big dry son-in-law

Chapter 746: Punish me!

Chapter 746: Punish me!

Gao Yao was stunned for a moment and silently sheathed his sword.

"Chai Huo Niu, why are you here?" Qin Mo was stunned.

"Haha, you still have the nerve to say that everyone knows you are going to sea, but I didn't know, so I waited for you at home like a fool."

Li Jingya was so angry, "Do you know that I was detained at home and you didn't even come to save me, you bastard!"

Qin Mo stood up quickly and glanced outside, "Xiao Gao, close the door and guard!"

Gao Yao quickly walked out, closed the door, and pushed away the soldiers outside.

"What are you doing here? Don't you know there can't be women in the military camp?"

"So what?" Li Jingya cried: "You are a big liar. I have been waiting for you at home for several days, looking around, but you just can't come.

Later, I tried to find a way to escape from home. Knowing that you were going to war, I asked Brother Shengli to pretend to be a soldier and sneak in. "

"You Li Shengli, you are harming me!"

Qin Mo cursed in his heart. He didn't really forget Li Jingya. The main reason was that he was too busy these days. The moment he decided to use troops against the Japanese island country, the love between his children was pushed to the back.

These days, he has been making backup arrangements or spending time with his family.

Furthermore, he did not dare to go to Prince Qi's Mansion because Princess Qi was very arrogant.

It was a joke for King Qi to lift the sword, but it was an accident for Princess Qi to lift the sword.

At this moment, he didn't want to cause trouble, so he wrote a letter and asked Xiao Liuzi to deliver it when he left Beijing.

"I haven't forgotten you. I'm just too busy and I'm afraid you'll worry, so I wrote a letter to my servant."

"Excuses are all lies!" Li Jingya pressed forward step by step, grabbing Qin Mo's collar, "Just say one thing, I've been waiting for you in Bohai Bay for ten months, but I didn't expect you to get married. information.

Now that I have returned to the capital, you are leaving me again.

Qin Mo, are you careless?
In your eyes, am I, Li Jingya, so undesirable?

Or do you think of me as a plaything that comes and goes when you call me? "

Facing Li Jingya's question, Qin Mo sighed, "Do you know why I want to use troops against the Japanese island country?"

Li Jingya frowned, "Don't change the subject!"

"This is not a digression."

Qin Mo said: "Have you ever thought about the reality? You are the daughter of King Qi. Although my family is also a county prince now, I already have several wives, do you know?
Two princesses, a princess, and the daughter of a duke, you tell me, why bother coming! "

"You kissed me, hugged me, looked at me, and now you're telling me this?" Li Jingya bit her lip, "Has your conscience been eaten by a dog?"

Qin Mo pouted, "If I don't perform meritorious service, why would I be with you? Sister, think about it with your smart head, is it possible?
Do you agree, do your parents agree, does Your Majesty agree?
If I make it clear right away, His Majesty will kill me the next day. Even if he doesn't kill me, he will punish me and marry you to someone else. "

Hearing this, Li Jingya was stunned, this was really the case.

Seeing Qin Mo's helpless look, Li Jingya suddenly felt guilty, "You didn't lie to me?"

"I'm the laziest person. When have you ever seen me so active?" Qin Mo sighed and said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter. Since you think I, Qin Mo, am the kind of person who doesn't take responsibility, then I am that kind of person." Bar."

Li Jingya let go of her hand and quickly smoothed Qin Mo's collar, sniffed, and explained: "Idiot, I, I... I didn't think so much, I, I just thought you were going to lose me again." Get off me!
Don't be angry, I, can I give you a few punches to vent your anger? "

Tears were still hanging in the corners of her eyes, and she looked hurt just now, but now the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising.

It turns out that he is so important in Hanzi’s heart, and he went to fight the Japanese island country for his own sake!

She thought Qin Mo didn't see her because he hated her.

"No!" Qin Mo pushed her away and sat on the chair.

Li Jingya quickly wiped her tears, walked over pitifully, grabbed her ears, pursed her lips and said miserably: "Idiot, I was wrong, don't be angry, you didn't tell me, how could I know What do you mean!"

"Brother silly, please, I was wrong!"

Seeing that Qin Mo was indifferent, Li Jingya gritted her teeth and turned around, "You punish me!"

Qin Mo coughed dryly, kept glancing at him, and swallowed, "What punishment? If it hits you, it will hurt my heart."

"If you make a mistake, you must be punished. My father was drunk that day, didn't you punish him too?" Li Jingya said in a trembling voice, "Let me remember it for a long time, so that I won't blame you wrongly next time!"

"Now, you asked me to punish you for this. I didn't force you, right?"

"No, no!" Li Jingya said.

At this time, Li Shengli returned to his room and was a little worried. Qin Mo wouldn't be angry, right?

He walked over quickly and saw Gao Yao guarding the door. The soldiers around him were all pushed away. He frowned and said, "Xiao Gao, can you let me in?"

Gao Yao shook his head and said with complicated eyes: "No, a soldier made a mistake and the chief is punishing him!"

Li Shengli's heart skipped a beat when he heard the sound of chopping boards coming from inside, and he immediately became anxious, "The general manager is in charge of him."

Gao Yao shook his head, "It's okay. The chief manager won't punish you too harshly. Go back."

Li Shengli sighed, feeling extremely regretful. If he had known better, he should not have promised Li Jingya and helped her get on the boat.

Although Qin Mo is usually joking, he is still very strict during the march. He will definitely be angry if a woman appears in the military camp.

Otherwise, he wouldn't punish her so harshly.

It was only because of Li Jingya's face with him that he sent the soldiers away.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely be unlucky.

"Li Shengli, Li Shengli, why are you so soft-hearted?" He cursed himself in his heart, but he didn't dare to rush in. He walked around outside for a few times and then went back.

Gao Yao listened carefully, which was really embarrassing.

"Go, get me some ice water, my hands hurt!" Qin Mo waved his hand.


Li Jingya quickly got some ice cubes from the ice collector and asked Qin Mo to hold them, "Are you still angry?"

Qin Mo sighed with satisfaction, "Well, since you have a good attitude in admitting your mistakes, I won't be angry with you."

Qin Mo put his feet on the table, and Li Jingya squeezed his shoulders from behind, "Then can I go to Japan with you?"

"Chai Huo Niu, you're going too far!" Qin Mo said: "Can I bring women with me when marching and fighting? If word of this gets out, how can I manage everyone?

When you arrive at the Bohai Sea, get off the boat and wait for me at the Bohai Bay. Safety first! "

Li Jingya was anxious, "I'm disguising myself as a woman and following you as a eunuch and a soldier, won't no one know about it?"

"No, no, no!"

"Please, it's boring to go to Japan all the way. I can chat with you if I'm here!" Li Jingya couldn't help but beg, "How about you beat me up? Please!"

She kept shaking Qin Mo.

Qin Mo smiled playfully: "This price is too light. If you want to follow me to the Japanese island country, you will have to pay more!"

(End of this chapter)

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