big dry son-in-law

Chapter 720 The annoying Gongsun Min

Chapter 720 The annoying Gongsun Min
Shang Wu said in a deep voice: "If we can't rescue her, we will lose our righteousness. Since last year, our people have been surrounded by six gates, and their situation has been deteriorating.

If we lose the princess again, the situation will only get worse! "

Everyone fell silent.

The longer time goes by, the stronger Daqian becomes and the people live a good life. Who will still miss the past?

How was the past?

They know it well.

"Tomorrow night, there will be a water and land ceremony outside Chengtian Gate to pray for the dog emperor." Shang Wu said: "There is reliable news that they will hold the princess outside Chengtian Gate at the end of Haishi tomorrow, when the Yin Qi is the heaviest. Lingchi, so tomorrow is our last chance."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xi'er said, "What, are you afraid?"

"It's not that I'm afraid. Even if the princess is rescued, what will happen?" One person said: "The princess has become a human pig now and even has no tongue. What will happen if she is rescued?"

As soon as these words came out, many people flinched, "Yeah, what if you die after being rescued?"

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Shang Wu's eyes, "The princess will not die. Even if the princess becomes a human pig and loses her tongue, she is still a princess. If we cannot save the princess, we will avenge the princess!"
Kill Qin Mo first, then the Dog Emperor! "

Xi'er agreed: "Yes, even if there is no princess, there is still the sixteenth prince. He is the son of Concubine Xiao, and the blood of Emperor Xiao flows in his body.

We can support him to ascend to power, and in the future, he will definitely be able to restore Xiao Zhou!
Think about the overwhelming wealth, it is something that will go down in history! "

Everyone's mood gradually became high, "Do it!"

"Tomorrow, we must rescue the princess!"

A few days ago, the news of the water and land ceremony spread. On this day, the eminent monks of Baima Temple sat in front of Chengtian Gate early, recited scriptures and prayed for the emperor.

People in the capital came spontaneously and wrote prayers, hoping that the emperor would recover quickly.

Everyone's life is getting better and better, and no one knows whether the next emperor will treat them so well.

From day to night, lotus lanterns have been placed outside Chengtian Gate.

Dense firelight illuminated the sky.

Qin Mo stood on the tall building where military parades were held in the past, lying in a rocking chair, the cool breeze dissipating the heat.

"Master, milk tea!"

Gao Yao handed over the milk tea, and then placed the peeled melon seeds within Qin Mo's reach.

Qin Mo took a sip of oolong black tea with ice, feeling chilled.

He grabbed another handful of melon seeds, stuffed them into his mouth, and looked at the thousands of houses in the capital with bright candlelight, "The night view of the capital is quite beautiful!"

At this time, Xu Que ran over and said, "Captain, everything is ready!"

"Except for the two people I drew for you, kill anyone else who resists directly." Qin Mo said, "Of course, it's not easy to catch, so it's okay to kill them!"


Xu Que handed over his hand and immediately went downstairs.

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, it is a good day to make meritorious deeds.

Likewise, this night was also a sleepless night for many people.

At this time, in the Zhao Guogong Mansion, the white wax made of Kun oil was smokeless and bright, illuminating the hall.

Gongsun Wuji couldn't help but look towards the palace. Sitting opposite him was his second son Gongsun Min.

"Dad, you are a little restless tonight!"

"Nothing." Gongsun Wuji dropped the black mark.

"Are you thinking about big brother again?" Gongsun Min asked tentatively.

"Why are you bringing up that evil obstacle?" Gongsun Wuji's face suddenly darkened, "Didn't I tell you not to mention him?"

Gongsun Min quickly said: "Dad, don't be angry. I'm just a little worried about my eldest brother. I'm afraid that he will be in danger in Lingnan."

How could Gongsun Wuji not know what he was thinking?
"If he dies, he deserves it. If he doesn't die, he has a great destiny!" Gongsun Wuji urged: "Let's make a move!"

"Yes!" Gongsun Min was the legitimate second son, and it was logical that it was not his turn to inherit the family business. However, Gongsun Chong committed one after another and handed over this huge family business with his own hands, which made Gongsun Min feel unreal.

He was also very afraid that Gongsun Chong would return to Beijing and steal his position.

The most important thing is that he knew some secrets that he shouldn't know.

That secret was so terrible that he almost went crazy holding it in his heart.

Although Gongsun Wuji said this, he felt even more insecure in his heart.

Those who lie are all lying to him.

He was not very talented since he was a child, and his father put all his love and energy into cultivating his eldest brother. No matter how hard he fought, he could not win any attention.

Some are just perfunctory and impatient.

He didn't understand why brothers from the same mother should be treated so differently just because he was the second son?

But he is also a legitimate son.

"Dad, in your heart, am I inferior to your elder brother in everything?" Gongsun Min asked what he had been wanting to ask all these years.

Gongsun Wuji frowned, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"No, I just feel that in terms of talent and ability, I am not as good as my elder brother!" Gongsun Min said with some frustration.

Gongsun Wuji was also secretly frustrated. If Gongsun Chong hadn't made a big mistake, he would never have looked at Gongsun Min.

It was just because his wife had difficulty giving birth to him. Although he was born, he still lost his life in the end.

In the past, he only had disgust for Gongsun Min, but now that Gongsun Chong has left home, he can only be patient and train him.

As a conservative, if he can't follow the rules of his elders, how can he get others to listen to him?
"Why do you want to compete with your elder brother?" Gongsun Wuji suppressed his anger and said: "Since you know that you can't beat him, you should work harder instead of feeling sorry for yourself here!"

Gongsun Min originally thought that after his eldest brother left home, his father would at least look at him twice more, but these words broke his heart.

Isn't he even qualified to compete?

I've been partial since I was a child, and it's still the same when I grow up.

If that's the case, why bring him to this position?

"Yes, father!" Gongsun Min said with great depression in his heart.

Gongsun Wuji saw that he couldn't beat him with three sticks, so he lost interest in playing chess and threw away the chess pieces, "It's hard to carve out rotten wood!"

Gongsun Min gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger, "Aren't you even willing to lie to me? Okay, okay, let him die in Lingnan!"

As the night progressed, the eminent monks of White Horse Temple were reciting scriptures.

In the middle is a huge lotus altar.

Buddha, Bodhisattvas and various Arhats are enshrined on it.

After the curfew, there were no dogs on the streets of the capital except for the watchmen and the imperial guards patrolling the city.

At this time, in Nancheng, the sky-high flames lit up, breaking the silence of the capital.

The fire was still spreading, and many people rushed out to put out the fire.

But when the east side was destroyed and the west side was illuminated, a fire dragon spread.

Countless people fled from their homes.

Cries and shouts for help were a chaotic mess.

People from Wuhoupu rushed to put out the fire, but there were too many fire points, and the scorching air waves and thick smoke rose from the pavement.

A large number of forbidden troops headed towards Nancheng.

At this time, a group of heavily armed Imperial Guards came out of different alleys and finally gathered together.

Head towards Chengtianmen!
(End of this chapter)

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