big dry son-in-law

Chapter 747: Weakening the Wife

Chapter 747: Weakening the Wife
Li Jingya gritted her teeth and said, "Anyway, I have fallen into your hands for the rest of my life. I will pay the huge price!"

Seeing her desperate look, Qin Mo couldn't help pinching her nose, "You said this, don't cry then!"

"I, I'm not afraid!" Li Jingya was also thinking, Qin Mo was full of bad ideas, who knew how he would punish her.

"Just follow Xiao Gao. When there are people, don't talk if you can!" Qin Mo said: "Also, you smell so good that I can't stand it for a few days without taking a shower. The smell will be worse!"

"Ah, if you don't take a shower for a few days, won't you get lice?"

"Can't you stand it anymore?" Qin Mo curled his lips, "It will probably take more than a month to go to sea. How can there be so much fresh water for you to bathe every day?"

"I, I can bear it!" Li Jingya gritted her teeth.

Qin Mo sighed. When he met her, he had just grown haircuts, but now she is a grown-up girl.

She glanced at it and realized that although the genes of Lao Li's family had mutated when she came to her, little evil was the true love.

"Did you strike too hard just now?"

It was okay if Qin Mo didn't say it, but once he said it, Li Jingya couldn't bear it anymore, tears welled up in her eyes, and she kept sniffing, "It hurts!"

Qin Mo took some more ice cubes and said, "It will be better if you apply it!"

Li Jingya still dared to speak and allowed Qin Mo to do whatever he wanted.

Two quarters of an hour later, Li Jingya shyly opened the door and went out, looking at Gao Yao, "Xiao Gao, please take care of me from now on. From now on, you call me Xiao Lizi!"

Gao Yao nodded silently, "That slave is offended!"

"No offense!"

Li Jingya was in a good mood, looking at the clear wind and rolling clouds, thinking about being with Qin Mo all the way, and smiling foolishly.

On the ninth day, the fleet arrived at Bohai Bay.

Cheng Sanxu brought his two sons and Dou Yiai to the dock to greet them.

"Jingyun, I miss you so much!"

When Cheng Sanxu saw Qin Mo, he immediately hugged him and slapped him with his palm as big as a cattail leaf fan.

Qin Mo almost suffered internal injuries!
"Jingyun, long time no see!" Liu Gui smiled and held his hands.

"Old Liu, your face is red, and you have a lot of money, right?" Qin Mo winked at Liu Gui.

Liu Gui couldn't laugh or cry, this is Qin Mo, it still smells the same!

Si Bao and Wu Bao on the side looked at San Bao wearing armor and were extremely envious.

"Fourth brother, fifth brother, are you handsome?"

"Jun, so handsome!" The two brothers said, "Third brother, can you take us on an expedition?"

"It depends on whether the chief manager agrees or not." Sanbao whispered in the two brothers' ears, "Do you remember?"

"Remember!" The two brothers kept nodding.


At this time, Dou Yiai stepped forward with tears in her eyes and hugged Qin Mo, "I miss you, brother!"

"Damn, why do you smell so damn good? How many rooms have you had?" Qin Mo pushed him away in disgust.

Dou Yiai shrank her head, "There aren't many rooms, just seven or eight!"

Qin Mo's eyes widened, and he kicked him, "What the hell, when I left Bohai, you took in four houses, and then eight houses, and you're breeding pigs!"
No, you are probably all out of pocket, so don’t go to this battle! "

Hearing this, Dou Yiai quickly hugged Qin Mo's thigh and cried, "No, brother, I beg you, let me follow you.

I haven’t seen you for almost a year, even if you ask me to be a soldier under the tent, carrying the chamber pot for you! "

He really missed Qin Mo. Even though he was so cool in Bohai County, he still missed his days with Qin Mo.

Women are like clothes, I didn’t have them before, so I thought.

After the vindictive concubinage, it was boring.

Looking at the two living treasures, everyone was surprised. "Then you carry the chamber pot and become a chamber pot soldier!" Qin Mo angrily kicked him away. He was so naughty and even more playful than him.

Dou Yiai was thick-skinned and didn't care, just standing behind Qin Mo and enjoying himself.

At this time, King Qi rushed over from behind with his sword in hand, "Qin Mo, where is my daughter? Bastard, what did you do to my daughter?"

The crowd parted ways.

When Li Anji rushed to Qin Mo, his eyes met. Li Anji was stunned. Why didn't anyone stop him?
This is not right.

He glanced at Cheng Sanaxe, who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

He glanced at Liu Gui again.

Hey, come and give me a hand. When you went to the brothel with me, weren't you scrambling for the first place?
Afraid that he would not be able to grab the leader, he not only pulled him, but also kicked him.

How can we stand with our hands tied now?

No one around him said a word. He was so embarrassed.

Does he chop or not?
Qin Mo looked at Li Anji and hugged his shoulders, "King Qi, don't fight and kill, those who are killed are all our own people.

Princess Qinghe is such a big living person, where else can I treat her? "

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "I heard that you have two more outhouses in Bohai Bay and have children, right?"

Angie Li trembled all over, with fear in her eyes, "You, how did you know?"


"Guess what!"

Angie Li was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said, "It must have been that little heartless kid who told you. I'm really guilty of giving birth to such a thing with arms turned outwards!"

That expression was three parts desolate, three parts speechless, three parts sighing, and one part self-deprecating!
"It's okay, Princess Qi doesn't know." Qin Mo chuckled, and then said to everyone: "Let's go, don't stay here anymore, make a fire to make rice, I want to eat Kun meat!"

With just one word from him, these hundreds of people all listened to him and followed him towards the military camp on the Bohai Bay.

The people who followed Qin Mo on the expedition were dumbfounded.

Is this Qin Mo’s status?

Even though Qin Mo is no longer the chief manager of Bohai Bay, these people still look up to him.

Gongsun Min fell into deep thought.

Just like that, his father also wants to fight Qin Mo?
What fight?

The old days were all rubbed on the ground by him.

If his aunt hadn't been there, he would have been put on the shelf long ago.

Abolition of the law of establishing direct descendants is a disguised form of weakening the power of relatives.

His father is still considered an uncle now, but in a few years, when those little princes grow up, the uncle will no longer be worth anything.

Thinking of this, he suddenly came up with the idea that confrontation would lead to losses, so why not join?
But will Qin Mo allow him to join?
Gongsun Min didn't know, so he could only try to show his kindness first and see Qin Mo's attitude.

Du Youcheng is not a weak scholar, unlike his elder brother.

When he came, Du Jingming warned him repeatedly not to confront Qin Mo.

Even though Qin Mo was usually dishonest, he still showed no mercy when it came to killing people.

Moreover, their family is also a pioneer in the new law, working with Qin Mo.

There is no need to confront him.

But he was holding back a fire in his heart. His eldest brother was looked down upon by him, so much so that he hid at home every day and did not dare to go out.

He wanted to make meritorious deeds and let Qin Mo look up to him. After he made meritorious deeds, he wanted to tell Qin Mo in front of him that he, the son of the Du family, was no good!

(End of this chapter)

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