big dry son-in-law

Chapter 714 2 confessions

Chapter 714 Two Confessions
Qin Xiangru returned home in the evening.

When he learned that Qin Mo had gone to Qinzhuang, he didn't say anything.

Zhuge then went to the palace to complain, but Li Shilong didn't say anything. He just comforted him and told him to calm down and let Qin Mo interrogate first.

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Qin Mo was selling in his gourd, out of trust in Qin Mo, he just had to cover up.

Not long after, Qin Mo came back, and Qin Xiangru called him into the study." His nose was very good, and he immediately smelled the smell of blood on Qin Mo's body, "Did he kill someone? "

"Kill half of them!" Qin Mo has calmed down now and feels that his performance is not up to par. Xiao Yurou's ears are very dangerous and her ears must be protected!
"Do you know who the thief concubine is?"

Qin Mo didn't hide anything, and roughly told what happened. After hearing this, Qin Xiangru snorted coldly, "It turned out to be that woman. The emperor has really lost his mind. It's okay to keep her outside, but she has to be brought into the palace!"

"Dad, this is a confession!" Qin Mo handed over the confession prepared by Gao Yao.

Qin Xiangru took a look and said, "It's not a big problem, the emperor's face is saved, and the others have an explanation.

However, isn’t it a bit far-fetched for you to let Wu Shi take the blame? "

"Someone has to take the blame. This person can't be a minister or a prince. Wu Shi has followed my father-in-law for so many years and controlled the shadow guard. This time, he failed to take care of him and almost killed my father-in-law. He has no words. He said, feeling angrier than anyone else.

Back then, I almost killed Hou Gennian with a knife in the court, but Wu Shi could save him from a long distance away. Now he can't even defend himself against a woman. What does my father-in-law think? "

Qin Mo curled his lips. The reason why he was confident was because of one thing.

What Li Xin and Rong Xin wanted to do at first was really weird, and there is no result yet.

Gao Shilian cleaned up a group of people and let it go.

It makes perfect sense to put the blame on Wu Shi.

However, this cannot be written clearly.

As long as Li Shilong believes it, he can't live without tongue.

As for Gao Shilian.
"Dad, is there any way to save Uncle Gao?" Qin Mo had a headache now.

When the emperor becomes suspicious, he will definitely clean up everyone around him.

"Difficult!" Qin Xiangru said: "If you give the blame to Wu Shi, Lao Gao will definitely be liquidated. Wang De is far worse than Wu Shi, and he is incapable of controlling the Shadow Guard."

Qin Mo was worried, but there would never be such a good opportunity to eradicate Wu Tongue again.

This old silver coin city is very deep, and he can be sure that it has something to do with the dagger.

But there is no actual evidence.

Since Wuji dares to do this, he must have a backup plan.

"Change your confession?"

"No, Wu Shi must die. If he doesn't die, Lao Ba will suffer. No matter what, he can't get around the Zhou family." Qin Mo reached out and took an elbow from Qin Xiangru's eyes and took a bite. "Their purpose is nothing more than to kill Lao Ba." Bala went into the water, so only the fourteenth prince Li dared to do so.

Li Xian and Li Xuan are still young, who knows if they will kill Li Gan! "

"You already have an idea in your mind, why are you asking me what to do?" Qin Xiangru snorted and murmured.

The two father and son chatted while chatting.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo entered the palace.

"Father, this is a confession!" Qin Mo almost failed to enter the palace and complained: "Father, I am your son-in-law, why did you let Li Shengli guard me and not let me in?
Do you find me annoying? If so, just tell me and ask if I can change it? "

Li Shilong felt like a hundred flies were buzzing in his ears.

"Shut up, if you keep talking, I'll ask Gongming to sew your mouth shut!" Li Shilong was very angry.Wang De frowned. He didn't like Qin Mo very much and didn't like him from the bottom of his heart.

"I said, Prince Consort of Qin, why can't you let His Majesty worry less? You know that His Majesty is not well yet and cannot bear to be angry, but you still make His Majesty angry every day. What are you doing!" Yesterday, Li Shilong asked Wang De to take charge of Gao Shi. Wang Deniu felt that Gao Shilian was about to die, and Da Qianyin was beckoning to him.

Therefore, he has become more cautious now and looks at Qin Mo with raised eyebrows.

Qin Mo narrowed his eyes. This Wang De has a wrong attitude.

It's very tough to dare to talk to him like this.

"Okay, don't make any noise!" Li Shilong rubbed his swollen head and frowned as he looked at the confession, "Is this what you found out from her mouth?"

"Yes, that dagger was not brought into the palace by Zhou Mingyue!" Qin Mo cupped his hands and said: "Father, in the final analysis, this is all a plan by the remnants of the previous dynasty, and the purpose is to sow discord.

The thief concubine was also a remnant of the previous dynasty and was arranged to enter the Duke of Zhou's palace. The son-in-law conducted an investigation and discovered that Zhou Bi was seriously ill and unconscious at that time, which naturally gave opportunities to those ambitious people. "

Li Shilong knew very well how Xiao Yurou entered the palace.

Qin Mo was just explaining another conclusion to him.

"There must be something wrong with Wu Ji in this matter. It's not just a simple negligence. When Zhou Bi died, he should have been mourned, but Wu Ji forced the Zhou family to postpone the funeral in order to allow the thief concubine to enter the palace.

Why did he do this?
The dead person is the most important. No matter what, Zhou Bi is also the Duke of the country and a relative.

This shows that he harbors evil intentions. "

Qin Mo directly put the blame on Wu Shi, and Li Shilong nodded repeatedly.

"His evil intention is to control the court. He has been lurking around my father for many years, always looking for opportunities to shake things up. One thing can prove it!"

"There, why isn't it written on the confession?"

Qin Mo glanced at Wang De, and Li Shilong waved his hand, "You go down first."

Wang De was stunned and didn't dare to say anything. After he retreated, he was extremely unhappy with Qin Mo.

I thought to myself, if I dare to look down on him, I will definitely find a way back in the future!
There are only two people left in the Hall of Eternal Life.

Qin Mo said: "Father, let me tell you the truth, this confession is probably true. She was the one who did it when I was kidnapped before.

At that time, she used the pseudonym Xiao Miaozhen and coaxed me into getting the grenade formula from me.

At that time, when I came back from Huaqing Pool, there were definitely not many people who knew about it. After thinking about it, it was only the people around me.

Therefore, Wu Shi must have revealed my information so that they could accurately intercept me! "

Li Shilong suddenly narrowed his eyes, "So, you have known her for a long time?"

"I know her, but I don't know her true identity. Moreover, I have been looking for her. Last year, I asked Liu Men to go to Bishui Villa to intercept her, but she still escaped quickly.

Some people have been caught and can be identified!

Moreover, there is a file left at Bishui Villa, and Father can ask someone to retrieve it! "

Nine truths and one falsehood are the most difficult to guess.

Just like Xiao Yurou, there are flaws everywhere, but there is still humanity everywhere.

Li Shilong shook his head, suddenly feeling like a [-]-year-old!
"No need, keep talking!"

(End of this chapter)

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