Chapter 764
"What to do with the remaining 2000 people?" Cheng Sanbao was also very tired.

"Push them all back, these people have been frightened out of their courage." Liu Rudao exhaled, "Yesterday the governor said that to support the female Japanese king Sugako Sachiko, these people will be kept as cannon fodder!"

"Why are you being cannon fodder? I haven't killed enough yet!" There were two bags on Cheng Wubao's horse, which were filled to the brim and were almost full.

Si Bao couldn't help but ask: "How many dogs have you killed?"

"It's not that many. From yesterday to today, there are more than 900 people!" Cheng Wubao said very unhappily.

Cheng Sibao was silent. He had killed more than a hundred dogs.

Liu Rudao almost didn't collapse. He worked so hard that he only got more than 700 clicks. Cheng Wubao kept silent and almost got a thousand clicks.

Yesterday, he promoted a general, and this achievement would make a dog laugh.

Cheng Sanbao scolded: "It's all you. It takes two swords to kill a dog, so why don't you just slap the ears?"

"That won't work. If I don't use two swords, I still feel unsatisfied!" Cheng Wubao said: "Third brother, it's fine. Practice makes perfect. I don't have to swing the third sword now, it's so smooth!"

"Stop talking nonsense. I'll give you a mission. Take these people back. Everyone else should rest on the spot. After resting, continue the pursuit. We must capture Echizen Country today!" Cheng Sanbao said.

"No, third brother, me"

Before Wu Bao finished speaking, San Bao kicked you, "Go if you are told, and I'll beat you to death if you talk nonsense!"

Wubao muttered: "I know that you are not like my brother anymore, General Manager of the University!"

On the other side, Dafan County.

After waiting all night for reinforcements from the Japanese island country to arrive, Chai Rong finally arrived at Tamba Kingdom with an army of [-] people before dawn today around Yinshi.

The Mikata County garrison is small, but it connects Tanba and Tango. Past them are Tajima, Inaba, Hoki, Harima, Mimasaku, Bizen, Binchaka, and Biko.
No less than ten countries.

"The main forces of the Tanba family are the Hatano clan, the Naito clan, and the Akai clan, and the guardian is Hatano Hidenaga!"

After the army entered Sangtian County, they took a short rest. Du Youcheng said: "We will follow the plan we made last night and divide our troops into two steps. We must capture Danbo Kingdom before noon today.

Finally, we meet at Kashiwahara Castle in Minamia County! "

The army was divided into two, with Du Youcheng and Yuchi dominating one group.

Gongsun Minze and Chai Rong teamed up.

At this time, it was not yet bright, and many people were still sleeping. The sudden explosion woke up Sangtian County.

They were crushed and killed all the way, and the fire filled the air.

The power displayed by the white phosphorus grenade is frightening.

Especially in the Japanese island country, most of them are wooden houses and thatched houses, which are easy to attack and difficult to extinguish.

The cavalry charged several times and directly defeated the defenders of Sangtian County. The horses were plundered and the general who defended the city was beheaded.

After staying for only half an hour, the army headed towards Funai County.

Here, Shibaei encountered a [-]-strong army led by Hatano Hidenaga, the guardian of Tanba Kingdom, and Hojo Taito, the guardian of Tango Kingdom.

A brutal battle broke out between the two sides.

With the help of mountain artillery and white phosphorus grenades, the [-]-strong army was directly defeated.

"Quick, we must capture the opponent's guardian!"

Chai Rong knew very well that these protections were of great use.

Hatano Hidenaga scolded angrily: "I have said it a long time ago, we should not go by land, how about a sneak attack by water?"

Hojo Taitoki rode his horse and kept running, "Stop talking nonsense and run away!"

They are fast, can they be faster than cannonballs?
Within range.

They are all ants!

An hour later, the battle ended.

Funai County became a meat grinder and blood flowed into a river.

Of the [-] troops from the two sub-states who came to support, less than [-] were left.

Hojo Taitoki and Hatano Hidenaga were captured. In order to survive, they had to join the Okan army and led the remaining three thousand troops as the vanguard.When the sun shines high, Tamba Kingdom falls, and the people from the fleet come to clean up and finish.

A large number of young and strong young men and women were taken away.

In Tamba Country, which has only over 7 people, only the elderly and old women are left.

Zheng Fengnian smiled. These goods would eventually be used to fill the corvee.

These women are valuable, and buying one for ten taels of silver shouldn't be too much.

Although tiring, it's all worth it.

As for the gold and silver treasures discovered, Qin Mo had already made rules and allowed them to take away [-]% of them.

Just this half is enough for them to eat a lot.

"Hurry up, take them all away and load them onto the ship as quickly as possible!"

At this time, in Shansuo City.

Sengmin and Gao Xiangxuanli came here with their army, and Sanada Fujier, the lord of the dining room, received them.

"Daqian's army pretended to attack for a while and then retreated?"

Sengmin frowned, "Then have you contacted Gaodao County?"

"His Majesty the Emperor, asked Yoshikotsuki to come with the Dakan Honglukan proton. Are they in Shansho Castle? Why don't you see them coming?" Gao Xiangxuanli asked.

Sanada Fuji smiled bitterly, "I sent someone to Takashima County to get information, but they haven't received a reply yet. I'm afraid something has happened.

The greeters from Yoshi and Kotsuki didn’t come, and I didn’t see them either! "

Gao Xiangxuanli and Sengmin looked at each other, "Oh no, something happened!"

Sanada Fuji asked: "You two, what happened?"

Monk Min said in a deep voice: "Last night at Yinshi, Yoshikotsuki held the emperor's order, captured the people of Dakan Honglukan and left Namba Kyo. Logically speaking, they should have arrived long ago."

"Could it be that we encountered a large army on the road?" Sanada Fuji frowned.

"Impossible, they have the Daqian Honglu Hall proton in their hands. Even if they encounter it, someone will return and ask for help.

It is impossible to be completely wiped out, so if I guessed correctly, Yoshikotsuki rebelled! "

Gao Xiangxuanli's expression was very ugly, and he analyzed: "The deputy envoy of Daqian Honglu Palace, Gao Biao, has a very good relationship with Yoshikotsuki. This person is extremely charming.

The fire in Kyoto last night was not extinguished until we left the city, but intensified.

That fire was strange. Looking at it now, I'm afraid it was set by Yoshikotsuki under cover. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Shansuo City looked at each other.

"Quickly, send someone to Kyoto to deliver the message!" Gao Xiangxuanli said quickly.

After the condemner went to deliver the letter, Sanada Fuji said: "Then what should we do now?"

"Wait, your Majesty has ordered Kinai Road to withdraw all its troops. Ise and Iga will also send troops to Omi to guard Omi and prevent Daqian's army from moving forward!" Sengmin said helplessly.

On the other side, in Namba Kyo, the fire has not been completely extinguished.

According to incomplete statistics, no fewer than 6000 people were killed in this fire.

No fewer than [-] houses were burned down.

Namba Kyo is filled with smoke and dust, and people are in panic.

The entire Namba Palace was covered with a layer of soot.

The heavy blow the Dagan people gave to the Japanese island nation was too painful.

In the court hall, the courtiers had been arguing all morning.

There was no result from the dispute, and the conservatives took the opportunity to blame Emperor Kotoku for all the mistakes!

(End of this chapter)

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