big dry son-in-law

Chapter 741 I don’t even bother to expose you!

Chapter 741 I don’t even bother to expose you!
"Yes, you are a weakling!" Jill was really ready to slap him on the face, but he was extremely resentful in his heart. If the Japanese island country was not weak, why would he be like this!
But he acted like this, Qin Mo didn't even look at him.

"Captain Prince Consort of Qin, please take the princess's face into consideration and persuade Your Majesty that our Japanese island country really has no disobedient intentions."

Jill begged, "Please be kind!"

Qin Mo smiled and called Xu Que, "Go, take these distinguished guests to the Honglu Pavilion and entertain them well, especially the envoys of Shi Dan and Ji He, take them to Haidilao and let them eat and drink well! "

"Yes, Governor!"

Xu Que smiled and led all the envoys out of the palace.

After everyone left, Qin Mo kicked Ji Erzhen to the ground, "Don't you want me to give you an explanation?"

"No, I don't want it anymore, little minister!"

"It would be unrealistic for you, the Japanese king, to come to plead guilty in person, and your country is not very peaceful at the moment.

I heard Gao Ren say that Xiaode wanted to innovate, but the conservatives were very powerful and had been working against Xiaode.

In fact, Da Gan didn't even need to send a single soldier. If he just sent a message back to the Japanese island country, those conservatives would attack in groups.

Then, I am persuading Your Majesty to select a person with outstanding ability among Xiaode's sons to reward him, such as the elder brother of the ancients. His relationship should be very good with the Suga family, right? "

Qin Mo's words made Ji'er Zhenbei tremble, with a look of horror in his eyes.

How did he know about the internal affairs of Japan?
"Let's do this. After you go back, ask the Japanese king to write a confession, then send a prince to the capital to confess, and then pay tens of millions of taels of silver, and forget about it!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Captain Qin's Consort, I can't make the decision in this matter."

"Then there's nothing we can do." Qin Mo made a gesture, and several forbidden soldiers directly detained Ji Erzhen.

Immediately Gao Shilian came over and said, "Jingyun, Your Majesty is looking for you!"

Qin Mo followed Gao Shilian directly to Ganlu Hall.

"Father, what's the matter?"

"Sit down and talk!" Li Shilong was still angry, "I want to attack the Japanese island country, what do you think?"

"Okay." Qin Mo said directly.

Li Shilong was stunned. This kid shouted to retire every day, but he actually agreed.

"What I want is for you to lead the troops to fight against the Japanese island country." Li Shilong said.

"Understood!" Qin Mo nodded.

"Hey, Gao Shilian, go outside and see if the sun is coming out from the west."

Gao Shilian poked his head outside and echoed: "Your Majesty, you really came out from the west."

"Are you really willing to go fight against the Japanese island country?" Li Shilong couldn't believe it. This was going too smoothly. This kid couldn't be harboring any bad ideas.

"Well, I don't want to go anywhere else, but I am willing to fight in Japan!"

In fact, Qin Mo is really unwilling to leave the capital. The main reason is that the risk of going out to sea is unpredictable, and the women at home are going to give birth in a few months. He is not at home, which makes him a little worried.

But if we don’t take advantage of the opportunity presented by the Japanese island nation, we will probably have to wait for a long time.

Pressuring Japan to admit its mistake, what next?
No one is as good as them pretending to be grandsons.

Get rid of them while you are young, and then go there to develop the entertainment industry if you have nothing to do.

After all, Namba Kyo is very hot.

Li Shilong stroked his beard and said, "You have to think about it. Going to sea is not as good as being on land. This trip will take at least half a year."

He wanted to attack the Japanese island country because the Japanese island country refused to change despite repeated admonitions.
At this time, the country was relatively stable, and there were no natural or man-made disasters. After a year, he had money on hand.Now that you're fully equipped, it's time to get out and practice.

Let them see the strength of the father of the suzerain country.

"About that. The Bohai Navy now has more than 8 people. It has escorted nearly 2 people, and there are 5 to [-] people. It should be about the same."

Qin Mo took out the map from his pocket and spread it on the slippery paper. He drew this map based on his own memory and compared it with the drawings brought back by Gao Ren.

When he fought against Nanfan for the first time, Qin Mo drew a rough map of Nanfan based on his memory.

Although there are some differences in some places, the topography of this world is as high as 90% similar to that of the other world.

From then on, when he had nothing to do, he would compare some maps and improve the surrounding maps according to his memory, but only around Daqian.

"Father, we can start from the Bohai Bay, depart from the direction of Wanji, then land in Inaba Country and go straight to Namba Kyo!"

Inaba Kingdom is one of the imperial kingdoms of Wajima Kingdom.

Because this place is relatively close to Namba Kyo, it is painted in more detail.

Li Shilong was very surprised, "You also carry the map with you. Have you wanted to attack the Japanese island country for a long time?"

"No, I copied a copy from Gao Ren. I originally wanted to have a map maker draw a larger map and put it at home. Isn't this just in time!" Qin Mo explained.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Li Shilong snorted, "You seem to hate the Japanese island country very much. I heard before that you beat the Japanese island country's envoy."

"Yes, I hate them very much. Who makes them disobedient and dare to be on an equal footing with my father-in-law? Kill them!" Qin Mo said fiercely.

Hearing this, Li Shilong didn't think much about it. He just thought Qin Mo was sensible and said, "Okay, keep talking."

"Father, it was you who interrupted me. I forgot what I said."

"Captain Prince Consort, you said we should take Namba Kyo directly from Inaba Country!" Gao Shilian reminded.

"That's right!" Qin Mo pointed at the map and said, "It just so happened that Shidan and Jihe agreed to garrison troops, so we used the pretense of garrisoning troops and dispatched a fleet to catch them off guard.

Even if they know, it doesn't matter.

On the other side of the Bohai Bay, two treasure ships have been launched, equipped with the latest thunder cannons. If they dare to engage in naval battles, they will be bombed to death!
The only thing to worry about is the officials at Honglu Pavilion. "

Li Shilong nodded, this was a good idea, "How far do you plan to fight?"

"How about I take that old boy Xiaode back to the palace and dance and play music for my father?" Qin Mo said.

"Very good, but what happens after we are caught?" Li Shilong said, "Support the new king?"

"Don't support the new king!" Qin Mo shook his head. He went to the Japanese island country after all the trouble just to catch a little old man to dance for Lao Liu?

That's not in vain.

"Huazhou was established as a county. Besides, the Japanese island country was originally founded by people who separated from us hundreds of years ago. They were all proud of speaking and writing gan words and wearing gan clothes, and they were highly recognized.

Not all those clan members are now in official positions. They are idle anyway. Let's go to the Japanese island country to develop.

Although there are typhoons and earthquakes every day, the aquatic resources are not bad, and I heard from Hu Shang before that the Japanese island country is rich in gold and silver, which can just fill the domestic gold and silver shortage.

Those who are stubborn will be brought back to the country to be slaves to offset the national corvee! " Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong was stunned, "You want to bring the Japanese island country into Daqian's territory? Wouldn't that be bad?"

Qin Mo snorted, "Father, I don't even bother to expose you, as if you don't think so!"

(End of this chapter)

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