big dry son-in-law

Chapter 734 Bah, it’s nothing!

Chapter 734 Bah, it’s nothing!
Li Jingya couldn't find Bei, and said in confusion: "Okay!"

Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, "It's what I owe!"

At this time, a voice came from behind again, "Hey, little ancestor, hold on tight, I'm waiting for you to return to the palace together!"

When Gao Shilian learned that Qin Mo was here, he hurried over to call him, but when he came over, he saw such an exciting scene!
"Uncle Gao, I'm fine!"

"You kid, hey!" Gao Shilian was a little helpless. This kid is good at everything, but his peach blossoms are too prosperous.

There are already two princesses and a princess, and that's not all. They have to kill King Qi's daughter.

Qin Mo walked to Cheng Sanbao, took off his clothes, and asked Li Jingya to put them on.

His summer clothes were too see-through and it looked like he was at a huge loss.

Cheng Sanbao covered his chest in confusion, "Mr. Jun Guo, what should I wear?"

"Wear whatever you like!" Qin Mo walked straight away, and Li Jingya followed Qin Mo in a daze.

"I said can you hurry up? It's so annoying!"

"Don't be mean, I'm not as long as your feet!" Li Jingya came back to her senses and pouted aggrievedly, "Idiot, where should I go now?"

"You go home first, I have to go to the palace!" Qin Mo said to Xiao Gao, "Send her home safely!"

Gao nodded, feeling helpless. Their young master was so popular with girls.

However, she does not dislike Li Jingya, and even likes her. She may seem unruly, but she is actually very obedient.

Qin Mo asked her to stay in Bohai Bay, and she actually stayed there for almost a year. She did many things for Qin Mo's sake.

"Can I go into the palace with you?"

"Xiao Gao, take her away!"

"Princess Princess, let's go with this slave!"

In the end, Li Jingya was taken away by Gao Yao, and she looked back three times every step of the way, making it feel as if she was parting from life or death.

Qin Mo felt a toothache when he saw it.

When he reached the shore, he found that Lao Qin and Li Cungong were there.

Qin Xiangru pursed his lips and said nothing.

Li Cungong pointed at Qin Mo, "You are so good. You don't let any of the good girls of the royal family go. Are you still a human being?"

"Have you all seen it?"

Li Daoyuan snorted, "You think we are deaf? You are really good at playing with my niece's feelings, you are not a thing!"

"Bah, it's nothing!" Li Cungong spat.

"Can you care about my face when you curse?" Qin Xiangru said.

"Bah, you are not a good person either!" The two princes cursed in unison.

Gao Ren and Su Yun looked at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, and they both secretly agreed in their hearts, "Well done!"

Qin Xiangru kicked Qin Mo, "What a shame, why don't you go change your clothes!"

Qin Mo was also aggrieved. He didn't want to be like this, he was forced to do so.

Soon, the group left the shore.

Qin Mo changed into a set of clothes in the carriage. Because he preferred to drive, there were several sets of clothes in the carriage as spares.

There are also several sets of women's clothing nearby.

You can change it anytime if it gets dirty.

At this time, Li Shilong had been waiting in Tai Chi Palace for a long time.

After all the ministers met, Li Shilong looked at Gao Ren and asked, "Is it going smoothly to the Japanese island country?" Gao Ren said with cupped hands: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I planned my return trip in six or eight months before I went to sea. But who knows?" Think about it, when you go to sea, you will encounter big waves and dangers!"

"Someone was killed?" Li Shilong's heart tightened.

"Yes, all the foreign students who came to Japan to work were shipwrecked, and only a few people survived. Our ship was relatively strong. Before going to sea, Duke Junguo specially reinforced it, so although it was difficult and dangerous, it turned out to be a good thing."

Li Shilong glanced at Qin Mo with satisfaction. He didn't care about the death of the international student from Japan, "Tell me about what you saw in Japan."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Gao Ren said: "After I landed in the Japanese island country, I felt as if I had entered the Lilliputian country (the average height is 1.4 meters). Everything there is very small.

The city is small and the people are small. Their nobles are proud to speak official Mandarin. If they can't speak it, they will definitely be ridiculed by other nobles.

Everything there was more imitated by the Great Zhou Dynasty. This time, the king of the Japanese island country held a banquet for three days in order to welcome his ministers and others.

Monk Jianming was named the protector of the country by Xiaode. Before Weichen returned to Daqian, more than 200 new temples were built.

The Japanese island nation regards Buddhism as its state religion! "

Having said this, Gao Ren scratched his head and said, "Xiao De also gave me a royal girl, saying that she would be my wife. I didn't ask for it. Although she is hair-length, she looks too young."

Li Shilong couldn't help laughing, "No envoys from the Japanese island country came to Beijing this time?"

"Yes, the messenger who came this time was Ji'er Zhenbei, Xiaode's son-in-law, and he was accompanied by 500 people. The first time I went to the sea, I encountered waves.

The messenger was half dead, and the fresh water was gone, so he returned to prepare supplies again.

This time, the Japanese island country prepared 30 taels of silver, 5 taels of gold, some agates, pearls, and [-] Japanese swords.
Not only that, this time I also recorded detailed nautical charts, and the Honglukan established in the Japanese island country drew a map of a small half of the Japanese island country. "

Gao Ren knelt down and presented the map with both hands, "Tomorrow Ji'er will be prepared to bring gifts to see His Majesty!"

"Good good!"

Li Shilong was overjoyed, but he was more concerned about these yellow and white things, "Can a filial piety still require the title of emperor?"

"Your Majesty, after Su Yingao returned to China, he exhorted him to be filial, and I also advised him several times. However, it seems that he has not given up the idea of ​​becoming emperor."

Gao Ren knelt on the ground and said, "I have done something wrong, please punish me!"

Li Shilong frowned slightly, "Get up, you went through dangers, went to Japan as an envoy, drew sea maps, established Honglu Pavilion, and promoted the prestige of our country. You are not guilty, and you have made great achievements!
From now on, you will be the Marquis of Weihai County, with thousands of households in the city, a bounty belt, and millions of gold.
He was promoted to Shaoqing of Honglu Temple and took charge of the affairs of the Japanese island country! "

Gao Ren was extremely excited. He was the third-rank Marquis of the founding county and the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, second only to Tang Jian.

But he was also a little surprised, "Your Majesty, isn't the number of young ministers from Honglu Temple already full?"

"Honglu Temple has been reorganized. You don't know. Before, there were only Wang Zhong and Lu Daqin. The two young ministers can no longer meet the daily work, so there are six young ministers. You will be the third young minister!" Li Shilong explained with a smile. Said: "The Japanese island country is very ambitious and cannot fight against the dangers of thousands of miles of ocean. However, now that we have charts and maps, there is no need to worry."

Gao Ren's heart finally returned to his stomach.

This trip to Japan is so worth it.

"Jingyun, do you have anything to say?" Seeing Qin Mo shrinking at the end, Li Shilong asked.

"say what?"

"The Japanese island nation is very ambitious. Do you have any good ideas?"

"I don't know, I don't have an idea!" Qin Mo was speechless. He kept trying to trick him all day long.

Li Shilong was so angry that he was itching his teeth, "You didn't even think about it, so you just said you had no idea?"

"Father, I beg you, give me a way to survive!

You make it look like my father, Prince Cheng, and Prince Heng are stupid! "

Qin Mo will never ask for trouble this time!

When the time comes, let him take care of it again. He doesn't want to go to the Japanese island country. What if there is a dead sea?
(End of this chapter)

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