big dry son-in-law

Chapter 735 Prince Xiaoyao

Chapter 735 Prince Xiaoyao
Although he came to a parallel world, he came here even if he didn't let the Japanese island country feel what it means to be a father, so Pi Yanzi put on an electric drill.

But at least let the treasure ship fleet take shape.

Safety first!

Li Shilong was a little speechless, but thinking about it, if he kept asking Qin Mo alone, he would be a bit neglectful of others.

"Excuse me, tell me what you think."

"Your Majesty, the Japanese island country is so ambitious that it cannot ask for more than the culture and technology of my Daqian. Jingyun has already said this before. We only open trade routes and plunder their wealth.

Use the economy and culture to slowly control the process, and wait until all parties have trouble, and then slowly settle accounts with them! Li Cungong said.

"What Prince Cheng said makes sense!" Qin Xiangru agreed.

Li Shilong nodded. It is indeed inappropriate to use troops against the Japanese island country now.

"Su Yun, tell me about the situation of the caravan!" Li Shilong withdrew his gaze.

"Your Majesty, this time the fleet went to sea with a thousand ships, of which [-] ships started from the Bohai Bay and went to Huangluo and Wanji. On the way, our frigates fought against Gao Li's fleet and killed eight enemies. Hundreds, sinking more than [-] ships.

Later, we spared Huang Luo and arrived at the Japanese island country, Boli, Qu said, and then went to Shaohai, Liugui country, and Yaksha country. We wanted to continue sailing, but the journey was windy and rainy, and about one-third of the ships were It was sunk by wind and waves during the voyage.

However, there are several piers set up along the way. When sailing in the future, you will not be like a headless fly scurrying around in the sea.

Moreover, in addition to Huangluo, Wanji, and Wadao Kingdom, all the countries they visited along the way sent envoys to accompany them and decided to respect Daqian as the supreme kingdom of heaven.

At the same time, we hope to join our Maritime Silk Road and bring prosperity to them! "

Hearing this, Li Shilong was overjoyed. Which emperor wouldn't like all nations to come to court?

Bo Li, Qu Shui, Liu Gui, Yaksha Kingdom, he had read about these in some ancient books, but he did not expect that he would pay tribute again this time.

"How much did you get?" Li Shilong was more concerned about this.

He also has shares in these caravans.

"On the way, I encountered trade between countries, encountered bandits and killed bandits, met Kun and killed Kun, and also helped a small country to bring order to chaos. I gained no less than 300 million taels of gold, silver and jewels. If you include Kun oil, there should be 340 million taels."

More than 340 million taels?
Li Shilong was extremely excited. If he went to the sea twice this year, wouldn't it be six to seven million taels?

Divide one point, there are more than 200 million taels

Li Cungong and Li Daoyuan exchanged glances, and the corners of their mouths rose unconsciously.

They also have shares in it.

Robbery is not that profitable.

"Really so many?"

"Yes, there are really so many!" Su Yun handed over his hands and said: "The dock is unloading the goods and they will be delivered soon.

When I transported them back, the second batch of trading fleet had already gone. This time it was larger, with [-] ships.

Many caravans also followed, followed by the Bohai Navy frigate! "

"Didn't you say that the first batch went to Yasha Kingdom and the other batch went there?" Li Shilong said excitedly.

"Another group started from the Jiaodong Peninsula and went to Yizhou, but they haven't come back yet." Su Yun said: "Dong Junguo said that there are many countries over there, so there are more people going there, eight hundred in total. ship.

Because the Bohai Sea Navy had insufficient manpower and few ships, only 3000 people were sent. Fortunately, there were many sailors and weapons on the fleet, so there was no need to worry about suffering a loss. "

Li Shilong was very itchy and wished that these fleets would come back immediately.

However, I am a little worried. I have not come back for so long. Could it be that there is a big storm and something happened?

"Okay, very good." Li Shilong said: "The Bohai Sea Marine Guard has done a good job. Write a note and give a reward according to the merit.

Previously, Jingyun established Bohai County in the Bohai Sea, harvested sea salt, killed Kun to refine oil, and fished to make a living for millions of people in the northwest.

He also defeated Gaoli and promoted our country's prestige.

The establishment of the Shipping Department will bring in millions of tax revenue and relieve the urgent needs of the national treasury.

The formation of a fleet and the opening of maritime trade. The coming of foreign countries this time was a great achievement during the prosperous period of the Qian Dynasty.In addition, conducting trade with various countries and establishing Honglu Pavilion greatly strengthened Daqian's control over the vassal countries.

Open a post road, offer a plan to the south, and quell the troubles in the southwest."

Li Shilong told Qin Mo's achievements this year one by one.

In fact, he had been holding back and not giving Qin Mo too many rewards.

A family of two dukes was obtained in exchange for Qin Xiangru's duke.

The third prince is responsible for welcoming back Jing'an.

It is considered a favor for a princess to marry.

That's all, it's the credit for speaking out.

What I haven’t mentioned yet is to put down Li Xin’s rebellion, save Li Xin, save Yu Shu, save the Supreme Emperor, save him, investigate the case, and establish new laws.

Treating smallpox is a small feat.

Although Qin Mo said every time that his own people worked for his own people without rewards.

But that's not how it works.

Li Shilong actually kept it all in mind.

Although this kid loves to get into trouble and is messy, he has always been like this, it is his nature.

Change it, I'm afraid I won't be able to change it in this life.

After all, the soul-leaving syndrome cannot be cured.

Fortunately, this child is filial and simple-minded. Apart from his tendency to abduct Lao Li's daughter, he doesn't have any intolerable shortcomings.

Qin Mo blushed, "Father, I don't even remember that I have made so many contributions!"

Everyone looked at each other.

There is no way, this is ability, if you have the ability, you should also make contributions.

Although he has gained a lot now, Qin Mo, who came up with these methods, was under great pressure.

However, at this stall, what was Li Shilong doing to talk about these achievements?
"You don't remember, I remember!" Li Shilong said: "I didn't reward you before because I was afraid that you would be proud.

Now that you have a family and a career, I can hand over more responsibilities to you, saving you from having to call for retirement every day at a young age! "

"Father, if you really want to reward me, just reward me with retirement. I am young and can still play for 20 more years!"

No, my blood pressure is high again.

Li Shilong exhaled, "However, your title is already very high, so even if I change your title, it will be of no use.

Your father takes Qin as the title of Duke of the country, which is also a first-class title.

Let's do this, I will take back your two dukedoms and make you a king! "

Qin Mo knew this was the case.

But everyone else was confused.

Wang with a different surname?
Oh my god, there is no precedent for someone with a different surname to be crowned king in Daqian.

Is this going to kill Qin Mo?
Thinking of this, I dare not speak.

Qin Xiangru was calm. Qin Mo had communicated with him two days ago.

"Okay, Father, from now on my name will be Wang Dangdang!"

"Don't play tricks on me!" Li Shilong's nose was crooked. It was such a solemn thing to be crowned king, but Qin Mo was not excited at all, and even felt a little helpless.

"However, your father is still here, and it doesn't seem right that your son has a higher rank than me." Li Shilong turned to look at Qin Xiangru, "Xiangru, you will be the king!"

(End of this chapter)

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