big dry son-in-law

Chapter 761 Capturing Su Yingao alive

Chapter 761 Capturing Su Yingao alive

The group of people quickly left the city and soon left Namba Kyo.

Gao Biao used a knife to cut the ropes on those people, his eyes were red, "Brothers, let's go find Master Wang quickly!"

Others also had red eyes, "Yes, deputy envoy!"

Yoshikotsuki grabbed Gaobiao's hand and said, "Hurry up and get to Shansuo City. We must leave the Shansuo before others."

He has no way out now. In fact, when Suga Xiazi killed someone, he had a moment of regret.

But regrets are useless. Gao Biao and these few hundred people possess artifacts such as white phosphorus grenades, and they have the ability of Cholera Namba Kyo. It is hard to imagine how powerful the tens of thousands of wolves and tigers are.

They also have unpredictable thunder cannons, who can stop them?
They attacked the dining hall in one day, which shows that there must have been a war along the way, and Daqian's army won.

Only then can they feel like they are in a no-man’s land.

"Brother Jishi, I can't repay you for saving my life, and I can't speak. Just wait and see whether the decision you made today is correct!"

He got on his horse and said: "If I guess correctly, Master Wang must be marching to the dining room in a hurry, so we must leave Omi Country as soon as possible!"

Gao Biao was also the one behind Qin Mo, and he knew his mission well.

You can die, but you must not drag Master Wang down!

At this time, Dara City had been breached, and all the defenders in the city were killed.

Dou Yiai inserted the knife into the body of a Japanese soldier who had not yet died, and sat down on the pile of corpses piled up by the Japanese soldiers.

The blood stains all over his body turned him into a bloody man.

Ma Xiao, another veteran, didn't fare much better either.

The two looked at each other, silently took out the dry food they had brought with them, and started eating.

"Report, general, to kill 3000 enemies!"

"Report, general, seize the lord of Dara City, Ono Saima!"

"Report, General, we have captured Su Yingao!"

"Su Yingao, which Su Yingao?" Ma Xiao asked.

"This is Su Yingao who brought the eldest princess of the Japanese king to our Daqian for marriage last year!"

"No, why is he in Dran City?"

"Are you confused? Su Yingao is from Omi Kingdom. He was originally from the Ono family. Isn't it normal to live in his family's residence?" Dou Yiai swallowed the dry food, "This time, we made a big fortune! "

Soon, Ono Saima and Su Yingao were both escorted over.

"Hey, Su Yingao, we meet again!"

Dou Yiai followed Qin Mo every day before, so she naturally knew Su Yingao.

Su Yingao also had a good memory, and he recognized Dou Yiai who was covered in blood at a glance, and said quickly: "Captain Dou Consort, why are you invading our Japanese island country?"

Dou Yiai spat on his face, "Did you still say that if you Japanese kings hadn't been so ambitious and wanted to become emperor, I would have traveled across the ocean and come here to beat you?"

Su Yingao was stunned for a moment, and then he sighed, not caring about the spit on his face, "I have long advised the king to use the power of heaven and not to offend. It's a pity that in order to consolidate his prestige, he went to the reformist faction to Under coercion, he still proclaimed himself emperor.

Commander Dou's Consort, if I guess correctly, Commander Qin's Consort is also here? "

"Oh, you old boy, you are quite smart!"

Ma Xiaolian said: "Are you stupid? Who asked you to reveal it?"

Dou Yiai reacted, angrily pulled out the curled knife and was about to stab Su Yingao, "You damn fool, you're cheating on me!"

Ma Xiao quickly grabbed him, and Dou Yi said angrily, "Why are you stopping me?"

"Are you Biao? This is a credit. If you kill him, won't the credit be halved?" Ma is very filial. This Dou Hanhan can make people vomit blood.

"Oh, too!"

Dou Yiai withdrew the knife and said, "Push these two bitches down and wait for the Chief Manager to punish them!"

Su Yingao was the biggest gain from this battle between the two.

Kill all the elites of Da Ran in one battle.All the people in Daran were expelled, and all the horses were only more than 700.

Everything that could be eaten and drunk was eaten.

Everything that could not be eaten was burned.

At this time, the world fell into the last darkness before dawn.

But Dara City fell into a sea of ​​fire.

Even the dog cages and chicken pens were set on fire.

You have to pee in the ant hole before leaving!

Everyone has gold and silver hidden in their body.

Ma Xiao also turned a blind eye.

All the noble women were caught, especially the women of the Ono family. Although they were not tall, they were not ugly either.

They need to release all their fatigue and stress.

After releasing the pressure, Ma Xiao ordered to rest.

By mid-morning, it was already bright. After eating and drinking, and resting for more than an hour, many people had recovered.

Ma Xiaodao: "I don't know what's going on with the chief manager. It's been so long and there's no news!"

"Don't think too much, it will definitely be fine." Dou Yiai said.

As soon as the words fell, the sound of horns came from the city wall.

The originally lazy people were all on high alert.

"what happened?"

"General, a large group of cavalry is coming from ahead!" the messenger said.

As soon as he finished speaking, many people tightened their grip on the Mo Dao.

Ma Xiao quickly asked people to prepare for war. Mines had been laid before the city wall. If they dared to come, they would never come back!
This mine is also a new thing, a very insidious thing, perfect for defending the city!

As the cavalry advanced, the sound of horse hooves became louder.

Everyone became tense.

At this time, Dou Yiai shouted, "The chief is in charge of them, hurry up, blow the horn and tell them that Daran has been captured by us!"

The Daqian team all have their own horn-playing skills, and different sounds represent different meanings.

The horn was blown, and Dou Yiai ordered people to push open the broken door. The mine was a manual pull type, which could kill enemies accurately and maximize its lethality.

He quickly ordered his people to put down the lead ropes in their hands and walked out from both sides, avoiding the minefield.

At this time, Qin Mo and his party were extremely tired.

On the way back, war horses kept running to death.

When he arrived at Dalan City, he heard the familiar horn and saw familiar people. Qin Mo was overjoyed and said, "Quick, Dalan City has been captured. Let's rest in Dalan City first!"

Dou Yiai and others also rushed forward to help Qin Mo who was dismounting, "General Manager, how are you?"

Qin Mo sighed, "Shansuo City is a water city with a moat more than three feet wide. I don't dare to go to Namba Kyo rashly. On the way back, my retreat could easily be cut off.

So I thought about it and decided to return! "

Li Shengli got off the horse, his eyelids were trembling, "Has the city been swept clean? I want to sleep!"

"All the elites in Dara City will be wiped out, don't worry!" Ma Xiao said.

"Okay, Lao Ma, let's go to the city first, let the brothers eat something first, and then take a nap!" Qin Moqiang cheered up and let his soldiers rest first.

He waited until everyone entered the city before entering the city.

Qin Mo, who was worried, ordered people to plant more grenades. He ate half of the dry food and fell asleep without even swallowing it!
(End of this chapter)

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