big dry son-in-law

Chapter 718: In the next life, be smarter!

Chapter 718: In the next life, be smarter!
Looking back on Qin Mo's words, there are indeed many problems.

It is unnatural for the fourth child to kill his brother.

Later, the fourth child went crazy again.

It seemed that he trusted Wu Gu too much.

Gao Shilian fell to the ground and choked with sobs: "If possible, I hope that I will stab my chest with that one blow. I will do it with ten or a hundred knives."

"You'd better save your life and listen to my orders." Li Shilong snorted, "Don't say that I don't miss our old relationship. You go and get the shadow guards in order. Kill whoever deserves to be killed. If you can't do this well, Just die for me."

Gao Shilian cried even louder, "I thank you, Your Majesty!"

He knew that his life was completely saved. Not only was he saved, but he also made further progress.

Although he prefers to stay with the emperor, after all, it is too unethical to do any dirty work.

But being able to survive without losing trust is a blessing among misfortunes.

"Get off!"

Gao Shilian was carried down.

Wang De on the side was dumbfounded.

Gao Shilian was actually reused again.

Moreover, His Majesty also asked him to take charge of the shadow guards.

He was frightened when he thought of how he had placed many of his own people in the palace in the past few days.

"Go and get me that piece of shit without tongue!" Li Shilong said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wang De came back to his senses and hurriedly left the Hall of Eternal Life.

Walking on the road, he was extremely flustered. If His Majesty re-appoints Gao Shilian, will he re-appoint Wu Tongue?
Shouldn't it?

That being said, he still has a chance to stay with His Majesty.

After all, there are only two useful eunuchs.

But when he came to Wu Shi and asked the guards to carry him out, the news he received almost made him collapse!

"What are you talking about? Wu Shi disappeared? How could he, a good person, disappear out of thin air?" Wang De said angrily.

"Really, godfather, it's gone, Wuji is gone!" the little eunuch said tremblingly.

Wang De rushed in quickly. There was still a shadow of Tongueless in the room, not even a hair on it.

His eyes widened and he slapped his thigh, "Quick, look elsewhere, quick!"

The little eunuchs were all frightened out of their wits, especially the one guarding Wu Jian, who was so frightened that he peed.

They couldn't hold it in, and now they collectively peeed in fear.

If they can't find Tongueless, they will all die!
But after searching a lot, I looked everywhere I should, but found nothing.

"It's over, something bad has happened!" Wang De was frightened. Why did all these bad things happen together?

Just at this time, another eunuch came to him and said, "Godfather, Your Majesty has been urging you, haven't you received Wu Shi yet?"

Wang De's feet were too weak to walk, so he helped the person coming, "Xiao Shunzi, hurry up, help us to the Palace of Eternal Life, something happened, something big happened!"

Soon, the news of Wu Ji's disappearance reached Li Shilong's ears.

Seeing Wang De who could barely stand in front of him, Li Shilong was furious, "Trash, it's all trash, look for it for me, I have to dig three feet into the palace to find it!"

If you can't find it, you'll die! "

Wang De was so scared that he was about to urinate, "Yes, I will go look for you immediately!"

Li Shilong clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Sure enough, this bitch had betrayed him.

Jing Yun was not wrong, all this was Wu Ji's fault.

His fourth child, such a good boy, was so crazy.

Including himself, he almost died, all because of this piece of shit.

He actually almost ruined Da Gan's long-lasting achievements.

At this moment, he no longer had any doubts about Qin Mo's interrogation.The same is true for Gao Shilian.

At first, Qin Mo said that he was kidnapped by Xiao Yurou, and he was still doubtful.

Now, it makes sense that that bitch did it.

Thinking of this, Li Shilong began to feel worried.

Was it true that when Hou Gennian escaped, he didn't die?
Could this tongueless piece of shit be seriously poisoned?

"Okay, very good, you actually made me spin around."

Li Shilong thought, I'm afraid the roots of the shadow guard are rotten and can't be taken anymore, so he should uproot them.

Everyone on this line will die.

Wang De led his people to search the entire palace, even the cold palaces were not spared.

But there is still no sign of Tongueless.

Even if the nobles in the harem asked him, he would not dare to tell.

Later, the eunuch called him to go to the Palace of Eternal Life. Wang De lay down directly on the ground, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

He was carried to the Palace of Eternal Life. Looking at the expressionless Li Shilong, he crawled in front of Li Shilong and said, "Your Majesty, I've searched all over the palace, but I can't find Wu Tongue. I deserve to die!"

Wang De cried with snot and tears.

"Well, I understand. Go find Gao Shilian and talk to him!" Li Shilong's tone was calm, and there was no trace of any emotion.

Wang De was pounding in his heart. Could it be that His Majesty just let him go?
"Let Mr. Gao track down Wu Shi?"

"You tell him, and he will know what to do." Li Shilong tapped his fingers on the document, "Also, ask Gao Shilian to send someone to tell Jingyun!
What are you still doing? Do you want me to invite you? "

Seeing Wang De in a daze, Li Shilong frowned!
"Oh, servant girl, let's go!"

Wang De withdrew from the Palace of Eternal Life, secretly thinking that it was lucky that his Majesty did not punish him.

Your Majesty must also know that it is not his fault that Wu Tongue was not found.

Yes, it must be so.

At this time, Gao Shilian also knew that Wu Shi was missing, and for a moment he had mixed feelings in his heart. This bastard actually betrayed His Majesty.

He was in charge of the shadow guards. Leaving the palace was difficult for others, but it was not difficult for Wu Shi.

"Mr. Gao, I have brought you the message. You must find Wu Shi and not let down His Majesty's expectations!" Li Shilong only asked him to come and say a word to Gao Shilian, and did not ask Gao Shilian to find Wu Shi, but Wang De wanted to show off to Gao Shilian.

Gao Shilian lay on the bed and looked at Wang De with a half-smile, "His Majesty really said that we should go find Wu Ji? You have to think about it first!"

Wang De was originally a eunuch under Gao Shilian, and he knew Gao Shilian's temper quite well. When he saw that he was smiling, he was suddenly frightened, "Of course, can we still lie?"

"You are really a clever guy. Our family knew that you would come forward!" Gao Shilian waved at Wang De, "You are also a member of our family. Now you are serving His Majesty. There are some things that you have to do. clear.

Come here and let us talk to you so that you will make fewer mistakes in the future. "

Wang De looked at Gao Shilian warily. Is he so kind?

“Why, now that you’re up, you don’t recognize anyone?

No matter what, we used to be your godfather, is this sweet love gone? "

Wang De was furious, what a godfather, he was also a great eunuch now and could start his own business.

Still want to ride on his head?

But considering that Gao Shilian is in charge of the Shadow Guard and has been running the palace for many years, if he is too aggressive, he will easily target him.

It's better to give in first and wait until he becomes bigger in the future to compete with him.

He walked up to Gao Shilian.

Just squat down.

Gao Shilian, who was still smiling at first, suddenly changed his expression, took out a dagger from his sleeve, and stabbed it straight into his heart.

"In the next life, be smarter!"

Gao Shilian stirred the dagger, and Wang De screamed, fell to the ground, and crawled towards the door, "Help me, help me."

(End of this chapter)

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