big dry son-in-law

Chapter 762 Da Gan’s toughness!

Chapter 762 Da Gan’s toughness!

Gao Yao felt extremely distressed, fearing that Qin Mo's respiratory tract would be blocked by the food in his mouth, so he carefully opened his mouth and took out the beef jerky from his mouth.

Then he found a place and fell asleep next to Qin Mo.

At this time, snoring broke out all over the city.

The scouts also rode the horses they snatched from the Ono clan towards Wakasa Country. They needed reinforcements!
At this time, Gao Biao led Jishi Kotsuki and others across Shansho Castle.

They came with large troops, many on foot.

After marching in a hurry for two or three hours, these soldiers from the Japanese island country had limited physical fitness, and now they were a little unable to hold on.

"Brother Gao, I can't hold it anymore!" Yoshikotsuki looked at the gasping crowd and felt a little uneasy. He lowered his voice and said, "What should we do? How about we let them hide first and come back after we find Master Wang?" "

Gao Biao knew very well that at this moment, Namba Kyo might have received the news. By the time they react, it would not be that easy to escape!
"There are [-] horses here. One person is coming up. The rest of the people should go and hide nearby. When we find Master Wang, we will come to pick them up!" Gao Biao knew very well that it would not be a problem if this continued and he would be dragged to death sooner or later. Everyone.

Moreover, there are clear horse hoof prints on the road, and the marks are still very clear.

He recognized it at a glance as a shoed Dagan war horse, so not long ago, Dagan marched back in a hurry.

Follow the horseshoes and you're sure to find them!

Gao Biao's speculation is well-founded. After marching from Wakasa to this point, even the best horses need to rest, so they must not be able to go far.

If they return, they won't be able to rush back to Wakasa, so they will definitely capture a certain place as a resting place to wait for reinforcements.

But Yoshikotsuki only thought this was an excuse.

Unexpectedly, Gao Biao dismounted, took out his knife, cut off his own hair, and said to the soldiers of the Japanese island nation: "You are all loyal men who are loyal to the king. Now the horses are limited. It has also reached its limit.

I have high honor to condemn the Japanese deputy envoys of the Great Qian Dynasty. Today I cut off my hair and swear an oath. After I find the king's master, I will definitely come back to welcome you. If you violate the oath, you will not die! "

Everyone was moved. The Japanese people were also deeply influenced by Daqian culture, and they also knew very well that Daqian people valued their hair.

In Daqian, hair cutting is one of the tortures.

Everyone couldn't help but be moved.

Especially Yoshikotsuki, he was even more convinced that Gaobiao would not treat him badly.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, since he had put his treasure here, there was no turning back.

Yoshikotsuki cut off his hair and said, "Please hide in the nearby mountains. When we find King Dagan, we will place a wolf smoke signal here. When everyone sees the wolf smoke, they will go down the mountain."

"Welcome the envoy!" The Japanese soldiers were completely moved. They originally thought they were going to abandon them, but now they are not so scared and worried.

However, that's not all. Officials of the Honglu Hall stationed in the Japanese island country dismounted one after another and cut off their hair. "We Dagan people always keep our word. If you are loyal people, you will not be loyal to those who are disloyal and disobedient." no the same.

You put this hair away and return it to me when we come back. "

One after another, officials from the Honglu Hall stuffed their hair into the hands of the group of soldiers who were hiding in Japan. "Look at the appearance of a certain one. His name is Qian Sheng!"

"My name is Wutai, I must take care of my hair, otherwise I will die, my body will be broken, and I will not be able to see my ancestors!"

Ganren's hearty and cheerful spirit also deeply affected these Japanese soldiers.

At this time, a man named Gao Yong stood up. This man was a member of Gaobiao's tribe. "Deputy envoy, I will stay and hide with these loyal people!"

"I'll stay too, I can't let them feel cold!"

“We Dagan people must not be stingy with our friends!”

One after another stood up.

At this time, the soldiers of the Japanese island nation knelt down one after another, and were moved to tears: "Today we know the great ambition of Master Daqian, and we are willing to wait here for Master Daqian!" Gao Biao was also extremely moved. What he didn't know, today, Things will cause uproar in Daqian in the future.

These three thousand Japanese soldiers will also be called the three thousand naturalized warriors by the Dagan people!
In the subsequent battles, they assisted the King of Daqian and conquered one country after another!
Of course, these are things to follow.

At this moment, Yoshishi Kotsuki was also deeply moved and had a deeper understanding of the loyalty of the Dakan people.

"Brother Gao, today we know why Daqian belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven. I, Jishi Kotsuki, am convinced!" He bowed to the ground, and the uneasiness in his heart disappeared.

Gao Biao supported him and said to Gao Yong: "Okay, since you are willing to stay, you must protect these loyal people. Let's leave first!"

With that said, he got on his horse, without making any gestures like a little woman, and urged the horse to follow the mark of the horse's hoofs.

They left, leaving more than 2000 people behind.

But they are no longer afraid of hesitation.

These Japanese soldiers held the hair of Daegan Honglukan officials in their hands and hid their hair preciously in their hearts.

They looked at Gao Biao and said, "General Gao, where do you think we should go now!"

Gao Yong thought for a while, and this time nearly 200 people were left in the Honglu Pavilion.

Before Gao Biao left, he left most of the white phosphorus grenades behind.

So at this time, they have no less than two thousand grenades in their hands!
Hiding is not his style.

"Gentlemen, I would like to ask you, do you dare to fight with me?" Gao Biao asked.

"Dare!" these people echoed loudly.

"Okay, then let's stay near here, choose a mountain pass to hide, and wait for Namba Kyo's reinforcements to come, and we'll snipe them!"

Gao Biao took out the white phosphorus grenade he carried with him and handed it to the Japanese soldier closest to him, "Hold this weapon carefully. If those people come over, take off the bolt and throw it hard.

Remember, you must throw far away, otherwise it will affect your own people! "

Gao Biao's move also moved the Japanese soldiers extremely.

They were actually willing to share such an artifact.

This is a treasure that can change a battle.

It is no exaggeration to say that if they go back with these weapons now, Emperor Kotoku will not only not blame them, but will also reward them heavily.

Many people were moved to tears.

They solemnly took over the white phosphorus grenades and said with utmost seriousness: "Mr. Gao, we will work with you to eradicate the disobedient people and let the Japanese island country get back on track!"

Gao Biao didn't know what Gao Yong had done. He only knew how much risk Gao Yong took by standing up.

But it was precisely because of his actions that they escaped smoothly.

This kind of courage is really touching.

The reason why Daqian is a kingdom in heaven is precisely because of the courage and iron-clad backbone of their Daqian people.

Qin Mo is right. The reason why Daqian is great is because of his unyielding strength.

He is proud to have such a tribe!

(End of this chapter)

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