big dry son-in-law

Chapter 742: The young master is willing to risk everything today!

Chapter 742: The young master is willing to risk everything today!

Li Shilong coughed dryly to hide his inner embarrassment.

This damn kid, can't you save some face for him?

"Let's do this. When the time comes, we will support Xiaode's son and send someone to be the regent. After two years, Xiaode's son will be asked to petition Japan to be included in Daqian!" Li Shilong said.

"Great job, Father, you are still the Zhou Dao you want!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up with a backhand, and then muttered: "You still say you don't want to, but you think more than anyone else."

Li Shilong's balls hurt very much, "What are you mumbling about?"

"Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be punished. Father, you are a real thief!" Qin Mo said.

"If you don't know how to use metaphors, don't use them!" Li Shilong was so angry that his lungs ached. "I told you that he was the one who submitted the memorial. What does it have to do with me?"


"Then tell me who you want to be the regent!"

"Anyway, I don't like to go. Whoever wants to go to that bird's-eye place can go there." Qin Mo collected the map, "We haven't even written the eight characters yet. The preparations will take ten days and a half. When the letter is received in the capital, It will take at least three or four months.”

Li Shilong nodded. It seemed that he was a little too inflated. Even before he sent troops, he started to divide the territory.

"Do you still have the gold medal I gave you?"

Qin Mo took out the gold medal with the words 'I am here in person' engraved on it from his collar, "This thing is good, but it's a bit heavy on my neck, and it even made a mark on my neck."

Li Shilong was speechless.

"Go, bring that sword!" Li Shilong said.

Then Gao Shilian came over holding a sword that was more than two feet long, knelt on the ground, and placed the sword above his head.

Li Shilong took the sword and put it on the table, "I feel wronged by giving you the title of county king. I know that you have never been interested in power, and you have a lot of merit but no reward. Although you don't care, you never say anything.

But I know it very well in my heart.

A minister is loyal and loyal.

As a son-in-law, you are also very filial.

Although I scold you every day, in my heart, you are my most trustworthy minister and son-in-law.

This Sword of Loyalty and Filial Piety is one of my favorite swords. It was gifted to me by the Emperor.

Now I reward you.

I hope you never forget your original intention. "

Li Shilong had high hopes for Qin Mo. When he was assassinated, it was Qin Mo who turned the tide, calmed people's hearts, and avoided a disaster.

He now believes more and more in Yuan Tiangang's words that Qin Mo is really a treasure given to Da Qian by God.

"Is the Sword of Loyalty and Filial Piety the kind that can behead a faint king at the top and a sycophant minister at the bottom?" Qin Mo held the sword in his hand. It felt cool and heavy.

"If you can't kill him, it's a gift from me. But when we go to sea, if anyone is disobedient, you can kill him with this weapon. I will give you the right to kill him first and then report him later." Li Shilong said.

"Oh!" Qin Mo responded with some disappointment, and whispered: "Chesou!"

"You bastard, you have to be angry with me, right?" Li Shilong couldn't hold back anymore and slapped the table wildly.

"Father, I'm going to the sea soon. You won't be able to see me even if you want to see me then. I'll have to be angry a few times. Once you're angry, you won't miss me anymore!" Qin Mo sheathed his sword, "Isn't it reasonable? ?”

"Gao Shilian, catch him, I must give him a beating today!"

Qin Mo quickly ran outside with his sword in hand, "Father, thank you for the sword!"

"Your Majesty, you ran away!" Gao Shilian said helplessly.

"Forget it, that guy's skill at rubbing oil on the soles of his feet is the best in the world!" As he said that, Li Shilong couldn't help but laugh, "Go and ask Zhongshu to issue an edict, granting the title of Qin Mo Shi Dan to the Chief Administrative Officer of the Jihe Navy."

In the next few days, Qin Mo stayed at home and didn't go anywhere.The Thunder Army has already moved, and the advance troops have followed the fleet to the Bohai Bay.

This time it was also equipped with [-] thunder cannons and [-] mountain thunder cannons.

Equipped with yellow powder ammunition, the explosive power increases linearly.

The maturity of forged steel technology has also made the performance of the Thunder Cannon more stable and its range longer.

As for the red cannon, Qin Mo has always kept it in his hands. In more than a year, he has accumulated nearly a hundred cannons.

This thing has a much longer range than the Thunder Cannon.

It's not that he has second thoughts. As a human being, you should always keep a guard up.

There are also grenades, which have changed from the original lead type to the pull-type type, and their power is also different from the previous ones.

Styles have also become more uniform.

There are a total of 50 pieces of equipment for the army. The previous storage methods are not enough. In addition to being moisture-proof, they must also be protected from bumps.

When sailing on the sea, if there is too much shaking and no protection is taken, once it explodes, it will be over.

Several women in the family were reluctant to leave when they learned that Qin Mo was going to war again.

Nowadays, Li Yulan and others are getting pregnant and their emotions have become more sensitive.

"Lang Jun, can you not go?" Li Yushu pouted, "Father, it's true that he still wants to send you to sea even though he knows that we have six big bellies in our family!

Otherwise, the six of us with big bellies should go and beg him together? "

"Let's go, Seventh Sister, let's go into the palace!" Li Yulan had always been well-behaved, but now, she was reluctant to leave Qin Mo, fearing that something might happen to him outside. Li Yushu raised her head, and she walked outside at that time.

Chai Sitian followed closely behind, especially Chu Rui and the others.

"Ancestors, haven't we all agreed?" Qin Mo quickly ran over and blocked their way, "Isn't this the end of the matter? The Japanese island country is so evil that they don't fight today. They think we are afraid. where are they!"

"Then you say, is it more important to fight against the Japanese island country or us?" Li Yulan said.

"Auntie, ten Japanese island countries can't compare to a single hair of yours!"

Qin Mo opened his hands and hugged his daughters-in-law. His hands were not enough, so he could barely wrap them around her, "No way!"

"What's going on with Sugako Sachiko?" Li Yushu felt aggrieved, "Father even told you to accept her!"

"She doesn't deserve it. I use her as a foot-washing maid. Don't be jealous, ancestor!"

These six big darlings couldn't help scolding each other. They frowned a little and hid in the room crying alone.

This would be a serious problem if you suffer from jade syndrome.

Fortunately, Li Xue didn't come over, otherwise he would have gone crazy!

"You're talking nonsense. Xiao Gao already said that you fell in love with her when we were in Bohai Bay!" Li Yushu's tears stirred a hornet's nest.

The six big babies cried together, and Qin Mo's head was about to explode.

But Qin Mo knew that they also wanted him to stay in the capital, but for this matter, there really was no more suitable candidate than him.

Not for anything else, just for the anger in my heart.

Call him an angry young man, it doesn't matter to him.

He coaxed her for a long time, but failed to coax her well. He was so annoyed that he said with a straight face, "Don't cry. Come into the room with me and tell stories. I haven't told the story of Xiao Mo and the little monk for a long time."

The six of you, take turns speaking! "

As he said that, he looked at Gao Yao with an unyielding look, "Xiao Gao, go get the Dali Pills sent by the Shi Dan envoy. Young Master, I will risk my life today!"

(End of this chapter)

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