Chapter 763

At this time, Sanfang County.

After a night of garrison, Sanfang County was basically cleared.

The three brothers Sanbao and Liu Rudao were also extremely careful.

At dawn, the scouts at the front reported: "Report, general, the Echizen-owned Japanese army has assembled, no less than eight thousand!"

There are no less than a thousand cavalry."

After a night's rest, the garrison of Mikata County was already feeling itchy. It was originally planned to send 3000 people to garrison today, while the remaining people attacked Echizen Province.

"Okay, they are indeed here." Liu Rudao killed more than 260 people yesterday, which was still far from his goal of killing [-] people.

He was holding a long spear and his mood was agitated.

The knife in Wubao's hand has been sharpened. Yesterday, his knife was sharpened. Today, it will be sharpened more.

Eight hundred cavalry took the lead, three thousand infantry plus five hundred thunder troops, carrying thunder cannons, marched towards the Japanese army.

At this time, Echizen's guard Asakura Kagami brought four thousand troops to join Mino's five thousand troops.

The guardian of Mino Country, Toki Yorisada, also personally led the team.

The Asakura family and the Toki family have a close relationship. After receiving Takeda Gouyu's letter asking for help, they assembled an army in Echizen!
"Yesterday I sent people to Wakasa to conduct reconnaissance. There are many generals in Dagan and we should not fight them on land." Asakura Keijing said: "The navy is our strongest."

Toki Yorisada also sighed: "Wakasa has been completely occupied, and further is Omi, and beyond Omi is Kinai. It is too slow to mobilize troops from the navy.

Wakasa cut off contact with Tanba and Tango.

If the communication is from the sea, it will take a day or two."

Asakura Jingjing gritted his teeth and said: "The Dagan people betrayed their trust and attacked the Japanese island country. How can they be regarded as a heavenly kingdom!"

Toki Yorisada was about to answer the call when a samurai came to report, "Report, guard, there is a large army in front, no less than 5000 people."
It's only two miles away from us! "

Hearing this, the two of them said in unison: "Quick, prepare for battle, the cavalry goes first. I don't believe that a large army can really be so invincible!"

More than [-] cavalrymen rushed over and the infantry pressed in.

Although the Japanese island country is a great leader in learning in all aspects, it also has its own advantages.

The battle is about to begin.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that the other party's cavalry stopped.

Because the distance was too far, they couldn't see clearly what Daqian's army was doing.

"Wait, there's a question. Did they set a trap on the road?"

Asakura Jingjing quickly ordered the cavalry to slow down.

"No, did you see it? Their infantry pressed in, holding long swords in their hands. That's the Mo Dao!" Toki Yorizada's expression changed. "This big Gan Mo Dao is the nemesis of the cavalry. With one blow, both men and horses were torn apart. ."

The Japanese island country also wanted to imitate this mo sword, but their smelting technology was not up to par, and it eventually evolved into a naginata.

Although Naginata is also very domineering, he is very different from Mo Dao.

The Mo Dao can restrain the cavalry, but the Naginata cannot.

Asakura Jingjing nodded, looked at the naginata in his hand, "Then we won't fight them hard, we will mainly focus on riding and shooting.

No matter how strong Mo Dao's soldiers are, they can't pass the horse quickly, and it's useless if they can't touch us.

It is impossible for their cavalry to equip Mo Dao.

If we fight their cavalry head-on, we might lose! "

The two discussed it and decided to focus on intrusion.

At this moment, a loud noise came from the front.

Boom boom boom!
Even the space is trembling.

Before the two of them could react, tragic screams came from the team.


However, the sound was quickly covered up by the explosion.

"Let go!" Cheng Sanbao shouted.

Eighty mountain cannons were divided into two groups to bombard alternately to ensure that they could cover the battlefield and suppress the cavalry.

When did the war horses of the Japanese island country experience such stimulation, they were immediately frightened.The formation was instantly disrupted.

"Ah, this is the thunder cannon Su Yingao said!"

"Hurry, retreat quickly, you've been fooled!"

Asakura Jingjing watched the people around him being killed one after another, and his heart was boiling.

"Damn Takeda Gou, why didn't you tell us such important information when you reported the news?"

Toki Yorizada's scalp felt numb.

A cannonball landed not far from him just now. If a few cavalry hadn't blocked it for him, he would have been killed on the spot.

Even the war horses were dying after being bombed, let alone the people shouting?

"Quickly, turn around and retreat!"

Toki Yorizada roared angrily, turned the horse's head and was about to leave.

However, the artillery shells were too dense, and the kill net composed of blooming shells covered too wide a area.

In this kind of plain area, there are no ravines to provide them with shelter, and the flying shrapnel harvests every life.

Their armor was vulnerable to flying shrapnel.

In just the time it took to drink tea, hundreds of people were killed, the horses were frightened, and the team collapsed.

The mighty army was terrified when faced with this unpredictable weapon.

When they heard Toki Yorisada's order to withdraw their troops, they only regretted that they had lost two legs.

"Damn it, how did they hit so far?"

"Your Majesty, what kind of monster have you provoked?"

"Almighty God, save us."

Seeing them fleeing, Liu Rudao got on his horse and said, "Brothers, kill the Japanese dogs, achieve great achievements, and honor our ancestors!"

The three brothers Sanbao also did their part, especially Wubao, whose eyes were red, "The general is mine, no one is allowed to snatch it from me!"

Eight hundred war horses chased 8000 people to fight.

The cavalry can escape quickly, but what about the infantry?

Liu Rudao chased after him, and a Japanese dog was beheaded in one glance.

Like the god of war, he mobilized his war horses and split the camp of Japanese soldiers.

The armor protected him tightly.

It is difficult for ordinary swords to break through the armor.

The cavalry surrounded these thousands of people, and then took out their long knives made of fine steel, and a massacre began.

Asakura Keika and Toki Yorisada, who were fleeing with their cavalry, were filled with tears of joy, "We are the elites of Echizen Kingdom!"

Toki Yorisada clenched his fists tightly, "Let's go, quickly return to defense. The weapons of the Dakan people are difficult to resist. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave. Go back quickly and mobilize the navy!"

Although he was angry, he knew better that they had lost this battle.

The only option is to retreat, gather the remaining troops, go to other branches to unite more soldiers, and fill the gap with human lives.

Or, go to the sea, summon the navy, and attack from behind.

Only in this way can there be hope of victory.

Asakura Jingjing was also decisive and did not look back at the moment. He urged his horses and ran back with the remaining [-] cavalrymen without looking back.

"Damn it, these Japanese dogs are running away so fast. They just met each other and left these abandoned children alone!"

Cheng Sanbao cursed, it was unrealistic to pursue them now, they could only deal with these people first.

Eight hundred cavalrymen drove these thousands of Japanese soldiers together like sheep.

More than 2000 people were killed, and more than [-] were killed.

"782 people!" Liu Rudao was also very tired. He was covered in blood. Looking at the corpses on the ground, he looked up to the sky and screamed, "Today, we must kill a thousand dogs!"

(End of this chapter)

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