

Qin Mo took out the second one, "I cut that person into a human pig, but she is not dead yet. I will kill her to comfort the souls of all my uncles!"

Yang Liugen nodded heavily and said loudly: "Okay, okay!"

The third picture: "I will catch all the remaining thieves and chop them up one by one. Give me some time!"

Qin Mo took out a fourth piece of paper, and it was a sketch of Xiao Yurou, "This is what the thief girl looks like!"

Yang Liugen couldn't help but nod, "Good boy, really good boy!"

Everyone else had tears in their eyes. They were lucky to have such a young master.

"Master, get up. They will all be happy if they have knowledge under the spring!"

"Master, get up quickly, we can't bear it!"

Yang Liugen also reached out to help Qin Mo, "Get up, get up, young master!"

After Qin Mo stood up, he bowed in all directions, "Uncles, you followed my father to kill enemies when you were young, and you protected me when you were old. Qin Mo kowtows to you!"

He knelt down and bowed earnestly.

"Master, get up quickly!"

Everyone hurriedly helped Qin Mo up.

When the housekeeper saw this scene, he secretly wiped away tears. Their young master had really grown up.

The old lady has a spirit in heaven, she will definitely be very happy, right?

"Let's go, young master, I, I'll take you to see those old brothers!"

Yang Liugen knew how much pressure Qin Mo had been over the past year.

"Let's go and have a look!"

"Master, let's go with you!"

Surrounded by everyone, Qin Mo came to the cemetery on the back hill of Qinzhuang.

These 87 people are buried here.

Qin Mo conscientiously visited their graves.

Yang Liugen lit the brazier and burned the three pieces of paper written by Qin Mo. Although his speech was unclear, he still spoke loudly, "Brothers, rest in peace, young master, avenge your brothers!"
You souls in heaven must protect the young master and let him live a long life! "

Just then, a gust of wind blew.

The ashes in the brazier were blown up by the wind, and the whining sound seemed like 87 uncles responding in unison!
(End of this chapter)

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