big dry son-in-law

Chapter 719 Find an aunt for Xiao Gao

Chapter 719 Find an aunt for Xiao Gao
My name is Wang De, and I thought I was going to rise to prominence soon, become the hidden minister of Da Qian, and be the master of Da Qian.

I had stayed under the previous Daqianyin Prime Minister for more than ten years, just when I thought I was going to make my mark.A dagger stabbed into my heart.

It hurts!
I crawled towards the door, I couldn't die, my dream was not yet complete.

I want to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

I want all those princes to please me and know my wishes.

I want them to call me 'Prince' with a flattering look on their faces.

I thought about the humiliation and burden I had endured over the years, and the grievances I had suffered. I had to act like a bull and a horse for others to get where I am today.

I, Wang De, will climb to the highest position step by step!

Everything from the past emerged, and my eyes began to darken until the world fell into silence.

I suddenly realized that I was going to die!
Gao Shilian slowly took out a piece of white cloth and wiped the dagger. Eighty percent of the eunuchs in the palace were his spies.

Not many things can be hidden from him.

This Wang De is so stupid, His Majesty gave him a chance to find Wu Shi.

He actually ransacked the palace.

Wu Jian escaped, how could it be so easy to find him?
If this kind of thing spreads, it will not only be a scandal, but everyone will question the emperor, and even the eunuchs will not be able to control it.

Being toyed with by a eunuch while being applauded.

If he doesn't die, who dies?

This Wang De has a similar body shape and age to Wu Ji, so it is appropriate to pretend to be Wu Ji.

"Slash his face so that no one can recognize him."

After Gao Shilian said something, a young eunuch went up and slashed Wang De's face with a knife until the flesh and blood were blurred.

"We have been saying this for more than ten years. When serving in the palace, you must walk on thin ice. You must be smart when you should be smart, and be stupid when you should be stupid."

Gao Shilian seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be teaching these little eunuchs.

"Wu Tongue failed to protect his master and killed himself. He left a suicide note and frankly said that he was ashamed of His Majesty. After his death, the eunuch had his face scratched to show that he had no shame to meet His Majesty.

I hope Your Majesty will reward him with a thin coffin for his past kindness, and bury him with his face covered after his death!

There are also those little tongueless eunuchs who are guarding the palace. They are no longer suitable to serve in the palace. Send them where they should go, lest the saint sees them and becomes disgusted! ! ! "

Soon, 'Wuji''s suicide note was placed on Li Shilong's papers.

"Bury it!" Li Shilong said coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Where is Wang De?" Li Shilong asked.

"I went to Ganye Temple to pray for His Majesty." Gao Shilian knelt on the ground.

Li Shilong was very satisfied with Gao Shilian's way of handling things. It was the old dog's ease of use that made his originally depressed mood slightly better.

"Go down, remember to remind Jingyun to be careful. Also, try to find a way to find that piece of shit. If you can capture it alive, if you can't, you will cut it into pieces!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Gao Shilian withdrew from the Palace of Eternal Life. Unexpectedly, he was the one who survived to the end.

He is not afraid of death, and there is nothing wrong with being buried by the emperor. He is afraid that his death will be worthless.

Wu Tongue is a good opponent, they used to check and balance each other.

Now that the balance has been broken, who will the emperor find to check and balance him?

Gao Shilian did not leave the palace to find Qin Mo. From now on, he must show less appearance.

He wanted to be the emperor's shadow, and if he got too involved with Qin Mo, it would be harmful to him.Soon, Qin Mo received news that Wu Shi had escaped.

He stood up from the rocking chair and couldn't help but smile: "Okay, Uncle Gao's life is saved!"

"Master, thank you!" Gao Yao said kneeling in front of Qin Mo.

"Xiao Gao, what are you doing?" Qin Mo quickly helped her up.

Gao Yao knew very well how Qin Mo reversed this matter step by step, and he also took a very big risk.

Once the emperor became suspicious, Qin Mo would never be as carefree as before.

She knew very well that her young master never liked these dark things.

"You are Uncle Gao's adopted son. Although we are master and servant in name, I have always regarded you as a brother. I climbed the lantern tree during the Lantern Festival last year. If it weren't for you, I would have burped.

Since we are a family, there is no need to worry about these things. "

Gao Yao is a person who can be completely trusted.

By saving Gao Shilian, wouldn't he be helping himself?
Now that Wu Shi has escaped, this situation has been completely revitalized.

He won the bet.

Gao Yao was very moved, but she was also very entangled in her heart. What if one day, the young master knew her identity?

This is deception, and the young master hates it most when people lie to him.

Forget it, as long as the young master is safe and happy, so what if he remains a eunuch for the rest of his life?

She was secretly vigilant and must not let the young master know her identity.

"Yes, Master, Xiao Gao understands!"

Qin Mo patted her shoulder, "We brothers don't doubt each other. Later, I will find you a pretty aunt who is infertile. After all, we can't ruin other people's families if they are able to have children."

Then I will find a way to adopt two children for you, so that when you are old, you can live a happy life of having grandchildren.

After you die, someone will burn incense for you, and the incense in Lao Gao's family can be considered renewed. "

"No, Xiao Gao wants to guard the young master for the rest of his life!" Gao Yao blushed, looking for her aunt?Isn't that exposed?
"I will retire in two years. You have to have your own private life." Qin Mo thought she was embarrassed and said, "Don't be embarrassed. I'm not saying you are a little tall. You need to change your habit of blushing all the time." Yes, do you know?
Old men, you have troubled me, young master."


Qin Mo swallowed hard and turned his head, "That's it. If you don't want it, you have to take it. I'll look for it for you tomorrow."

Gao Yao was extremely flustered, "Master, Xiao Gao really doesn't want an aunt. If it doesn't work out, Master, just give Xiao Nuan to me as my sister!"

Xiao Nuan was the girl Qin Mo brought back from Riyue Mountain.

Now he is being raised in Qinzhuang, and like other children in Qinzhuang, he is jointly raised by the Qinzhuang family!

Gao Yao said: "I have always wanted a sister in my life. If I have a sister, I will not be lonely in the future!"

"It's not impossible, but she has to agree." Qin Mo said: "When she has a holiday in two days, let her come over. If she agrees, you will be her guardian from now on, you know!"

"I understand, Master Xie!" Gao Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you can't take good care of me, I'll still find an aunt for you!"

Qin Mo glanced at Gao Yao again and quickly ran to the backyard. It would be better to play with his wife!

At the same time, a group of people were gathering in a remote temple, "Damn Qin Mo, he actually cut the princess into a human pig."

"Must kill him!"

The crowd was excited. At this time, a voice said: "Killing is important, but rescuing the princess is even more important!"

(End of this chapter)

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